Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer (general)

We Don’t get our Goals - We Get our HABITS!

There is one major reason for setting a goal - what you must DO to accomplish the goal, and who you will become along the way.


Jim Rohn’s quote!

What are your Dreams and visions?


What would you do if you knew it were absolutely possible? Knew you couldn’t fail?

Let’s explore a “goal setting, goal getting” paradigm shift!

Our current way of approaching goals gives us one of two scenarios:

Reach our intended result or FAIL.

Either feel GREAT or like feel like a FAILURE..

How motivating is that for setting big goals?

Questions to ask yourself for reaching your top goal:

Ask is it possible to achieve this goal?

Is it Probable that I will?

Who will I become in the journey to the goal?

What are the qualities, habits and characteristics of a 7 Figure Income earner?

I would need to be a Person of:





Overdeliver Value

Willing to learn

To be bad, and then good and then great

Have a Written Marketing Plan

Be unstoppable

Act in spite of fear

Apply CTFAR process to your goals:


Thoughts about it.


Actions, based on feelings

Results, based on actions.

Your results will always be determined by your actions.

Full show notes -

Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer

Get my confidence building video series:


Direct download: SSW347HabitsOf7FigureEarner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm PDT

I’m Jackie Ulmer and Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show # 346, and Happy Thanksgiving!


You’ll find the show notes at -



It’s thanksgiving here in the US, and I wanted to be in your ears today! and while that may not apply where you are, every day is a day for thanksgiving, and gratitude and let me start by saying how grateful I am that you are here, and listening in now! I appreciate you.



Thanksgiving, as an acronym and how it applies to our lives and business. Thoughts, feelings and emotions that are important to our personal and professional success.



So, first we have -


T - Time - Time is our most precious commodity. WE can’t get more. We all have the same 24 hours. How will you spend it? Prioritize it? Cherish it? Who will you give it to? And, how to stop stressing over not enough time and realize that you have all of the time you need, when you master productivity and prioritizing.



H - Heart - and Happiness. Lead with your heart, always, in life and business. Give without thoughts of getting back. You will, always. Know that happiness is a choice, and life is 50/50. People will FEEL your authenticity through your essence of being when you are heart centered.



A - Attitude - attitude is truly everything. Every day, you CHOOSE the type of day you will have by what you expect; what you put your focus on, and how you react to things that go on around you. Here are some things you can do to control your own attitude.


First, spend the first few moments of each new day preparing for it mentally. Do a morning mediation, say your morning prayers, or develop some pattern that you use to start out the day feeling uplifted and with an expectation of how the day will flow.


Do a thought download daily, just asking intuitively what you need to know and focus on for the day. And, perhaps what is a limiting belief that is at the surface to be released.


A daily practice on your thoughts will create a whole new you in not too terribly long.


Check in at regular intervals and make sure you are flowing with positive thoughts and check on how you are acting or reacting to events through out the day.


A Positive attitude will help you cope more easily with day to day life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:


Positive thinking.


Constructive thinking.


Creative thinking.


Expecting success.




Motivation to accomplish your goals.


Being inspired.


Choosing happiness.


Not giving up.


Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise.


Believing in yourself and in your abilities.


Displaying self-esteem and confidence.


Looking for solutions.


Seeing opportunities.


Attracting abundance to you.


A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.



N - Now - everything that truly happens takes place in the present. The NOW. Too often, we continue to live with the last tugging at is; hanging on and continuing to keep us stuck; feeling out of control.


Do several NOW centering practices each day. Stop, breath in deeply. Get quiet. Close your eyes. Ask - what is REAL right now. How do I feel? Am I saw? What is great right now? What am I worried about? Is that worry REAL right now? IS it from my past or something I am projecting into thee future?


Now is ALL we truly have. Live in NOW as much as possible.




K - Knowledge - be a lifelong learner. Never think you know it all. Never think you know everything there is to know on any subject. What skills will you learn to move you forward in your business? In your life? What steps can you take daily to increase your knowledge and your skills?



S - Skills - You just need to develop the skillz to pay the billz in your business and it is just that - skill development. It can be learned and perfected and anyone can do it if he/she commits. Most of us come from an employee mentality so we are not really up to speed about what a lot of that means.


As an entrepreneur, there are a few skills to master - know what you are selling; the solution you provide and how to communicate that clearly, with ease, and in a way that gets your tribe to lean in. You must know how to ask good questions; answer objections before they are even asked; know the natural sales process of what you offer and how to navigate your prospect through it; and how to ask for and close the sale.


Again, all learnable skills.




G - Generosity - we are paid based on the value we deliver…or give.  We also attract love, relationships and friendships through our generosity. Have a giving nature and

know that you will always be reciprocated by the universe. It’s a natural law.


Brainstorm ways you can be generous. This is not just giving money. Time, compliments, sharing knowledge, making introductions - these are all great examples of generosity.




I - Imaginative - a strong imagination, combined with your intentional thoughts and feelings will create anything in the world for you. Everything in the world EVER was first created in the mind. Someone’s. The smartphone you are listening through or the computer. It didn’t just happen. When you engage your imagination, you can create powerful things.


Start each day with a 10 idea download. In addition to your thought download, write down 10 ideas each day. They don’t have to be different each day - just the 10 that come to mind. Watch for patterns to emerge and pay attention. That’s your intuition and higher consciousness talking! Creativity is based on self belief. That’s why when we are drowning in negativity keeps us from creating powerfully.



