Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

What comes up for you when you hear the word no?


Positive or negative emotion? Does it feel like rejection?


If so, why? What do you really think the other person is rejecting?


You? The products? The potential income?

Show Notes:



See if this isn’t true for you - hearing no bothers you because it makes you question you; your decision; your involvement; your interest and ultimately your potential for success.


Am I right, or am I RIGHT?


The best way to get fewer nos is by simply making a few shifts.


First, qualify people for your time. Get very calm, cool and intentional in the way you introduce the business. Use qualifying statements and questions.


How’s life been treating you lately?


Anything new? Exciting vacations?


Anything you are looking forward to?


I’ve come across something that has me excited and looking forward to some new changes. Do you consider yourself open to exploring an adventure?


Be ready for questions and even more important, be ready for the answers.


What is it?


Here is where you want to have created your Impact Introduction.


We work on this every month in my Facebook Group and the Killer Content Challenge. Next one starts on the 1st of the month.


I help people who…..


Would you be open to learning more?


Now, here is the trick. When they say yes, DON’T jump right into a verbal explanation of your business.


Ask: What is it that has you open to exploring this?


Learn to infuse your conversation with phrases like:


I’m not sure that this would be right for you, or that you would qualify…


You may not be a fit for this…


Leave open the idea that you are not desperate.


Network Marketing is not for everyone. By any means. People who are super caught up in impressing other people and worried about their opinions have a hard time succeeding. That doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t. It’s just tougher to get them started.


The hardest part of this business is between your ears. That’s right. It’s what goes on in your brain about your business. It’s the self talk and the fears, doubts and made up stuff that YOU and I both put into the mix.


If you’d like to reset your MLM blueprint and release mind drama and negativity that’s slowing you down and stopping you, join me in the Street Smart Wealth Academy.


We break it all down in the 4 critical pillars you need to learn and develop the business skillsets to succeed.


Mindset, Messaging, Marketing and the management of time and productivity.


We take this and put it all into a business and marketing action plan to bring the success you desire right to your door step.


Let’s work together to create a radical shift for you, and the way you think and act in your business.

And, it’s guaranteed. Do the work, get the results, or get your money back.

What could be better than that?

Learn more at



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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at


We don’t get our goals, we get our habits. Think about that. Pause and think about that.


In every area of your life.


Are you satisfied with the core areas of life?


Grab a piece of paper and list the 5 top value areas in your life. Under each one, write:


What’s working?


What’s missing?


Now, think about your habits in each one. Think back over the last week.


Just taking my 5 areas, I ask myself, what did I do this past week to show up solid and successful in my faith?


How about with my family and friends? In my relationships? Was I present? Loving? Caring?


How about with my fitness and financial goals? Was I on track?


This is the easiest way to be self accountable and your best coach.


You know what needs to be done to succeed in each area, don’t you? If you are really honest with yourself.


Who do your need to become to show up the way that serves you? What habits need to be in place? How committed are you to adopting those habits?



Join me at and take the free 3 day challenge and come away with your first pieces of compelling content.


Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer

Direct download: MMM43WhatHabitsSay.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Some things to ponder if you are struggling in your business.


Show notes:


I have a Content Creation And Success Language challenge starting on the 1st.


Get the details at


So, how are you feeling about your results as we are over halfway through the year?


Happy? Frustrated? Seeking more?


Quite often, people don’t get results with whatever it is they are pursuing.


Has that ever happened to you?


It can be baffling, because if it works for one person, why would it not work for another? Or everyone?


Here is something worth noting. Most everything out there actually will work.


A diet, joining and sticking with a gym and fitness program, building a network marketing business, building any business.


But, it won’t work for everyone.

The biggest reason is because....


Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer


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Direct download: SSW423EverythingWorksExceptThis.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

How to Reframe the way we see, label and feel about rejection.

Show Notes: 

To move ahead, we must begin to Reframe Rejection - or how we view and experience it.

"No" very often just means "Not Right Now…”

People are honoring their own values, interests and what is going on in their lives RIGHT NOW!

They are NOT rejecting You.

Nothing has gone wrong and your decision is not bad.

Your product or offering is not bad or wrong.

Understand the Timeline of Success. Think of your own decision making and buying process. Do you say yes right away, in most cases?

What was your buying process or decision making process with your current business or offer?


Every business has peaks and valleys. ALWAYS. None of us are immune to it.

Understand the power and importance of Follow Up. Plan and get your system in place for it.

Get clarity around your business - the why, what, who, when and how!

Join me at and take the free 3 day challenge and come away with your first pieces of compelling content.

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute.

Direct download: MMM42ReframingRejection.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:37am PDT

Do we create our own luck, or is success something that only other are predestined for?

Show Notes:

I’m Jackie Ulmer, a top earning, award winning mentor, helping Network Marketers, coaches and solopreneurs make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business.

I have a Content Creation And Success Language challenge starting on the 1st.

Get the details at

Like me, you've probably learned a lot during the last year and a half, not the least of which is how rewarding it is to have a business of your own.


One where you call the shots; can set your own hours, and ideally, work from home, online, with a steady stream of leads and clients coming in.


Here is what I have heard a lot of, lately. You may have, as well:


"You're lucky you can work from home."


Actually, luck has absolutely NOTHING to do with me having my own, thriving business, despite a local and world shut down, and the ability to work from home.


Luck has NOTHING to do with leads and clients that come in, almost on autopilot.


I’m grateful, without a doubt. I count my blessings every day. But, Luck had nothing to do with it. ANY of it.


It wasn’t “luck” that I quit my corporate job; it wasn’t luck that I starting teaching myself the internet and online marketing back in 1999. Back when everyone around me told me the internet was a fad and I was crazy.

I didn’t have a crystal ball or a fairy Godmother. In fact, I didn't have much of anything back then, to guide me.

So, how did it all happen, then?

I made a decision to change my life. I focused and invested time into making a plan to transition from employee mindset to business owner. It was all on wasn’t luck.

Hey, if you like what you are hearing and learning on the podcast, you really should check out the Street Smart Wealth Academy. We take all of this and package it into a radical shift for you, and the way you think and act in your business.

And, it’s guaranteed. Do the work, get the results, or get your money back.

What could be better than that?

Learn more at

Direct download: SSW422IsThereLuckInBusiness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:13am PDT