Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 209 and on today’s show, I’m going to share some ideas on how to time block for success and sanity in your direct sales business. Do you ever feel scattered about how to get off your own personal treadmill? Wonder how to manage a life, perhaps a job and a family, and still build a business. Let’s cover some productivity ideas in today’s show.

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Time Blocking in Your Calendar For Direct Sales Success

It’s crazy how we can get on a treadmill of our own creation, juggling too many balls, and not keeping many in the air. You know what I mean, right?

If we aren’t careful, we can begin to feel so overwhelmed that we just want to quit the whole thing. But, that’s not a solution we want, either.

There are many facets to building a successful direct sales business, and if we aren't careful, we will wear ourselves out and lose track of the things that matter most to our family, our own health and self care and the reasons we started a business to begin with.

I want to teach you how to build this business part time, with a full time mindset as you also handle the other important parts of your life.

When I first started my direct sales business, I had an all or nothing mindset - if I couldn’t spend 2-3 hours working my business, I just wasn’t going to do anything at all.

I was coming at it from an employee mindset.

Things totally changed for me when I learned to block time and chunk time.

On the last show,, I talked about the passion planner for productivity success. This tool is one I highly recommend.

You can learn more at

And, they have a referral program, and it’s not an affiliate program. If you order, I would love if you would enter my email address into the box that asks who referred you - jackieulmer @ - and while I already have ordered mine for the year, I love using these as rewards and giveaways, even for the show!

So, let’s talk about blocking and chunking your calendar.

Here’s how it works:

Be sure your why and goals are written in your Passion Planner so they are visible and front and center every day, and at all times throughout the day.

Otherwise, the excuses and procrastination will pile up, right? Most of us have been there.

We are ALL already busy beyond belief, stressed to the max. And, now we have this crazy direct sales business we have added in, and how are we ever going to find the time?

So, knowing your why will help you MAKE the time, because you will never find the time. 

I put everything on my calendar and create a to do list in my calendar. It's all in one place.

So, start each week with writing in all of the things that are a must do, as in non-negotiable in your life.

A job
Kid’s activities
Family commitment
Self Care

These are examples of things to write in there first.

Now, look at the time that is left and see how you can squeeze in small blocks of time to do this VERY important income producing activities.

If you can create a POWER HOUR each day, then do it.

That is one hour that you focus on nothing but income producing activities.

No email, unless you are following up with a customer or prospect.

No training or conference calls.

NOTHING but those key things that lead you to growth and income.

Contacting, inviting, presenting and following up.

Phone, text, email, Facebook message, smoke signal - whatever - this is what your power hour is for.

If you can’t find an hour, create that hour by finding four 15 minute segments each day. EVERYONE can make this time, if they are serious and committed.

For other passive marketing things, such as blogging and content creation, find chunks of time and batch things together. So for instance, I usually record 2-4 podcasts at one sitting. This means I only have to get my microphone and “studio” set up once. And, I can do this in about an hour so it’s pretty cool.

I do the same for blogging.

Social media is something I squeeze into pockets of unproductive time throughout the day.

For other things that happen weekly and monthly, I have those on the calendar too.

Networking events - some are weekly and some are monthly.

Team communication - a weekly broadcast to the team is on my calendar.

Team coaching - I’m in my Facebook group daily, and then do calls at set times, as well.

Home Parties and one on ones - getting time blocked on the calendar for this will help ensure that it actually happens.

I use Sundays usually to look ahead and plan for my week.

And, I use a to do list, and I focus on 3 big things each day that I want to achieve, and that’s it. If I finish and want to add more, then I can. 

Give this a try and see what happens for you. We are coming into a new year, why not try it out?

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW209TimeBlockingForSuccess.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 208 and on today’s show, I’m going to share a fabulous tool that is a calendar, to do list, goal planning and tracking, motivational and more. If you want to be more productive, this is KEY!

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Ready to Get Your Calendar Set Up for the Next Year?