V - Vision - It’s everything. You have one even if it’s not intentional. You are currently living your vision. If you don’t like it or want to change it, create a new vision and master your thinking around it.



I - Integrity - A great definition of integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.  It’s about staying true to your word, to others and yourself. It’s backing up and doing what you say you will do. It’s underpromising and overdelivering. It’s values, truth and authenticity.


The golden rule is the best - do onto others as you would have others do onto you.


N - Neutral -  a fabulous state of being. Understanding  what it means to stay neutral. To be neutral on circumstances, and thoughts. Even feelings, you get to decide how triggered you will allow these things to make you.


Neutrality leads us to acceptance and that is powerful.  Neutrality doesn’t cause pain. We choose when to move from neutral.  We do this through our thoughts.


If I could give you a gift for Thanksgiving it would be to begin to focus on things as neutral, and then make a conscious decision about how you want to think and feel around them.


Then, learn to question your own thoughts and whether or not they are serving you.

A good way to get to neutral is to breathe. Slowly, calmly and allow emotion to leave your body.

The world presents neutral things to us and we choose to interpret them positively and negatively. Example - 9/11 was neutral. Terrorists celebrated. The rest of us were horrified. Each side placed thoughts and feelings to it to make it non neutral.


These are things we can’t control so they are neutral when they happen.


A tornado in Oklahoma is sad, but neutral to most if they don’t know anyone or have anything result from it personally.


"Circumstances are reality, and when you argue with reality, you lose 100% of the time.” Byron Katie.


Eckhart Tolle tells us that the only power we have is in this present moment. When we are spending our present moment in a fight we can't win by arguing with reality, we're always losing in our present moment. That being said, there is a huge difference between accepting and condoning. Accepting the way things are, does not mean we agree with them or condone them. It just means we're not trying to change something by pushing hard against it. We are choosing not to go to war.


Practice seeing things as neutral and see how it settles with you. And, pay attention to your thoughts.


Finally, we have


G - Gratitude - “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart


As I mentioned earlier, under attitude, starting your day with gratitude and appreciation can really set you up for a tremendous day. Just sit, lie, kneel and take a few moment to close your eyes and run through your mind all of the things you are grateful for in two minutes.


This is powerful because it

  • reminds you of the positive things in your life. Important to remember these things.
  • can turn bad things or potentially bad things into good things. What if the worst thing that happened to you became the best thing, through who you became and the lessons you learned; the action you took?
  • reminds you of what’s important. It’s the little things, that are the big things.
  • Because it reminds you to thank others. The simple act of saying “thank you” to someone can make a big difference in that person’s life, and as importantly, it can make a big difference in your life.


So, as we embrace the Thanksgiving week here in the US, please know I am grateful for you, and I am thanking you right now, for being here and being part of this amazing journey with me.


I hope this has been helpful and you’ve found some thanksgiving nuggets for your life.



Have you received the Confidence Series yet?



Direct download: SSW346-ThanksgivingForLifeAndBusiness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.


Learn more at


Also, are you in my facebook group?


There are some very distinct differences (and similarities) to Party Plan and Network Marketing.


I use the term network marketing most broadly, but I coach and train as many party plan people as pure network marketers.


Both could learn a LOT from the business model of the other. Especially when it comes to customers.


So, let’s talk about Your Product Customers in Network Marketing, and how very important they are to the lifeblood and longevity of your business.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


Why Customers Matter

Sharing the Product Story

Customer Success Language

Handling Questions

Servicing Your Customers

Staying Top of Mind



Why Customers Matter


Every business needs customers. Party Plan gets this and it is their #1 goal, followed by team building or recruiting.


In Party Plan, the marketing plan is built around ongoing exposure to the products first, company and opportunity second.


Customer loyalty is ideally built, sustained and this creates a great ongoing source of stability and income, when done right.


Most Party Plan companies have monthly customer volume sales quotas in order to remain active and get paid. These are usually higher than Network Marketing personal sales volume quotas.


For network marketers? Customers - YES, there is no sin in having customers. We are moving away from just the personal consumption model, and putting more emphasis on Customers. The recent rulings by the FTC on numerous companies these past few years have more companies putting solid emphasis on customers. And, this is a great way to get your own auto ship paid for.


And, this volume and income keeps people in the game and gives them some immediate success. Immediate Cash!


Don’t be afraid to place part of your emphasis on gathering customers, who can easily turn into business builders later on, with a solid product story.





Sharing the Product Story


Stories Sell, facts just TELL!



Your background before the product. What you didn’t like about what you were or were not experiencing; how the product changed your life.


Your results, in other words.


Or, the life of someone else. Share stories.


Avoid health and claims of a cure!


We have an emotional attachment to stories; we connect with them; and this goes a lot further to bringing someone on board than patents pending; celebrity endorsements or things don't really answer the question - What's in it for me. Stories are what people take away from events; encounters; training and such.

You must become a master communicator to be successful in your business and it all starts with telling stories.

Take yourself through the exercise of creating a story and then teach your team to do this -

Here is a guideline you can use -

Tell us about yourself - just a small snippet of who you are; what you do? Be brief!!!!

Why were you looking? What was missing?

How did you find your opportunity?

Your reason why - how is it making a difference, or will it make a difference.



