Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 297, and today I am answering questions that many of you submitted when I recently sent out the question on my Profit in Your PJs report and asked - what do you want to hear about? We are covering procrastination, developing a daily action plan, setting habits and more in our show on Discipline, Distraction and Daily Habits in Direct Sales. 

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Have you checked out yet? What is the fastest way to create an endless source of leads and referrals for your business? Networking of course, and combining the best of online and offline for success!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

 Discipline, Distraction and Daily Habits in Direct Sales

I love today’s topic because it brings up all of the issues that I personally have struggled with in my Direct Sales Career. So you won’t hear me say - oh, get over it!

I haven’t forgotten what it feels like to be there!

Wendy asks - I struggle with taking daily action and getting new habits set.

Let’s start with WHY, and also what is it you are struggling with? Are you blocking time for those 2 income producing activities that we do in Network Marketing?

Write down your action plan and those habits you must do!

Mary asks - Fear of making phone calls!! I will put it off and avoid avoid avoid- even doing housework to avoid. I love your podcast, and feel inspired and ready to take off in my business when listening, but just like always, fear of the phone knocks the inspiration right out of me.  I love what I do and get told all of the time by clients and newcomers to parties that I am good at this,  but when I have to call for bookings, I convince myself I want to quit every time. I survive and get by as a part time business (full time SAHM of 5) on word of mouth, but I know if I could overcome this, I could do so well. Booking in the moment and recruiting in the moment haven't been successful because I seem to be surrounded by women who are as busy as I am and not looking for a career. 
I would love to turn this love into a successful career now that kids are in school but this issue gives me a stomachache, keeps me up at night, and right now even- I break into a serious sweat!

Yes, many do struggle with Discipline, Distraction and Daily Habits in Direct Sales! I sure did. Thanks Mary, for being so real and authentic.

3 pieces to this - Phone Fear, Success Language and Talking to the right people.

Could you text or send a Facebook message to introduce your direct sales business, instead of using the phone to call?

What are you saying that creates a win win to your potential party host? Why would she open her home, her refrigerator and her rolodex for you? Success Language is  everything.

And, I get it on being surrounded by other busy moms who don’t want a side business.

Get yourself out in front of business people. Introduce to everyone, but know that business oriented people usually get it faster.

Helen says - My biggest obstacle with my home based business at the moment, I feel is the fact that I do not have enough discipline and I am easily distracted.  In addition to this, I also work as an English and Italian tutor (I do this right now to put food on the table, I am a single mom with NO support from my ex.), and I am having a difficult time deciding how to share my working time between the two businesses. (eventually I would like to stop working as a tutor and dedicate all my time into growing my business.)

How strong is that why and what will you sacrifice to get there? How badly do you want to be full time in your business?

Discipline, Distraction and Daily Habits in Direct Sales

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW297DisciplineDistractionDailyHabitsDirectSales.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 296. This week's Mantra and affirmation is - My Life is an exciting adventure filled with opportunity and reward. Let's get into how to Look For Adventure and Opportunity in Your Direct Sales Business, and I’m going to share my personal story of adventure this past week and the opportunities it created for me.

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

I’m excited to share  with you that is now live. I have taken my 20 plus years of networking online and offline for success and created a training program to teach YOU how to create an endless stream of leads, prospects, sign ups and referral partners for your business.

A lot of people GO to networking events. But few know how to monetize them. Now, you can be one of those few.

"How come you've never shared this before?"

Ackkkk, busted. Well, sort of.

Truth is, I have shared this and taught all
of this before. But, mostly just to my own
Direct Sales Team.

Why? Because most everyone has always
been so caught up in being "afraid" of talking
to their warm market, that they blocked out
anything that was about creating

New Warm Market Offline!

Here is the funny thing about warm market -

Everyone IS a warm market to someone. So, even
if you attract leads online - they know someone who is
probably in a business their friend would LOVE....

And join.....

But, they don't KNOW about it.

But, I digress.....

Yes, I worked my business 100% ONLINE
for over a decade, when I lived in a small
mountain community without a top light
and certainly no real offline networking.

When I moved to a bigger city at the beach,
and my children were grown, I jumped back
into the offline world of networking.

And, I sold over $17,000 in products
in a few short months as a DIRECT RESULT
of NETWORKING offline.

Here was the key though -

I learned and MASTERED a few key things -

One - I learned how to create a ROCK
SOLID Commercial (elevator pitch, etc!)

Second, I learned how to "sell without selling!"
(What the WHAT?!?!?! Yes, this can be done!)

Third, I perfected how to get my business in
front of ALMOST ANYONE with just ONE key 

Fourth, I became a MASTER at follow up
and building relationships BEFORE the sale.


I mastered how to bring social media (Facebook
and LinkedIn, specifically) into the equation
and build MUCH faster relationships and
create interest in ME and then my business.

