Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

I run my life and my decisions around a few key concept. One of those is the 3 Cs for Success, which are Clarity, Commitment and Consistency. Today, let’s cover Clarity on Your Values and Priorities.


My focus word for 2020 is accomplished, and I’ll cover how these all fit together.


The definition of clarity is the quality of the “state” of being clear. Having a clear understanding of what and why.


And, ideally, so others are clear as well.


Do you have clarity around your life goals and priorities?


When these are clear for you, it creates more joy and simplicity in your life.


I base my values and proprieties around my 5 Favorite F Words. My value and marketing “buckets” come from this.


I started with my WHY in each area, and also incorporated my focus word into each one.


My key phrase ion journaling and doing my Thought Download on this is -


Focus on what matters most.


What is my focus point on -




Family and Friends








What do I need to do each day,  week, month and year to end up feeling accomplished, which is my focus word.


So, for me with Faith, my focus point is - Be Strong. I use my thought download to check in on how I am doing with my strength in faith.


I use my thought download and ask lots of questions around faith. I ask questions, listen for answers, journal about it, meditate on it, and use audio to reprogram my subconscious mind.


Family and Friends - be fully present when with someone. No phone, social media, texting, etc. Showing up first and best for those who matter to me. When I focus on quality time and being present, I check my primary focus for this area of my life.



Fun - this is easy. I seek fun and joy in everything I do. No matter what I am doing. I remind myself - What is happening to me, is happening for me. I refuse to stay stuck in old stories and programming and instead find the good in everything. Pulling from Hal Elrod’s “It Happened” concept. Life is 50/50. Bad stuff happens and we can’t control that. We do control our reactions and actions.


Beyond that, what is on my calendar that is fun this next year? Nashville, Ventura, Cabo San Lucas, Lake Arrowhead, Croatia and more!


Fitness - longevity and peak performance are at the top of my focus list for fitness. Fueling with good food, movement and sculpting and toning; being the best that I can be,.


And, my first Grandchild will be born this March and I have a goal to not only live to 100+ but to see two generations of “great” grandkids.


If I am intentional with my action steps, I can connect the dots going forward.


Finances - this is a big part of my focus this year as I spent most of 2019 focused and cleaning top areas of my life that needed it. Now, I can keep mastering the practice of what I have in place in those 4 areas, and can dial in on my goals in my business.


My goal is to enroll 250 people into transforming their lives and businesses through my coaching. And, to pay off my house. And, to show up my best, giving value and coaching the heck out of people!


Now, each day, I can do my thought downloads, and journal by asking good questions and measuring up my day and life around being accomplished around my focus priorities.


My goal with fun is to say yes to opportunities for fun and travel, get it on the calendar and figure it out later!


So, that is how to gain clarity on your values and priorities; and use your focus word to measure and track your actions, and what is working or not working.


Figure out your values and priorities FIRST. Write those down. Create your focus point in each one; and then determine how your focus word can work with you and your goals.


Be intentional.


Develop the Vision, Commitment, Focus and Consistency to see the job through.

Full show notes -

Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer

Get my confidence building video series:

Direct download: SSW353ClarityValuesPriorities.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:01am PDT

Welcome to one of the most powerful shows of the year, where we close out the year, and in this case, the decade as well, and prepare to really rock the new year and decade coming.

Show note are at 

On the last show, we discussed choosing your focus word - 

I've learned how to bring each year together to make them build on each other.

Focus word from prior years -


2018 - Systemize - this was all about getting systems in place so my business flows smoothly and I know what step to be taking with each person I meet; who enters my marketing funnel; and who I am building a relationship with.

2019 - Mastering Practice - what are the key few things that must be practiced consistently to move me forward in all areas of my life?

2020 - Accomplished - my plan is to start each day planning what is required daily for me to check the accomplished box on where my focus us for that day at the end of the day.


I spent the year 2018 getting the right systems in place for my business. In 2019, I developed my plan for Mastering the Practice of the few areas of commitment and consistency that needed to be done to master the practice of success in each of my value areas; my content areas; and my priority areas, which are what I call my 5 Favorite F Words, which are -



Family and Friends





So, I went back through my calendar planners for the last decade, and see how each year unfolded.


As I have shared, life is 50/50.


50% positive and flowing; and 50% frustration and unhappiness.


Looking back on my decade, and each year, I can pick out the solid years and the years of frustration and struggle and see what worked and what didn’t.


The overwhelming theme in the years of frustration are those years that lacked clarity, commitment and consistency, which are the keys to moving a business forward.


And, my marketing fell way short!


I’ve been conflicted on what it is exactly I want to focus on in my business.


Am I still building a Network Marketing business?


Am I more focused on coaching?

Business or Confidence and life coach?



Marketing is where I really dropped the ball, and my conflicted state of business is a big reason why.


Again, remembering that life is 50/50. and knowing this going in allows you to stay in control and self coach yourself to any success.


I don’t believe there is such a thing as luck, or coincidence.


Every year offers us lessons and growth.


5 Minute Rule -


It happened.


I can’t change it.


I have 5 minutes to whine, cry, weep and vent and then reach for that next area of stretch and growth that we can gain from it.


As Byron Katie says - you can argue with the past, and you’ll lose 100% of the time.


We can’t control most things. People, or circumstances.


We can control our ultimate reaction to is.


Questions for closing out the year and decade -


Who do I want to become?


Who am I now?


What is not matching with who I am now and who I want to become?


What actions do I need to change to become that person? Achieve that goal?

Do I believe it’s possible for me to become that person? Achieve that goal?


Do I believe it’s probable?


Am I willing to commit to the actions, thoughts and feelings needed to become that person and achieve that goal?


Who do I serve?


How do I serve them?


How do I handle mistakes I have made?


How do I learn from those mistakes?


What steps do I need to be taking today to become that person and achieve those goals?


How do I decide what to say yes to?


What to say no to?


What are my priorities in each area of my life?


What’s the number one priority in each of these areas?


This next month, and throughout the year, I will be focusing a lot on my 3 Cs -






Stay tuned for more of that!


Thanks for listening.

Direct download: SSW352-ClosingOutYear2019AndDecade.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:19am PDT