Customer Success Language



Customers don’t care about your story, they care about theirs. Your customer needs to be the hero of the story, not your brand. Marketing has changed, business that invite their customers into a heroic story grow.


They have a challenge, A need, an obstacle. YOU have the solution. You must position it that way.


Words sell things. If your message isn’t clear, your customer won’t listen. They won’t even realize you exist or what you do. Get clear on your message and communicate it consistently, You are in a race to communicate why your customers need your products.


Subconsciously, the brain is always scanning its environment looking for what helps it meets its need to survive.


Mistake #1 - not focusing on the part of the offer that allows buyer to survive and thrive. All great stories are about survival and thriving. Physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, Any other story will not captivate your audience the same way.


Our brain sorts through tons of information and discards unnecessary facts constantly


Mistake #2 - too many facts, causing customers to tune us out, even subconsciously because it confuses them.

Positioning is a step you always want to take so you clearly communicate what you do and offer (product, service, opportunity; what their challenge is; and how you, your product or service can solve that challenge.)

Let’s create your Intro-Teaser:

Who hires me, to do what, because why, and the benefit is…


Direct Sales Professionals hire me to help them optimize their social media strategy because most are annoying people on facebook, invisible on LinkedIn and missing the mark on Instagram. So, we create a brand, a strategy and positioning that is attraction marketing vs push marketing. When you want to create sales and referrals, and become an influencer, I’m your gal!



______WHO______ hire me to _____What do you offer_____ because most ______What is their pain or challenge_______, so I work with them to _________Solution you provide_____ and they will benefits or experience_______.



identify wants, problems we solve and what live looks like after.


If you confuse, you lose


We all face the enemy of noise.



What we think we are saying to our customers and what they hear are two different things . Customers make buying decisions based on what they hear.


Think APPLE - YOU are the hero in Apple’s story. All that you achieve through their products - hip, trendy, a cut above


Identify what customer wants; identify their challenge; offer the solution or tool


Character - Problem - Meets Guide - Sees Solution - Calls to Action - Ends in Success - Avoids Failure


What does the hero want? Who or what is standing in the way? What will life be like when hero gets what he wants?


What do you offer? How will it make my life better? How do I buy it?


Life with the dull parts taken out - that’s a good story.


YOU are Yoda, your audience is Luke Skywalker


What is disrupting them - find the internal problem not the external 



Handling Questions


Never fear questions or objections. This is your perfect opportunity for coaching people through their objections so they feel confident in you and your offer.


The best way to deal with questions is to be a very solid product of the product yourself - USE your products and build your product story.


You may not have all of the answers and that is okay. Don’t fake it. Simply say - I’ve never been asked that before and I do not know the answer. However, I know where to find it and I’ll get back to you with the answer.


Very simple.


Never hesitate to say - what other questions do you have?




Servicing Your Customers


It’s important to provide good customer service and this can be a big challenge for many, if you aren’t skilled in this area.


Don’t be afraid of your customers.


Here is a good system.


Call or text the next day and THANK them for their order or purchase.


Once you are fairly certain they have received it, repeat the process and ask if they have any questions.


1 week later, check in again and ask how their results are. Good time to ask for a testimonial, too.


Then, when you feel they are probably ready to order again, check in and offer to assist.


Avoid suggesting auto ships or preferred customer too quickly. This can be a real breaker.




Staying Top of Mind


By checking in and giving them the VIP treatment, you will stay top of mind.


Send birthday cards, thanksgiving cards and special event/random cards.


Create a free account for this -


Check in on Social Media, too and engage with your customers. People remember this and they will offer referrals over time.



Customers are the lifeblood of any business and can easily become your strongest team partners. Share the opportunity side of the business with them lightly at first, and then proceed if there is an interest.


If one is not expressed, revisit it a few months later, once they are a raving fan. Ask for referrals.


Who else do they know who would love the type of results they are getting?


Master this process and the rest of your business will thrive, too.


If you take a look at where you are in your business, and you are not thrilled with it; answer this question.


What is holding you back from being where you want to be? Is it mind drama? Drama around the word no; other people’s opinions? You own opinions about yourself?


We have a powerful module called “Managing Your Mindset” in the Street Smart Wealth Academy.


If you will spend a little time in these lessons s daily or weekly; you will see a huge shift in your business and your life.


What would that be worth to you? To have the success you desire show up easily and effortlessly?


Join us -


I’ll see you on the inside and remember this - “Hesitation NEVER cashed a check.”



Direct download: SSW342ImortanceOfCustomers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:03pm PDT

The Drama Behind Hearing No in Network Marketing

You’ll find the show notes at - 

I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.

Learn more at

Also, are you in my facebook group? 

Few things upset a new Network Marketer than hearing the word no about their business.

Whether it’s about the products, which you are SO excited about; or the opportunity itself, which you can’t BELIEVE not everyone would say yes to.

So, let’s talk about The Drama Behind Hearing No in Network Marketing

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

Mind Drama
Stories We Make Up
Handling Shutdowns and Nos
Other People’s Opinions 
Timeline of Success
Your Posture and Follow Up
The Power of Vision = Beckwith

Mind Drama

I don’t know when or where it happens in our lives that so many of us get caught up in drama. Mostly Mind Drama.

Instead of just looking at something as it is - a circumstance with no feelings emotion or belief attached to it, we feel compelled to make up a story. For almost any circumstance or situation we find ourselves in.

This is pure mind drama and it will derail you from any goal you try to achieve if you let it.