If you’ve listened for long, you know I am a big fan of using a calendar for success in your business. And, for me, not just an online calendar, but an old fashioned, paper calendar that I can write in, goal set in, create a to do list in and more.
And, most of the time, I kind of improvise with a calendar from the office supply store. I’ve tried Franklin Covey and others, and they are okay, but none have ever totally been just the right fit for me.
Earlier this year, my good friend Kimber King turned me on to Passion Planners, and it started when she posted some photos on Facebook of her own calendar and day.

The more I looked, the more I realized that this is a great tool for anyone in business and who has a busy life with lots of things to put in there. And, who doesn’t right?

This is a tool designed to help you with your life, in so many ways beyond just scheduling your calendar and appointments.

When you get it, you want to sit down with it and define your goals and dreams, yes DREAMS for the year, and beyond. Then , you can break those down into actionable steps to move you closer to them.

Make sure you use it every day to keep on task and keep your goals right in front of you. Let it help you guide your daily decisions as you look at your goals and the tasks you’ve laid out for yourself so you can ask - is this moving me closer to or away from my goals?

Having your goals right out in front of you is the first BIG step on taking action on those goals.

You can learn more at

And, they have a referral program, and it’s not an affiliate program. If you order, I would love if you would enter my email address into the box that asks who referred you - jackieulmer @ - and while I already have ordered mine for the year, I love using these as rewards and giveaways, even for the show!

And, one thing that is exciting about this company is that it is a start up, from her garage. At very least, go get inspired by her story and see someone who is fulfilling her purpose and mission.

Now, in the next show, I am going to cover time blocking and really USING your calendar for success for things like a Power Hour and how to use small blocks of time for success.

But, for today, as we get ready to move into a new year, I want to really encourage you to take action on a new plan for this upcoming new year. This is the time of year when we plan, contemplate and think about what lies ahead for us, and what we want to make happen.

Having this visual tool of a passion planner can help you keep those goals in front of you consistently.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW208SetUpYourCalendarForNextYear.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 207 and on today’s show, I’m going to share some ideas about how to ask the question why - but maybe not in the way you’ve thought about it before. Let’s get into some mindset training to help you overcome some obstacles.

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

I got some great feedback on show 204 on how to keep your friends on Facebook, and specifically the part about who comes to mind when you are fearful of sharing anything about your business. Listen in at if you haven’t.

Asking Why to Move You Through Challenges

Are you struggling with fear, procrastination, time management, lack of people to talk to or anything else in your Direct Sales business?

Many of us do, and there is usually a subconscious reason we are struggling with these things, so let’s dive in, shall we?

Whenever we have challenges in moving forward and taking action in your business, it is something within you that is holding you back, usually something from way back in the past.

This is where being honest with yourself and going “within” can be very powerful when you work things right.

Set aside some quiet time and think about all of those things that are stopping you. In fact, I recommend journaling and I’ll be sharing the power in this in an upcoming show, as this is something I committed to and stuck with this past year and WOW - is it ever enlightening.

So, on a piece of paper of in your journal, write down EVERYTHING that you feel you are struggling with right now in your business.

I already mentioned a few - fear, procrastination, time management, lack of people to talk to, and a few others might be finding time to follow up, negative people, objections.

So, think about each one and let’s start with fear.

Ask yourself - why am I feeling fear in my business?

And, then pay attention to what comes up for you? What does your mind give you as an answer?

Write it down, and don’t overthink it. Write down what comes to mind for you immediately.

After you write that down, ask WHY, again. So, let’s say you say - I’m afraid of what other people will think or say about me.

Now ask - WHY am I concerned about what other people will think or say about me.

And, then write that down. And then again, ask - why.

Do this at least 5 times and see how far down you can go to get to the root of what is causing this challenge for you.

Reflect on each of the answers and certainly the last one you do.

What does this tell you about the situation? How can you grow from this and move past it?

Is this fear REAL or made up, and how much does it really matter to you?

You can do this for each of your challenges and any time you are feeling stuck!

You CAN become your own best coach and if you are looking for some mindset coaching, I’m here to help. Sometimes it’s just a couple of sessions and we can get your right past those issues!

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW207PowerInAskingWhy.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 206 and on today’s show, I’m going to talk about keeping the focus in your Direct Sales as we move into the holiday season and not spending 2-3 months doing nothing and then trying to get things re-started after the season is over.


Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


Keeping Your Direct Sales Focus Through the Holidays


Rate your commitment on a scale of 1-10. Are you happy with that number and why or why not? What’s holding you back? Get real and authentic here! Do you know how to talk with people in a successful way?


Get for help!


If you have a full time job, can you slack off during the holidays? No, in most cases, so treat your business the same way.


Use your calendar. Write down everything that is ongoing and holiday related and then focus on those small blocks of time that you can carve out and do income producing activities.


Here is a show on a Success Calendar -


Set goals and intentions around your holiday activities -


Shopping - meet new people who treat you well and listen to the show on how to talk to them and get their contact info.


Parties - who is new who you can meet?


Kid’s events - who can you meet who is also feeling frazzled?


Family events - be prepared for how to share and answer questions without sales.


Get information from people for follow up later - you don’t want to do business right at that moment at any of these events.


And, think about that - THAT is what creates curiosity - when you DON’t jump all over them right away to share more.


Previous shows on building during the holidays -


Rocking Your Direct Sales Business Through the Holidays - My Challenge!


I LOVE and appreciate reviews!


Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.


Show notes


I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW206StayingFocusedThroughTheHolidays.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 205 and on today’s show, I’m going to talk about Direct Sales as a great alternative to a Corporate Job, and how to make it work for you!


Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


Direct Sales as a Corporate Job Alternative


Why the corporate world doesn’t work for women, and moms for sure - it’s designed to cater to those who can tune out family responsibilities, sick kids and so on, for a stretch of time through the day.


Corporate is looking for those who want to be on the fast track, and understandably so, as it’s BUSINESS first.


But, this is not a fit for women, although we have been in the work force for years, corporate has never truly adapted to the needs of a family and all of those demands.


This is not about women only, I realize and some men will fit into this. But, the reality is that most of the household details fall to the woman in traditional life.


September, 2013, the amount of women in the workforce matched the lowest recorded in 24 years, and it’s not just due to the economy, otherwise those stats would be largely the same for men.


The United States has one of the worst maternity policies of developed countries.


So, is the corporate world designed to push women out? Well, not by design but it is not a great fit.


Women are often forced to make a choice between their job and their family. And, we all know what is typically going to be the choice.


So, let’s talk about Direct Sales as an alternative and what it takes -


Self Motivated True Grit Determined Attitude Develop a Business Plan - SERIOUSLY - this is critical! Commit to personal development.


Direct Sales gets a bad rap, accused of not empowering people, and front loading and the sky high failure rate. But, the reality of that is that it’s not direct sales that doesn’t work - it’s the individual.


You Inc, as a business requires YOU to be the leader.


As far as front loading - let’s be adults. We all control our own checkbook and credit card so be grown up and say NO, when you need to.


Direct Sales may not be the best alternative if you need to make money RIGHT now to stay afloat and pay the bills.


Putting in 2 hours a week, throwing up a few posts on Facebook is not going to build you a strong, steady business.


Rocking Your Direct Sales Business Through the Holidays - My Challenge!


BonBonBreak Article


I LOVE and appreciate reviews!


Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.


Show notes


I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW205DirectSalesAsAnAlternativeToCorporateJobs.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 204 and on today’s show, I’m going to share some ideas with you on how to use Facebook as part of your business strategy and still stay friendly without getting unfriended, blocked and turn off all of your family, friends and coworkers. 

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at 

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show. 

Staying Out Of Facebook Trouble 

This show was prompted by a number of things - coaching clients, things I see on Facebook and an article. 

IF you are hesitant to share anything about your business on Social Media, the first thing to ask is - Who am I afraid of? Who do I not want to see this? 

If you really want to use social media as a tool, you can’t stay in the closet, or work through an alias if you want to be successful. 

Develop a way of sharing your business that does not come across as sales. Come up with something very professional to answer - what do you do? 

Find a few people who you admire who do social media well and you want to emulate. Study them for a few weeks and write out what they do that you like and then look at your own business and determine how you can do something similar. 

