Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

What are the big dreams you have set for your business and your life? Have you thought about how much money it will take for you to live the life of your dreams?


And, does the thought of all that might go into creating that ever wreck your self confidence and belief in making it actually happen?


We can look out in the distance and see that big end goal out there, all bright and shiny. But, we look at the space between where we are and where we want to go and it can be very daunting.


When I first started my business, I was taught to set goals - income goals mostly. And, the ones I saw other people setting were big money goals.


I set a big goal too, but quickly realized I had a problem.


I had not ever come close to earning that much in my life, and so I could say one thing, but my belief around it was another thing.


I clearly had a money belief problem, and you might too.


What kept me in the game was creating smaller goals, that felt achievable to me, and putting my focus there.


We tend to lose sight of the fact that what creates success with the small goals is also most often what creates success with the bigger goals.


so, let’s talk a bout creating some small, possibility goals and commit full out to those so we then reach our bigger end all be all do all goals!


Pop in those ear buds, let’s get cracking.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:



Getting Your Money Back in 30 Days


It’s all easier after the first $10k


How big goals hurt your self confidence


Consistent Steps create big results



The first thing I’m going to ask you for is a commitment. It’s what I do with my coaching and mastermind clients, and that is what creates results. It’s not wishing or hoping. It’s commitment and action.


Last week, I talked about Repetition being the key to mastery. Consistency is the key to repetition. They are kind of the same and you probably see a common thread.


The most common income goal set by my clients is a Six Figure Income, or $100,000.


Does that amount seem daunting to you? It can if you aren’t close to making that now. That was my problem.


What about breaking that down to $8,400 a month? Seem a little more reasonable?


And, what if we break that down to weekly? Which comes out to about $2100. Even more do-able, right?


So, If you can make $2k, then you can make $4k. And, if you can make $4k, then $8k seems possible, right?


And, for so many people, the first $10k is the HARDEST. The next $10k comes so much easier and more quickly.


I struggled to make my first $10k in my business. And, from there, it became much more fun and with joy!


Pretty soon, it grew so quickly that, at times, I felt like it was monopoly money. And, that is FUN money! Especially when it’s made by doing something I love and adding value in the lives of others. Watching the light bulb come on for my clients is the BEST ever!


The Gap between where you are and where you want to be can be a deal breaker. So let’s set a goal to get your to your first $2k, if you haven’t reached that. Or, whatever goal it is that fits for you. And, a deadline.


The deadline is important because if you have TOO long, there is a tendency is to procrastinate. Put it off for tomorrow. Does this describe you?


Now, looking at that goal - do you know the steps you’ll be taking to get you there?  Are you clear on that? And, are you ready to create that consistency chain to make it happen? Make those small steps.


And, what will that $2,000 or more do for you in your life? What would it do if it were a weekly amount? Do you realize that’s $104,000 a year and makes you a 6 figure income earner.


Once you figure out how to make $2,000 ONCE, you can figure out how to do it monthly. And, then weekly. And, then what about DAILY? Would that be fun?


Now, think about this - imagine making $2000 in your business one time. Seems possible, right?


And, if you shift that focus to $2,000 a day - how possible does that feel? Does that rattle your self confidence and belief at all?


It might and that’s okay. It’s not a right or wrong, it just is. And, we are going to work together with where you are RIGHT now. Open your mind a little and let me coax and coach you to expanding that vision and belief.


You are building your business in small, increments. Inches, dollars, or what ever you want to think it is.


Each connection you make with your audience - your ideal client - is an inch closer to where you want to be. What’s your goal with them? To make a sale; sign a client; sponsor a team member?


What do each of those inches look like for you? Go back to those steps that you’ll need to take to get where you want to go.


What steps are part of your consistency chain? How many inches will move your business closer to your goal?


Every small goal, every inch you accomplish; every connection and piece of value you contribute - all of these creates those massive bigger results.


You can make excuses - we all have. And, you can make money - which means letting go of those excuses.


Remember - when we focus too big, and too scary, we psyche ourselves out of possibility. Zero to Hero, or nothing to $100K is scary. And daunting. And soul sucking.


Focus on small, tangible, accomplishable and watch what happens.


Instead of saying - I know I should be doing more - say - I know EXACTLY what I need to do each day to hit that small target goal and then I move it up from there.


Focus on that one person, that one connection and not the MASSES like Social Media teaches you.


I know, strange coming from someone who teaches, right? And, there is huge value in social media.


And, it’s quality and connection always, and not quantity.


And, let go of too much concern on the tech. Huge businesses are still grown one person at a time.


Facebook live, and ads, and stories and all that go into that do serve a time and a place. And, those are secondary to knowing how to set those small goals; developing the actions plan to get your there; putting your own consistency chain into motion and just being fully present to connect and add value to each person, one at a time.


Do you have that put together? Are you happy with your plan? Would you like to learn more about an effective plan? Would you like to schedule a time to discuss it? - let’s set up a 20 minute discovery call and get to know each other better.


If you’ve enjoyed the podcast, and would like to grow your business more, I would LOVE the opportunity to work with you. Get set up to be notified when Street Smart Wealth Academy opens its doors and begins offering training webinars and more. The doors are currently closed, but I would love to have you on the waitlist to be the first to know and get special bonuses for the next time we open the doors.


Go to and let’s see if we might be a fit to grow the business of your dreams working together.

Direct download: SSW314SmallGoalsCreateBigResults.mp3
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