Mon, 23 September 2019
5 Key Ways to Find Leads for Your Network Marketing Business
You’ll find the show notes at -
In those notes, I have included a guide to walk you through the entire process I’ll be sharing here today.
I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.
Learn more at
Also, are you in my facebook group?
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
Where to Find People Your Mindset Around Talking to People Discomfort Finding Clarity Creating Change
Where to Find People
Now, you are going to think that this is the hard part. But it’s really not, because think about it -
People are everywhere. (Except in your home, where you might be hiding…)
You are just stumped at how to find out.
Here is a short list of where to find people -
Starbucks Children’s Events Your Job People You Know Your Friend’s And Family - Yikes, really? Networking Events Social Media
Walk into a room of 100 people and some of your ideal clients are in the room. Already. They have a need and you have the solution.
When you look at this list, it is easy to see how you can never run out of people to talk to. You just have to overcome the mindset around why you aren’t talking to people and sharing what you do.
People get frustrated when they hear me name the same old list there is for finding people to talk to.
And, let’s be logical about that.
There is no magic vending machine where the right people hang out, looking for what you offer.
Wouldn’t it be stellar if it were that simple?
So, back to the mindset piece…
Your Mindset Around Talking to People
What’s your top goal in your business and why have you not achieved it yet?
Chances are you are stuck in the spin cycle. Have you ever had that happen on your washing machine. It gets stuck and just keeps spinning, and getting no where.
It often needs a reboot, or to be reset to get back on track and do what it is supposed to do.
You may need a reboot, too.
Back to the question about your top business goal, and why you have not yet achieved it.
The only thing standing between you and the success you desire are negative thoughts, which create negative feelings, and keep you stuck in inaction and therefore not achieving the results you desire.
Let’s plug this into the CTFAR model and determine what is keeping you stuck.
Your goal is what goes on the R, or results line.
Under C, or circumstance, let’s write - People need to know about my business.
You can’t stay a closet junkie and expect to move your business forward, right?
What is the thought, or T in this equation?
Could be many -
Who’s going to listen to me?
I don’t know what to say.
Nobody I know will be interested.
Now, anyone of those thoughts will create a negative feeling. that keeps you stuck.
That feeling might be -
Fear Doubt Discomfort
Let’s talk about discomfort and it’s role in the process.
Discomfort is okay. In fact, it’s necessary for growth.
It’s important that you become willing to allow some discomfort into the process.
Be uncomfortable on purpose. Discomfort is just a feeling. It won’t kill you. It won’t make you an outcast among your peers. It won’t wreck your life. It will allow you to grow. Does that sound too simple? It is simple, and not always easy. Think about the difference in short term discomfort vs. long term discomfort. What is it costing you to stay stuck? What’s your discomfort level with your current situation; or with your lack of the situation that you desire? How do you feel now about that? How will you feel next year? In 5 years, 10? At the end of your life?
What regrets will you have?
Which feels worse? Discomfort now? Or for the rest of your life?
Finding Clarity
It’s important to gain clarity around what it is you want. What it is you REALLY want.
And, then how to get there.
First, brainstorm exactly WHY it is you want this goal. What does achieving it offer you? Beyond the MONEY.
People usually start there but it’s never about the money. The cold hard cash. It’s about freedom; choices; experiences.
What are the thoughts you need to be thinking to get there? Write those down.
What feelings will those thoughts create about your ability to get this done?
Now, we get to the interesting part and that is creating clarity around the action steps.
What actions are required for you to get this done? The get it done part is SIMPLY talking to people.
We are not attaching to the outcome. The outcome is not what matters.
It’s been proven over and over again that practice creates mastery.
So, step number one is creating your list of people to talk to, or determine the steps you’ll take to find people to add to that list.
Taking the list I already mentioned -
Starbucks or any where you can go to meet people. How often will you commit to showing up and starting a conversation with 1 or 2 people there?
Children’s Events - this may or may not apply to you, but if it does, set a goal to really get to know 1 or 2 people each event.
Your Job - again, may or may not apply and you must be careful in some cases. But at least make a connection and learn more, looking for that challenge they may have.