Use the 80/20 rule. No one wants to see you doing business all of the time, right? So keep it fun, social and add in your business in a strategic way. 

Stay out of sales mode - share something funny about your business; share a team success story; share a product story. 

Don’t say - Join my team, or buy from me. Find a different way of sharing and not selling, that creates an interest and makes them want to know more. 

Use a blog, and share your blog posts to a Facebook business page, and then share to your own wall. Or, pick and choose and share specific blog posts to your wall, and not all just business related. 

My blog, so you can see the categories I create - makeup, certainly, but also Fashion, Food, Holidays, Entertaining and so on. 

You can create a list of people you want to block from specific posts. Use this sparingly and make sure you understand WHY you don’t want them to see what you are sharing. 

Get my Facebook For Direct Sales Profits e-book - 

Rocking Your Direct Sales Business Through the Holidays - My Challenge! 

BonBonBreak Article 

I LOVE and appreciate reviews! 

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching. 

Show notes 

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show? 

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond! 

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer 

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back! 

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen. 

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews 

And, share the link with friends and team partners! 

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW204StayingFacebookFriendly.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 203 and on today’s show, Barbie asks - I have started attending offline, local networking events. I feel like I am spending time and money, but not really getting anywhere. What can I do to be more effective?

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

How to be Effective at Offline Networking Events

Hot Points From Today’s Show -

There is a time and consistency commitment to be effective. Don’t expect things to happen the first meeting. It can, and sometimes does, but don’t expect it.

Instead, have a plan for the next year.

Your first meeting and the flow - 30-60 seconds for your elevator pitch. BE prepared and don’t just wing it, or you will not make the type of memorable impact you want.

Remember - people do form an initial impression right away. Make it count!

The key are the 1 on 1 meetings you set up with those you meet. Set a goal for two a week, start with the meeting organizer. Ask who the movers and shakers are, and start your meetings there. Be bold.

Make that first one on one about building the relationship and don’t cram your business or products down their throat. 

Ask them questions and learn how to be a good referral partner to them.

Don’t oversell.

Have a follow up plan for after that meeting - home party, hotel meeting, video overview, etc.

Be consistent.

Use Facebook to continue engaging and furthering the relationship. Take photos, tag, engage and see how often you can share your products in the group. Lead with the product publicly and share the opportunity in one on ones!

Get my program - Building Local With Social Media -
Good luck!

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW203SuccessWithNetworkingEvents.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 202 and Robert asks - I get lots of objections when I talk to people about my network marketing business. How do I get past these objections? Great question so let’s talk about it

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

How Do I Get Past Objections in my Network Marketing Business

Hot Points From Today’s Show -

Be strong and postured. 

Do you have a viable prospect or are these excuses?

What is the real objection or questions?

Is there more here?

What concerns you about this?

Turn the question around - how much time do you think it takes? How much money do you think it costs?

Do you understand what we do? And, how you make money?

Be sure to visit for my full scripts package!

Don’t fear doing the takeaway! Listen in for the details! Be kind, be straight forward and respect yourself and your business.
Good luck!

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW202ThoseChallengingObjections.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 201 and on today’s show, Sanjay asks - What is the best network marketing script I should use to get my prospects to take a look at my business? Great question so let’s cover some things!

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

The Best Script for Success With Your Network Marketing Prospects

Get all of my Scripts at

Hot Points From Today’s Show.

There is no magic pill or best anything. There is only what is best for you and what fits.

Spend time to develop good success language.

No cultural differences.

Live prospecting and phone prospecting is different than email, text or Facebook messaging, so don’t confuse the two.

Create curiosity.

Never give a link until they say yes.

Share two - three sentences of why.

Go to show notes for what I share -

When they express an interest in learning more, ask - Why? And, then listen.

Describe the type of person you are looking for, and try to match it to their personality, ideally!

Remember this - it takes time to develop the skills that will make you a great prospector. Be willing to spend the time to practice, drill and rehearse and perfect your initial mistakes.

Some who you talk to in the beginning will join you over time!

Good luck!

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW201TheBestNetworkMarketingScript.mp3
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