Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

Daily Mindset Work is the work that every millionaire and every billionaire I’ve ever heard interviewed practices.

I teach my clients how to set an income goal and a date. And then do the work in their minds, on paper each day, to get them to the goal.

Everything is created in the mind first. The device you are listening to this on was first in someone’s mind. They thought about it; probably wrote ideas and plans, tried, tested, failed and feared. And, got up and kept going.

The chair you sit on, your bed, the car you drive, music - everything was created in the mind first.

Your success has to come from your mind first. Connect your thoughts to the right feelings of who you must become in order to have what you want. Then, the ideas for inspired action steps to take will show up. You must take them.

This is what creates your results. Thoughts are things. Thoughts become reality. Do you believe this?

Look around you at the thoughts you’ve had that have manifested into your current reality.

Now, do you believe it? What are your next thoughts going to create?

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

Let’s talk about gratitude in a new way, given the crazies of 2020, and how to have it in spite of and because of what we have and are experiencing in the world with the Pandemic.

Gratitude is a word that is often and easily bantered around. We hear about being grateful, a gratitude journal, 10 things each day..

What is gratitude, really? And how do we manage to feel grateful when we are in a challenging situation?

Covid-19 was certainly not something most of us expected. But, it came, and it's here, even still. It has forever changed our lives in many ways, some we don’t even know yet.

We are left figuring ourselves out, our lives out, our businesses out, in the midst of it.
Some people are thriving and some are struggling. Let’s get you to the side of thriving if you are not.

Life is 50/50. Always. We have joy, love, peace, happiness. We also have, conversely pain, grief, disappointment, frustration. 

We are human, real, authentic and vulnerable.

Sometime, we can lose sight of feeling grateful when things aren't going like we want them to.

Show notes -

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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

When we are challenged in Network Marketing, it’s easy to think there is something more we need to learn. But is it? Is it a mindset issue or a skill set issue?

I recently had a consultation call with a network marketing pro, with a decent level of success. Yet, she spends the last week of every month scrambling to get her “leaders” qualified.

This means she is finding customers and team partners and placing them under those “leaders” to qualify for her bonus check.

That doesn’t sound very fun, rewarding or like a win win for anyone involved, really.

She wanted to know how to train and motivate them to do this themselves.

My immediate thought was why? Why would they ever want to do this for themselves if they just sit back and she earns their check for them each month?

Listen in for more.

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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

A better concept for Overcoming Fear is pushing past fear. Fears never completely go away. Some do, in certain areas. Practice and repetition create this.


In order to get there, though, we must push past those fears. We must learn to “Do it Scared.”


We can do tough things. The hard things. I can, and so can you.


The challenge is that your brain is stuck in primitive mode. At least the part of your brain that is running the show, typically.


That part of your brain says - no, don’t do that. It might be uncomfortable. It might be unpleasant. It might bring up feelings and emotions, and do you really want to go there?


This is where you take charge. You pay attention. You become aware. You do your daily thought downloads. You do them multiple times a day if you find yourself getting stuck. You stop, and write down your thoughts. And, you practice some tough love on yourself.

Are your fears true, or real? Right now, Are they happening? Is it something from the past? Or something you are projecting into the future?

Will you allow these fears to stop you from what you really want?

Which scares you more? The fears from the past or what ifs? Or the fear you’ll stay stuck and live a mediocre existence, far from what you want, forever?

Something to think about and decide about.

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

What is graspy energy vs certain energy in your business? We give off energy and when you are feeling desperate, or graspy, vs certain, calm and cool, your prospect feels it.

Show notes -

My client, Sarah asks - I can’t seem to get anyone interested in my business. Why am I not signing up more people? I am committed, consistent and yet I talk to people and nothing happens.

I asked some questions via email to get to the heart of this. And, looked at some of her social media content.

Language matters. Phrases and words like - Get, BUY my stuff, no one, everyone, can’t, join my team.

Graspy, urgent energy is rushed. Frantic, almost. Goal focused, and mostly focused on oneself.

Certain energy is calm, poised, solutions oriented and detached from the outcome.

What is the energy you are going into a situation with? A conversation? A social media post? An email? Creating a product.

Creating results its best when it is easy, effortless and elegant.

WHO are you and who do you serve?


Direct download: SSW392-GraspyVsCertainEnergy.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

Network Marketing success requires Accountability for 80% of those in the business. That’s because 80% lack the internal motivation to get the job done. It doesn’t mean you are bad if you fall in that 80%. It just means you have to push yourself harder.