I was recently approached to teach this
at a training event, and it went REALLY well.

And, so I decided to do what I LOVE and
that is bring it online so everyone can
learn these skills.

That's all it is - LEARNED skills.

Are you ready to create an endless
funnel of prospects, customers, team
partners and referral partners for YOUR

Look For Adventure and Opportunity in Your Direct Sales Business

As I always say - write down our mantra each week, and commit it to memory. Say it - My Life is an exciting adventure filled with opportunity and reward.  - many times throughout the day.

Feel what those words mean to you. Close your eyes and visualize a scene of that happening.

What is adventure in your life and business?

What is opportunity in your life and business?

What is reward in your life and business?

I want to share a little of my past week.

Monday, I had an appointment to sign up a new client in my business. I chiropractic office who wants to do a  better jog remembering birthdays and appreciating their clients, and want a little Social Media training, too.

I plugged the address into Siri and set off. What an ADVENTURE. I ended up in the sticks, and felt sure I was lost, but decided to do my best and enjoy the sheer beauty of the adventure. It was fabulous, and I arrived right on time.

The peaceful drive also gave way to a phone call with a Real Estate agent in Idaho, who ended up being my latest team partner.

That was adventure, opportunity and reward.

The client meeting went great and I am getting them launched this week.

Another adventure, opportunity and reward. I met some great people, too.

Tuesday, I was invited to share my business and products at a Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn. It went great and I picked up some solid business leads, as well as had a great video shot and shared on my Facebook wall. You can see it over at my Facebook profile. Link in the show notes.

That immediately generated 3 leads online, of local people who are part of the Chamber and saw the video they had shared.

More adventure, opportunity and reward.

Always remember to Look For Adventure and Opportunity in Your Direct Sales Business.

Thursday, I was invited to help so video interviews for several business in Arizona for part of a networking colleagues new project, Who is Arizona. 

I debated cancelling, as I am not as far along as I would like to be on a project I am working on with my sales store and products, Facebook Ads and my marketing funnels.

And so the thought of a day shot was not exciting. But, I also knew it would be good exposure and get me in front of some highly connected people.

Boy, am I ever glad I went!

I am now a prominent part of that website, with my face and voice in a lot if videos. I also was able to create a professional, 3 minute video of my own that I can use on my own site and in promotions!

Very exciting stuff.

I also shared a 15 minute presentation to all of the businesses on High Tech/High Touch Marketing, how to generate endless leads. I have several prospects to follow up with!

Again, more adventure, opportunity and reward.

So, what are you doing to Look For Adventure and Opportunity in Your Direct Sales Business?

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW296AdventureOpportunityRewardinDirectSales.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 295, and it’s Mantra Monday, the less I work, the more my business grows. How does this work? Does Success in Direct Sales Mean Working Hard?

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Does Success in Direct Sales Mean Working Hard

Do you have to work hard to be a success?

What role does your mindset play in this success?

Set a 90 day challenge to be mindful each day, in prayer and meditation.

Write down ten ideas each day, for 30-90 days. Pay attention to where inspired action shows up.

You must take action in your business so success is not about NOT doing anything.

That's the issue many had with the secret.

Learn how to bring positive vibrational energy and thoughts to the actions you take in your business.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW295DoesDirctSalesSuccessMeanWorking_Harder.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 294, and today I'm answering the question - should I build my business or my brand? This is usually a question about TIME and building online or offline.

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Should I Build My Business or My Brand

This is a question I am asked quite often and it usually involves some conversation around Time, and how to fit it all in. And, it's about offline, old school network marketing and contacting your warm market list, going to networking events and other activities.

Or, creating content such as blogging, videos and social media.

Here are the key points -

Your BRAND is you, whether offline or online.

You ALWAYS want to do some form of income producing activities FIRST.

If you know my story, you know that I was building my business for 6 years offline before I discovered the power of the internet, and while it changed my business, I probably would have never gotten to that point if I had not developed the commitment and the business skills needed to move forward.

Your BRAND is your online content as well as who you "are" offline. What do people say to describe you, and your business?

Can they sum it up in a sentence? Two sentences?

One thing I love about building the online piece of your brand is the leverage it gives you.

Spend 3 hours at a networking event and get your commercial and business in front of 50 people - GREAT.

But, no one else can ever experience that presentation or that time again.

Create a video and share it on Facebook or YouTube, ten, one hundred, and thousands can see and experience that over time.

THAT is powerful.

And, it takes time, focus and consistency.

Give yourself a 90 day challenge. Right now, I am challenging myself to massive networking offline for 90 days, and facebook live online!

I'm focused on building my audience in both places.

Where are you focused?

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW294BuildBusinessOrBrand.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 293. This week's Mantra and affirmation is - Success and Achievement are natural outcomes for me. Let's get into how
Success and Achievement in Direct Sales fit into our mindset and what those words mean to us. 