It has many names.

It’s that small, still voice that chides you gently and reminds you that you can’t possibly achieve what you have set out to do.

Sometimes, it’s that loud voice. That monkey that sits on your shoulder.

Sometimes that voice has a name. A family member, good friend, bully from the playground.

If you close your eyes I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Recognize this for what it is - Mind Drama.

Stories We Make Up

Mind drama is what leads us to make up stories.

These stories are nothing more than thoughts we had about a circumstance, that we formed into a belief.

You have many of them, I’m sure. Especially about Network Marketing and your ability to be successful.

We start doubting one thing….and then another….and then another.

We start buying into that lie we have been telling ourselves for far too long -

That we don’t measure up; that we aren’t good enough; 

We look at what other people are doing; we look at their success; we see them on the top of the Leader Boards; crossing the stage with a big check; going on VIP cruises and trips!
We get so bogged down with the mindset pitfalls,
We MUST get out of our own head - it’s a scary place.  Because it’s in our minds that we create our own stories about experiences and perceptions.
I’m not as good as so and so…
I don’t have what it takes…
I can’t figure it out….
I should have never even started….
I’m a LOSER…..

We create big stories in our head that crush our confidence, shatter our belief and bring us down.

And, we have all been there with that small, annoying voice that whispers in our ear -
Who do you think you are? You aren’t as good as so and so…
How come YOU aren’t at the top level of your company?
You don’t have what it takes…
You should just stick to what you know…

NONE of this is true. These are just those little run away thoughts that you have let go crazy and turn into beliefs that are now thwarting your success.

Handling Shutdowns and Nos

I had a neighbor in my life, way back when I started my Network Marketing journey. She will forever be known to me as “Mean Janeen!”

Listen to the show to hear the story.

Here are some things you must know about your entrepreneurial journey,.

First, not everyone is going to tell you yes, and you may hear a few no's before you get to some yeses. If you know this going in, and are prepared for it, then you will be expecting to hear no from some who you are hoping will join you.
Can you prepare for that now? Can you handle it if and when they say no?
Here is one thing I assure you – if you will stick with your business; develop your business skills and keep following up with those who you have talked to previously, many of those will come back and say YES at a later time. That is my story. I said no WAY before I said yes. Nothing had changed in the business, products, compensation plan, etc, when I decided to say yes. What had changed was ME. I was now ready.
Remember, other people can only affect you if YOU allow them to. Their opinion does not reflect on you, your company and products, or your decision, It's simply a reflection of them, and where they are in their life right now. And, if someone happens to be mean or nasty about it, then that speaks a bit to character and their own insecurities, in my opinion. has some great training on powerful answers and “come backs” when people get arrogant with you!

So, again, some close to you will say no; some may laugh; some may be mean. NONE of them matter. Be prepared going in but understand timing and follow up. Will you prepare for that now? People will commit and then no show; they will let you down. Detach from the outcome. It is NOT about you.

Other People’s Opinions

Other People’s Opinions about what you are doing and decisions you’ve made in your life and career don’t reflect on you, your company, products or your decision. Remember Mean Janeen. 

When you start to feel down, ask yourself -
Do they make my house payment; my car payment? Send my kids to college? Pay for braces and karate lessons?

What do you do when they live in your home, and maybe sleep in your bed (spouse.) Don’t push; don’t hide; share with “I” statements. Negative reinforcement.

"You can't really have an opinion about what I am doing if you haven't even seen what it is. If you would like to look it over and then give me an educated opinion, I would love to have that conversation."

The Timeline of Success

Understand the timeline of success. In the beginning, it feels like you are doing a LOT of work for little to no pay. And, you are! It’s like a scale that is weighted at one end. Over time, as you stay consistent, it begins to balance with time and pay, and pretty soon, it tips to the side where you are working the same or less time, and making a WHOLE lot of pay.

Remember, you are building ongoing income and like compound interest, in the beginning, it seems so slow.

Also, understand the timeline of others. Some will come in right away, some will over time, some never will. Some will work their business right away, some will over time, and some never will.

As YOU stay consistent, you will create that tipping scale that leans in your favor!
Set realistic goals and expectations and avoid “buyers remorse.”
2-5 year plan and your first 90 days are critical.

Your Posture and Follow Up

We all have “Posture” when we discuss various things; especially those things we feel passionate about.
How are you showing up? What’s your posture like?
One thing I really want to stress – when people are negative or ask – is this MLM – what they want to see is YOUR belief. Make sure you have it!

Avoid making claims you won’t live up to. Team members tell me all of the time “what they are going to do” before they do it, and then they don’t. My mantra is - don’t tell me before, go do it and tell me after. It’s much more empowering for both of us.

How are you showing up? On time; keep commitments and follow ups; be bold; don’t apologize - you are not asking for a favor, you are offering a gift or an opportunity.

Posture is how you feel and how you express it. It’s in asking questions and not being defensive.

It’s not being salesy and hypey! 

And, never neglect to follow up with anyone who tells you no at first. We wouldn’t be having this conversation today had I not seen the opportunity again after I said no the first time.

Lives change; situations change; be there for that change; and keep showing up.

Amateurs show up every once in a while, they flake out on commitments, they get caught up in drama on Facebook; and make tons of excuses why the whole world has conspired against them to make things impossible.,

Now, who’s the pro?