A vision board that clearly paints the picture of your goals and desires is also a great accountability tool. Just spend 5 minutes each day going through the photos and what’s on the board and imagine when it’s done. FEEL what that will be like.

If that’s not enough, consider getting an accountability buddy. Someone who will push you and keep you accountable. And, you will do the same for them. I don’t recommend anyone upline or downline. It needs to be someone you know well, but have no financial connection to.

Set your goals together and set your commitments to your business and to each other. Check in as much as you both need and commit to, and make it short, sweet and focused. Don’t let it be a whining or excuses session.

What you intended to do, what you did, why or why not you were successful and what you commit to for the next time frame.

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

When you aren’t experiencing the success you desire, remember this - nothing has gone wrong. Let’s discuss Network Marketing as a success equation.

Show Notes -

Your business and success is like a Science Experiment or a Math Equation.

When you begin to think of it in these terms, you open yourself up for inevitable success, because you know that it is solvable and there is an answer or solution.

YOU create the success in your life. Only You. It’s easy to say “yes, but, there are other people and factors, especially in Network Marketing.”

When you align your thinking, and therefore your energy, with like minded people, and you are committed, consistent and visible, you will attract the right people and situations to you.

Excited to share a new video series with you on how to create compelling content and copy that not only sells on Social, but, is something that is evergreen, can be and should be used over and over again.

Watch the video series -

This is the formula I have used for over 12 years and has allowed me to sell products and services in over 40 countries without leaving home.

I help Network Marketers make money without annoying their family and friends. So they get up each day and know exactly the marketing messages they will be sharing socially; and how to build their brand from their own authentic self and in their own words.


We do all of this together in the Street Smart Wealth Academy.

Learn more at

I’d love to work with you there.

Grab my new guide - 3 Success Secrets to a Thriving Social Selling business -


Direct download: SSW391-TheSuccessEquation.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

You can’t measure what isn’t tracked. As we discussed last week, your calendar is your best coaching tool and indicator of where you are and what you are committed to.


Your calendar is also a great place to track the steps you are taking in your business.


It’s where you can track meeting new people. Each day. Offline or online.


It’s where you track who you shared what you do with.


And, it’s where you track who you offered and asked to try your products and your business.


My focus word for 2020 is accomplished. Each day, I track what I have done in the areas that create clients and income for my business. At the end of the day, I check the box of accomplished on the ones I hit my goals.


And, there is a big glaring emptiness where I didn’t.


This makes me want to show up better and different tomorrow.


When I track these details each day, I don’t need anyone to tell me what’s right or wrong in my business. I know already.


Write out your income producing activities, start tracking and self coaching.


I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at


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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

Most of my clients get stuck on the part of Social Selling that requires you to “Show up.” To be seen. Do you ever feel this way?

Some people get stuck here FOREVER.

Network Marketing success is like dating.

You meet that “perfect person.” He (or she) is the “package” and you are ready. But, he never asks you out. He flirts a little. You stalk him on Social Media, but you never connect.

But, he is sure he is looking for YOU.

Most of you are doing the same thing with Social Media, feeling like you don’t know when to post on social media, much less WHAT to post.

You have an idea, but then… Your brain is saying - NOOOOO! That’s dumb. People will laugh. They’ll talk behind your back. You’ll suffer social humiliation.

You can’t possibly post a selfie. It needs to be perfect.  It can’t be perfect til you get a haircut. And, color. New makeup. Maybe a total makeover.

Pretty soon, it’s just one excuse after another.

Show notes



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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT

Do you ever feel like you are struggling in your Network Marketing Business? Like you are never going to have the success you desire?

You are totally normal. Most all of us feel this way, especially at the beginning. We have a big vision for our business and it’s just not happening fast enough.

The best indicator of your current success and future success is your calendar. So, get it out right now and let’s look at today; the past week; the past month.

How would you rate your income producing activities on a scale of 1-10? An income producing activity is easy - how many times did you share what you do? How many times did you ask for and/or close the sale? How many follow up conversations did you have?

EVERYTHING else is secondary, for success. Podcasts, training, zoom calls, passive marketing - these are ALL important and you’ll want them as part of your plan. But, they are not fully measurable.

As I share with my clients in the Street Smart Wealth Academy, when we build their systems and action plan to make their business flow easily - your well planned out and booked calendar is a must have tool in your business.

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

Direct download: MMM8_Your_Network_Marketing_Success_Calendar.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am PDT