People You Know - who’s on that list?
Your Friend’s And Family - Yikes, really? Yes, and the next part will help with this.
Networking Events - this is a gold mine when used the right way.
Social Media - again, another gold mine when used correctly.
Now that you have a list or a plan for finding people, what will you say? We’ve covered this so many times, and it is not as difficult as you may be making it out to be.
Get my guide on creating a powerful introduction. This will help you feel more confident -
Success Language is something I cover quite in depth in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Come see what it is all about.
Finally, we come to -
Creating Change
Real change is needed here. Change in your thinking, feeling and actions.
Think about what it is really costing you not to have your dreams. It usually comes down to one of a few things -
Fear Doubt Discomfort Stuck in the past Self Pity
All of these lead to inaction instead of driving you into the massive action that works.
Do you see where clearing up your thoughts and feelings will increase your confidence? And when we feel confident, we are much more likely to get into action.
And, action fueled with confidence is powerful.
It creates those desired results.
That doesn’t mean obstacles won’t show up. They will. Count on it. That’s how life is, because obstacles fuel growth.
And, our goal in this life is to always be growing.
I have a good friend who has had a big dream for years. First, it was to become a helicopter pilot. Then, it was to own a helicopter.
Less than a year ago, he achieved the dream of ownership.
About a month ago, that dream went up in flames, almost literally, as the helicopter was demolished in a crash.
He survived, and got out with nothing but a few scratches on the outside.
For sure, a few bigger scratches on the inside.
We had breakfast last week and talked about life’s lessons, and growth. Of finding the meaning in all that happens to us.
And, to do so in a way that is compassionate to ourselves.
What do you think your obstacles might be?
What make those challenges for you?
What do you think you need help with in these areas?
What is your plan to get the help you need?
Write them down and use the CTFAR process to work yourself from where you are to where you want to be.
Remember this - people are everywhere. Interested people are everywhere.
They aren’t different or unique, or skeptical or anything else where you live.
That’s a THOUGHT you are thinking that is creating the feeling of doubt or something negative for you that is keeping you stuck.
Shift the thought, shift the feeling, shift the actions and the results will also shift.
Show notes for the guide -
If you take a look at where you are in your business, and you are not thrilled with it; answer this question.
What is holding you back from being where you want to be? Is it mind drama? Drama around the word no; other people’s opinions? Your own opinions about yourself?
We have a powerful module called “Managing Your Mindset” in the Street Smart Wealth Academy.
If you will spend a little time in these lessons daily or weekly; you will see a huge shift in your business and your life.
What would that be worth to you? To have the success you desire show up easily and effortlessly?
Join us -
I’ll see you on the inside and remember this - “Hesitation NEVER cashed a check.”
Direct download: SSW344-5KeysToFindingPeopleForDirectSales.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:19pm PDT |
Mon, 16 September 2019
Sales is NOT a Dirty Word. Why Start w/ Sales? Social Media Oriented - Skill you MUST Nail!
Sales is the MOST amazing skill and THING when done right. With your ideal client in mind. When I learned this skill, everything changed.
Mindset - YOURS is the biggest key. Take away. Growth AREA
Our Resistance and Why - Don't Want to Sell to friends; Ick Factor; Don't Want to Be Pushy; Don't Want to look stupid!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
5 Step Closing Process Where they ARE and where they want to GO Bridge the Gap Paint the Vision - Don’t Skip This Listening to Objections Handle the Objections
I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.
Learn more at
Also, are you in my facebook group?
Mon, 9 September 2019
I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.
Learn more at
Also, are you in my facebook group?
There are some very distinct differences (and similarities) to Party Plan and Network Marketing.
I use the term network marketing most broadly, but I coach and train as many party plan people as pure network marketers.
Both could learn a LOT from the business model of the other. Especially when it comes to customers.
So, let’s talk about Your Product Customers in Network Marketing, and how very important they are to the lifeblood and longevity of your business.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
Why Customers Matter Sharing the Product Story Customer Success Language Handling Questions Servicing Your Customers Staying Top of Mind
Why Customers Matter
Every business needs customers. Party Plan gets this and it is their #1 goal, followed by team building or recruiting.