Shows up on time, gets things done, takes things seriously. They don’t let something or someone else sweep their to do list off the table, to be replaced by meaningless junk. 

If you were the best in the world in your business or what you are working toward, how would you behave? How would you show up each day?

What would others say about you?

Are you following through? Are you keeping your word? Are you producing no matter what? IF not, you are not operating at pro level. 

The Power of Vision = Beckwith

Pain pushes you until vision pulls you.  – Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Without a vision, the people perish.

What is your vision for your life? Your Business? Your success?

Without a new, compelling one that you are drawn to, you will likely stay right where you are.

Get clear on and committed your vision today.

Mind drama will hold you back in every aspect of your life.

You’ve got to get past those false stories you’ve been running through your head. Stories that don’t serve you and make you feel bad about yourself.

Stories that aren’t even true.

If you take a look at where you are in your business, and you are not thrilled with it; answer this question.

What is holding you back from being where you want to be? Is it mind drama? Drama around the word no; other people’s opinions? You own opinions about yourself?

We have a powerful module called “Managing Your Mindset” in the Street Smart Wealth Academy.

If you will spend a little time in these lessons s daily or weekly; you will see a huge shift in your business and your life.

What would that be worth to you? To have the success you desire show up easily and effortlessly?

Join us -

I’ll see you on the inside and remember this - “Hesitation NEVER cashed a check.”

Direct download: SSW341DramaOfNo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

Welcome to a Monday Mojo Experience - and today, we are focused on Motivation.

You are what you think you are. Let that sink in. Do you demand and command respect from others. Do you feel you are worthy of it? Do you THINK you are important?

How you think determines how you act. Let that sink in.

This experience is Brought to you by where we teach you how to say YES to more of everything in life and business. Everything you need and use  to build the successful business you want is a tool you already have - it’s YOU. Let us show you how to monetize that!


I would love to explore a coaching partnership with you, if you are struggling. Let’s schedule a 20 minute discovery call to see if we might be a fit.


I love taking those with goals like mine from struggle to six figures, easily, and with joy in building something they love and that resonates with who they are and their values.


If you would like even more tips and training, I have a free gift for you over at, 8 EASY Steps to Create and Build Your Dream Business Online. This is my nuts and bolts on exactly how I sponsored over 1700 people into my network marketing business and created a lifestyle business with my laptop and internet. You can also get more at my blog, and be sure to connect with me on my facebook page, and on Twitter - @jackieulmer


See you on the next show!



Direct download: MondayMojo1YouAreWhatYouThink.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Did you catch last week’s experience, as I interviewed the Consistency Chain Authors? Boy, if you haven’t be sure to listen in and take notes, and then consider where you are in the mix of consistency.



What are you working on in your business? What’s on your calendar? I have Social Media and Why They Buy/Why They Say Yes workshops in Phoenix/Scottsdale and Nashville to finish off the year, and am open to coming to YOUR city, so let’s talk if you are interested. and click contact or book a consult call -


While I am considered a 20%er today, reading he book; interviewing the authors and re-listening to the podcast, as well as sharing it with my own team and clients has really caused me to do some deep reflection on consistency, and where I have succeeded and fallen short in my business.


My reflection has led me back to the realization and confirmation that what it takes to be successful is just committing to the act of being consistent.


So when I say “YOU” in this experience, know that I am talking about myself, too.


It’s not massive action; the perfect script or the “right” people that make a business successful.


It’s YOU and me; and the action steps that we take day in and day out.


If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you may be familiar with my Favorite F words branding.


This came from attending a Brendon Burchard Expert's Academy Event.


I use these F words to measure things that matter in my life -


F Word Friday


Faith, Family and Friends, Fitness, Finance, FUN


Fun is truly my top value. If it’s not fun, I’m not doing it.


So, when I started reflecting on my consistency, I used these words to rate myself.


Fun - yes, plenty, especially this summer as I shared at the beginning.


Faith - yes, I feel I have been pretty consistent there too.


Fitness - I have had some goals, and one is 10,000 steps as a daily average for the year. I’m currently at 8800, so I am picking my pace up to finish strong. That’s about 4 miles a day. I’ve been on the Plant Paradox/Paleo/Keto type of food regimen for a while, and I could use more focus and discipline.


Family and Friends - check check


Which brings me to finance and while it’s not bad, I look at my goals and my vision for my business and realize I am not really where I want to be, and I now know the reason WHY -


CONSISTENCY - the last 5 years has had me a bit all over the map in terms of true focus.


Multi passionate Entrepreneur


Coaching, Social Media Training and Workshops  Direct Sales


Which website - my brand


Speaking training Masterminds


I have had so many people ask - What is it you do, exactly? And I always laugh, and struggle a little to tell them


At the end of the day - I am a business and Social Media Coach, Trainer, Mentor and Strategist. But, which word is the best?


Have you come up with your own title? Do you have your elevator pitch or infomercial down?


More on that in a future podcast.


So, let’s get into consistency. and, what that looks like for success.


I’ve said before - Success is Sexy; the steps to get there are often not.


You have to get really clear about what your business is; what you offer, and the steps you must take to get it out there and make sales or close deals.


People have often expressed a desire to come spend a day with me. And I always assure them they would be bored.


And, yet, for some, the lightbulb moment would occur when they realize there is nothing special of fancy about what I do.


With Social Media, it has all been about consistency -


First the site/blog; a weekly article; posting in forums; commenting and answering questions. Being real, authentic and showing interest and caring.