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Success and Achievement in Direct Sales

Success and Achievement are natural outcomes for me.

Think about those words, and the feelings you have around them.

Take each word one at a time, specifically the words Success and Achievement.

When you think of success, what comes to mind? How do you define success in your own life?

How about the word achievement?

For much of my life, I defined success purely around my career and the income I earned from my career. Success was almost only about money for me.

It's how I defined my success.

I work with a lot of women and many are stay home moms now, and they had rewarding careers before motherhood.

Dad, too, often.

Many of these women do not control the checkbook and money is doled out to them and they are often controlled by the money, or lack of it.

It can be very disempowering to go from having money and an income to being dependent and having to ask for money.

It can leave one feeling vulnerable, scared, unworthy and frustrated, among other things.

When I was 14, I had a disagreement with my mom about my back to school clothes and the budget she gave me.

She flippantly told me to get a job and so I did.

I never looked back and I loved the control it gave me over my life, my decisions, what I wore, what I could do and buy.

Today, I am finally comfortable and confident saying - I am motivated by money!

And, I am. I am ambitious.

It's okay for women to feel this way. It's not uncool to be a woman who feels this way.

Money gives us the ability to be a better giver. It gives us more opportunity. It's not the root of all evil.

We put labels on ourselves as women, very often. As Women.

It's not always the men.

Achievement is a word that works much the same way.

As a child, achievement was about ribbons and trophies and how I earned the money. It was about awards.

I've finally grown past that and realize that achievement can be as simple as -

Crossing things off my to do list.

Eating Well.

Working out.

Having fun with family and friends.

Once I learned to shift my thoughts around success and achievement, things really changed for me.

By allowing myself to feel successful and a sense of achievement in other ways besides money and career, it opened up the pathway for me to experience more success in the monetary sense.

What do these words mean for you?

Write it down, say it, and spend the week getting a clear picture on what these words mean to you.

Success and Achievement in Direct Sales starts with this solid affirmation -

Success and Achievement are natural outcomes for me.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW293SuccessAndAchievement.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 292 and today I am interviewing Laura McClellan, from the Productive Woman Podcast. If you want to know how to juggle it all, Laura is your gal. She's a wife, mom, busy attorney, grandmother and she homeschooled her children. Listen in as she gives some ideas for How to Be More Productive in Your Side Hustle Business.

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

How to Be More Productive in Your Side Hustle Business

Laura McClellan could be full of excuses as to how and why she can't build a successful Side Hustle business.

I discovered her one night while listening in and surfing through podcasts one sleepless night. Do you ever have those?

I was immediately attracted to her style and her story and thought you would surely get a lot out of her story!

We cover:

Her family and how she juggles.

How and why she became an attorney.

How to have Omni Focus

What about the myth of balance?

How to turn your dreams into goals and then accomplish them.

The importance of writing everything down.

Our fears and obstacles.

What's important to you? Why, and understanding that.

And, of course, her definitions of productivity.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW292ProductivyWithLauraMcClellan.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 291, and it’s Mantra Monday, as part of the Monday Series - Monday Mantras, today’s mantra is My life is full of twists and turns. The key is for me to keep moving forward and not look back. 

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Keep Moving Forward

Yes, life and business are full of twists, turns, peak and valleys.

There will be good times in your direct sales business and not so great times. And, the past never equals the future unless you let it.

Do you all have those times that feel like struggle, when we wonder how we can keep moving forward?

Yes no matter how long you’ve been in the business or what your level of success is.

How will you weather the storm? How will you encourage yourself to keep moving forward?

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW291KeepMovingForward.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:13pm PDT

You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 290 and today we are talking about what's hot and what's not in Direct Sales as of now, March, 2017 and I'll be sharing details from my personal experiences and results building my own direct sales team this past month. Let's cover the State of the Direct Sales Profession March 2017

Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at

And, is open!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

State of the Direct Sales Profession March 2017

Success leaves clues and I want to share with you some of my personal results for this past month.

I've just finished up a "Best Personal Month" for February, 2017, and I like sharing my own personal results so you can be in the trenches with me, so to speak, and know that I practice what I TEACH.

I'm also a coach and trainer, as well as building my own team in Direct Sales and so there is no theory here.

Here is what we cover -

How to create your OWN economy in Direct Sales, regardless of politics or who the President is.

Networking - my 90 day blitz. And what I've learned.

Lead with Product, not Opportunity.

Schedule those 1 on 1 meetings with those who you resonate with.

Follow up - don't drop the ball.

Carry business cards. It's just a sign of a pro!

Customers - another hot topic. Build a solid, long term business with customers!

What's working for YOU? I would love to hear.

Are you following the Networking for Success series on my Facebook page?

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher - 

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW290StateOfDirectSalesMarch2017.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:22pm PDT