Get your own agenda out of the way.


Become a story teller. I’ll be sharing a lot more on this in a coming podcast.


When my business thrives, I can look back in my calendar and in my Social Media activity and see one common thread - consistency.


When my business has floundered, I can look back in my calendar and in my social media activity and see one common thread - lack of consistency.


For most of us, in our solopreneur business, we need to be doing a few things ongoing -


Finding people to add to our database. This means more than just plopping in names. It means meeting, engaging, building rapport and the start of a relationship; connecting on Social Media and expanding the relationship.


Learning as much as I can about them; learning how I might be supportive and then opening the door to share my business and product offerings.


Not just for them, but also for anyone they may feel comfortable referring my way.


IT’s about building that really solid Top 100 COI. It’s follow up; and follow through; adding value in person, through direct mail; through Social Media and in ways that matter to them and make them feel special; appreciated; like more than a number.


So I’ve come up with my own acronym for how I run my business and what’s important in it -


BAMF - check the urban dictionary for another definition. I might start using the hashtag, just saying





Follow Up


So, each day and each week I have to look at what I’m doing in each of these areas to be successful.


What areas have you defined for your business?


Here are some steps to take to be more consistent -


Get clear. Get focused. And, by that, I mean even on TODAY.


Today. Write down something you can do each day to move your business forward. Just one thing. And, make a commitment to do it TODAY


It’s about letting go of tomorrow and focusing ONLY on today and the top priority for you today, in your business.


IT’s about building that consistency chain and being committed to not breaking it.


Get a calendar and each day that you take that one action, write it on the calendar and begin to build that consistency chain for yourself.


A few things - my Private Facebook Group to grow a Referral Based Business


The most powerful thing I ever did for my business when I was struggling to get from zero to hero as to hire a coach. Someone who has been where I was, and has gone to where I want to go.


I would love to explore a coaching partnership with you, if you are struggling. Let’s schedule a 20 minute discovery call to see if we might be a fit.


I love taking those with goals like mine from struggle to six figures, easily, and with joy in building something they love and that resonates with who they are and their values.

Direct download: SSW311ChallengesWithConsistency.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:23am PDT

The 4 Biggest Business Challenges Most Solopreneurs Have

You're listening to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show 308 and in today's show, I'm sharing what I learned from my recent survey, where I asked you what your biggest struggles are in Business. I learned a lot and THANK you! 

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at  

And, is open!  

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.  

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!  

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.  


The 4 Biggest Business Challenges Most Solopreneurs Have  


On my blog, I asked a few questions to learn more about what your biggest struggles are in your business.

The questions I asked were - What is your #1 Business Challenge Finding People to talk to Knowing What to Say Without Feeling Salesy Developing an Ongoing Business Plan Social Media and Marketing Other


And, if you answered Business Plan or Social Media, I asked you to take it a little further and let me know more specifically what it was. And, the same if you selected Other. Do you know who your Ideal Client is? Would you be interested in Business Development Training? What type of business do you have?


Listen to the show for the top picks and some takeaways!


Take the survey -  


I've launched my program to teach these strategies.  


Show notes  


I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?   Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!   and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer   or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!   Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.   Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews   And, share the link with friends and team partners!   On Stitcher -    Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check! Show Notes -

Direct download: 308_SSW308The4BiggestBusinessChallenges.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm PDT

You're listening to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show 307 and in today's show, I'm sharing where I've been for the last 9 months and what has transitioned with my business.


Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at



And, is open!


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.



I LOVE and appreciate reviews!


Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.


Business Transitions and Where I've Been - how to adapt and grow with your business.


I never meant to "step away from the Podcasting Mic", and I have been full speed ahead in business.


I've been teaching workshops and training offline for Real Estate, Direct Sales, Network Marketing and others on Social Media, Networking, and Follow Up with Impact Direct Mail Marketing.


My recent survey revealed a LOT -


People need help with an overall Business Plan and Development Strategy; Social Media for Business Success; How to Add to Their Database; and what to say to people and not always feel that you are selling.


I've launched my program to teach these strategies.



Show notes


I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher - 


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: 307_SSW307_Business_Transitions_Where_Ive_Been.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 209 and on today’s show, I’m going to share some ideas on how to time block for success and sanity in your direct sales business. Do you ever feel scattered about how to get off your own personal treadmill? Wonder how to manage a life, perhaps a job and a family, and still build a business. Let’s cover some productivity ideas in today’s show.

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Time Blocking in Your Calendar For Direct Sales Success

It’s crazy how we can get on a treadmill of our own creation, juggling too many balls, and not keeping many in the air. You know what I mean, right?

If we aren’t careful, we can begin to feel so overwhelmed that we just want to quit the whole thing. But, that’s not a solution we want, either.

There are many facets to building a successful direct sales business, and if we aren't careful, we will wear ourselves out and lose track of the things that matter most to our family, our own health and self care and the reasons we started a business to begin with.

I want to teach you how to build this business part time, with a full time mindset as you also handle the other important parts of your life.

When I first started my direct sales business, I had an all or nothing mindset - if I couldn’t spend 2-3 hours working my business, I just wasn’t going to do anything at all.

I was coming at it from an employee mindset.

Things totally changed for me when I learned to block time and chunk time.

On the last show,, I talked about the passion planner for productivity success. This tool is one I highly recommend.

You can learn more at

And, they have a referral program, and it’s not an affiliate program. If you order, I would love if you would enter my email address into the box that asks who referred you - jackieulmer @ - and while I already have ordered mine for the year, I love using these as rewards and giveaways, even for the show!

So, let’s talk about blocking and chunking your calendar.

Here’s how it works:

Be sure your why and goals are written in your Passion Planner so they are visible and front and center every day, and at all times throughout the day.

Otherwise, the excuses and procrastination will pile up, right? Most of us have been there.

We are ALL already busy beyond belief, stressed to the max. And, now we have this crazy direct sales business we have added in, and how are we ever going to find the time?

So, knowing your why will help you MAKE the time, because you will never find the time. 

I put everything on my calendar and create a to do list in my calendar. It's all in one place.

So, start each week with writing in all of the things that are a must do, as in non-negotiable in your life.

A job
Kid’s activities
Family commitment
Self Care

These are examples of things to write in there first.

Now, look at the time that is left and see how you can squeeze in small blocks of time to do this VERY important income producing activities.

If you can create a POWER HOUR each day, then do it.

That is one hour that you focus on nothing but income producing activities.

No email, unless you are following up with a customer or prospect.

No training or conference calls.

NOTHING but those key things that lead you to growth and income.

Contacting, inviting, presenting and following up.

Phone, text, email, Facebook message, smoke signal - whatever - this is what your power hour is for.

If you can’t find an hour, create that hour by finding four 15 minute segments each day. EVERYONE can make this time, if they are serious and committed.

For other passive marketing things, such as blogging and content creation, find chunks of time and batch things together. So for instance, I usually record 2-4 podcasts at one sitting. This means I only have to get my microphone and “studio” set up once. And, I can do this in about an hour so it’s pretty cool.

I do the same for blogging.

Social media is something I squeeze into pockets of unproductive time throughout the day.

For other things that happen weekly and monthly, I have those on the calendar too.

Networking events - some are weekly and some are monthly.

Team communication - a weekly broadcast to the team is on my calendar.

Team coaching - I’m in my Facebook group daily, and then do calls at set times, as well.

Home Parties and one on ones - getting time blocked on the calendar for this will help ensure that it actually happens.

I use Sundays usually to look ahead and plan for my week.

And, I use a to do list, and I focus on 3 big things each day that I want to achieve, and that’s it. If I finish and want to add more, then I can. 

Give this a try and see what happens for you. We are coming into a new year, why not try it out?

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW209TimeBlockingForSuccess.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 181 and on today’s show, I am bringing my 3rd broadcast audio from Periscope, the latest and greatest new social media platform and app! Have you been on yet? Trust me, you have First Mover Advantage if you will just jump in! Learn more about how to do this!

We will cover the 8 Laws of Periscope Success!

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


8 Laws of Periscope Success for Direct Sales


Law 1 - Power Profile - your profile or bio is your first chance to make a great impression. Spend some time there. Get a clean, clear headshot of YOU. Not your products, or logo, unless you are seriously scoping as a brand. State clearly what you do, the problem you solve, and what value they will find. It may take some thinking as you don’t have a lot of characters. 160 characters are available and only 117 show when someone views it so make that first 117 count. Use a few emojis to create impact. Add your link in including the http because it can be clicked on the desktop site, although not on the app.

Law 2 - Create Compelling Titles - your title is what people will read when deciding if they want to watch your scope. Both your followers and those who are just perusing the app looking at what’s live will make their decision based on this. Use 1-3 hashtags, and state clearly what the topic will be and then stick to it. Use some CAPS in the title to draw interest and emojis.

Law 3 - Connect Your Twitter Account - I’ve shared this above but want to re-iterate the importance of this here. Even if you forget to announce your upcoming broadcast on all channels, if your Twitter account is connected, it will automatically announce when you hit Start Broadcast.

Law 4 - Plan Ahead and Announce on Other Social Media Channels - Prepare ahead of time and create a simple graphic using Canva, WordSwag (only on IOS), Photoshop, or any other graphic program and share on other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Law 5 - Meet, Greet, and Start - It’s important to create engagement and community with your audience and gain more loyalty and followers. Just like you would greet someone who comes into your store, say hello as best you can as people enter the room. Invite them to share where they are from and maybe something to break the ice like -


Law 6 - Ask for What You Want - CTA - give calls to action, as people will often do what they are told! Ask them to share and tell them how to do it. Ask them to give you hearts, and tell them how to do it. Ask them to follow you, and tell them how to do it. Ask them to like your Facebook page, visit your website and so on. Ask, ask, ask! Don’t assume they just automatically know to do it!

Law 7 - Law of Reciprocity - Give to Get. If you follow, share, engage, give feedback and are a Go Giver, it will come back around. If you want hearts, share hearts. IF you want follows, follow others. If you want shares, share the content of others.


Law 8 - Provide Value First, and Don’t Just Advertise - as I mentioned above, it’s okay to sell, as we are all in business and that is the bottom line. Be strategic in how you sell though. Give value and quality and you will make sales!


I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: 181_SSW181The8LawsOfPeriscopeSuccess.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

QA017 Afraid to Talk to Family and Friends About Network Marketing


Hey, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome this Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast, where I answer your burning questions and get you on your way to the Network Marketing Hall of Fame. 


This is show QA017 Today’s question comes from Bandith in Cambodia, and it’s an email question - I’m afraid to talk to family and friends about my business.




As more than 3 million people a day go online looking for a business, you may be wondering how to get them to find YOU, and ask YOU about your business. I caught this vision 15 years ago and saw the power of the internet as a tool to attract hungry prospects to me. It worked so well that I’ve enrolled over 1700 people in that time. Others started asking me how I did it so I developed Social Media Mastery BackStage Pass coaching and it is now open! Learn how to get your Network Marketing business online and develop a presence so that you can be found by some of those 3 million people!  Visit SocialMediaBackstagePass.comfor details.




Today’s question is….


Asked by Bandith in Cambodia, and it’s an email question - I’m afraid to talk to family and friends about my business. This just goes to show that this is another universal fear many people have in Network Marketing. As someone from the US, it amuses me that all around the globe, we have these challenges.




The first question to ask oneself to find the answer is - WHY!


Why are you afraid of talking to family and friends?


It usually comes down to belief, or rather lack of it.



So, ask yourself -


Do I believe in Network Marketing and that it works. Maybe it hasn’t worked for you, but certainly that it has for others. Write down 10 people who you know of who have created success in Network Marketing; who have what it is you want.


So, again, ask yourself - does network marketing work? The answer has to be Yes, right?


Next, ask yourself, do I believe in my company and products? I’m guessing the answer is yes, otherwise, why would you have joined?


The third question and often the deal breaker - do I believe in myself, and my ability to be successful?


Think long and hard about this.


If you found out about a gold mine near your house, and you went and checked it out, and you found that you could just load up as much gold as you wanted, who would you bring back with you the second time you went?



Would you go out and talk to strangers and tell them? No, you would call those people closest to you and let them know.


Begin to view your network marketing business in the same way.


Get yourself out of the equation. Remember that you aren’t asking for a favor, you are offering an opportunity. What they chose to do with it is up to them.


It’s not about you, It’s not a reflection on you, or your company, or network marketing, or your decision to use this powerful vehicle to take you where you want to go, if they say no!


When people say to me - I don't want to bug my friends and family. My response is very simple - Oh, that’s good. I don't want you to bug anyone either. That is not what I do. I share what I am doing and leave it to them to see if it’s a fit. And, I pick their brains to see if they know of anyone this might be a great fit for.


I find what people have a need of and I try to help them fill that need.


When people say - I can’t ask my family? I ask - Why not? Then listen. So you are going to be the judge and jury for them, making the decision for them? I’ve learned that people’s interest and situations change all of the time, and so does their interest in a side business and extra income. Our goal isn’t to bug or harass them, but rather notify them and then leave it up to them.


What have you done to burn out your warm market so badly? How can you make amends?



Finally, stop worrying and caring so much what other people think of you. They really aren’t thinking about you as much as you think. As Mark Yarnell says - 



When people put their head down on their pillow at night, they’re only thinking of numero uno and it ain’t you.  You may be the subject at a church function or a cocktail party ‘cause they don’t have anything better to talk about.  “Did you hear about Yarnell?  He’s in one of those pyramids.”  But the truth is, they don’t really care about you.

So, use good success language to invite, use third party tools to present, and give people an out. This probably isn’t for you, but I thought you should decide for yourself.


Be a proud Network Marketing professional!


Good luck out there!



Do you have a question? Ask it at


Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at 


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: QA017AfraidToAskFamilyandFriends.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

QA004 How Do I Talk to People Without an Agenda

Today’s question is….


How do I talk to people without feeling like I have an agenda.




DO you have an agenda and if so, what is it? Write it down and sort through it?


This business is about planting seeds, that sprout and grow into trees that give shade to people you will never know.


Let THAT be your agenda.


What you don’t want to do is always be thinking about what you will get if they join? What YOU will make, and so on.


Think of how it can change THEIR life?


Their history…


Their family tree….for generations to come.


You are not asking for a favor, you are offering an opportunity, and believe it!


Every person who has ever made money in the network marketing profession will tell you that they are GRATEFUL to the person who introduced them. Indebted to them, even.


If you go into every conversation and remember that your prospect is asking - what’s in it for me, and you stop asking yourself the same question, you’ll see your results soar.


We don’t want anyone who can fog a mirror. We want those for whom the time is right - NOW. And, we keep in touch in case it becomes right later on.


It never feels good to have an agenda, so let go of any agenda. It’s not about you. It’s only ever about you when YOU are taking a look. When YOU decide to join.


Once that’s done, it always comes down to how you can serve the person in front of you, right now!


Let your agenda become one of - How might I serve you? Where are you in your life right now and what is best for you based on that?


Do this, and it will come back to you!


That is why blatant pitching of your opportunity doesn’t do well on Social Media - it doesn’t really attract the type of person you want long term in your business. Why? Well, do you see an agenda written in those pitches?


Most have nothing to do with - find a need and offer a solution. 


Success in sales, and yes, I am sorry, but we are in sales. Not pushy aggressive sale, but rather the type of sales that is the top of the game. Sales is one of the highest paid professions in the world, and yet people run from the word.


Think of it this way - don’t you LOVE it when you are sold something you REALLY want, in a fantastic way? Do you have a good feeling then, about sales? And what you bought?


Seek to provide the same in your business!


Good luck!


Do you have a question? Ask it at


Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at 


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!


Direct download: QA004HowDoITalkToPeopleWithoutAnAgenda.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PDT