In Party Plan, the marketing plan is built around ongoing exposure to the products first, company and opportunity second.
Customer loyalty is ideally built, sustained and this creates a great ongoing source of stability and income, when done right.
Most Party Plan companies have monthly customer volume sales quotas in order to remain active and get paid. These are usually higher than Network Marketing personal sales volume quotas.
For network marketers? Customers - YES, there is no sin in having customers. We are moving away from just the personal consumption model, and putting more emphasis on Customers. The recent rulings by the FTC on numerous companies these past few years have more companies putting solid emphasis on customers. And, this is a great way to get your own auto ship paid for.
And, this volume and income keeps people in the game and gives them some immediate success. Immediate Cash!
Don’t be afraid to place part of your emphasis on gathering customers, who can easily turn into business builders later on, with a solid product story.
Sharing the Product Story
Stories Sell, facts just TELL!
Your background before the product. What you didn’t like about what you were or were not experiencing; how the product changed your life.
Your results, in other words.
Or, the life of someone else. Share stories.
Avoid health and claims of a cure!
We have an emotional attachment to stories; we connect with them; and this goes a lot further to bringing someone on board than patents pending; celebrity endorsements or things don't really answer the question - What's in it for me. Stories are what people take away from events; encounters; training and such. You must become a master communicator to be successful in your business and it all starts with telling stories. Take yourself through the exercise of creating a story and then teach your team to do this - Here is a guideline you can use - Tell us about yourself - just a small snippet of who you are; what you do? Be brief!!!! Why were you looking? What was missing? How did you find your opportunity? Your reason why - how is it making a difference, or will it make a difference.
Customer Success Language
Customers don’t care about your story, they care about theirs. Your customer needs to be the hero of the story, not your brand. Marketing has changed, business that invite their customers into a heroic story grow.
They have a challenge, A need, an obstacle. YOU have the solution. You must position it that way.
Words sell things. If your message isn’t clear, your customer won’t listen. They won’t even realize you exist or what you do. Get clear on your message and communicate it consistently, You are in a race to communicate why your customers need your products.
Subconsciously, the brain is always scanning its environment looking for what helps it meets its need to survive.
Mistake #1 - not focusing on the part of the offer that allows buyer to survive and thrive. All great stories are about survival and thriving. Physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, Any other story will not captivate your audience the same way.
Our brain sorts through tons of information and discards unnecessary facts constantly
Mistake #2 - too many facts, causing customers to tune us out, even subconsciously because it confuses them. Positioning is a step you always want to take so you clearly communicate what you do and offer (product, service, opportunity; what their challenge is; and how you, your product or service can solve that challenge.) Let’s create your Intro-Teaser: Who hires me, to do what, because why, and the benefit is… Mine: Direct Sales Professionals hire me to help them optimize their social media strategy because most are annoying people on facebook, invisible on LinkedIn and missing the mark on Instagram. So, we create a brand, a strategy and positioning that is attraction marketing vs push marketing. When you want to create sales and referrals, and become an influencer, I’m your gal!
______WHO______ hire me to _____What do you offer_____ because most ______What is their pain or challenge_______, so I work with them to _________Solution you provide_____ and they will benefits or experience_______.
identify wants, problems we solve and what live looks like after.
If you confuse, you lose
We all face the enemy of noise.
What we think we are saying to our customers and what they hear are two different things . Customers make buying decisions based on what they hear.
Think APPLE - YOU are the hero in Apple’s story. All that you achieve through their products - hip, trendy, a cut above
Identify what customer wants; identify their challenge; offer the solution or tool
Character - Problem - Meets Guide - Sees Solution - Calls to Action - Ends in Success - Avoids Failure
What does the hero want? Who or what is standing in the way? What will life be like when hero gets what he wants?
What do you offer? How will it make my life better? How do I buy it?
Life with the dull parts taken out - that’s a good story.
YOU are Yoda, your audience is Luke Skywalker
What is disrupting them - find the internal problem not the external
Handling Questions
Never fear questions or objections. This is your perfect opportunity for coaching people through their objections so they feel confident in you and your offer.
The best way to deal with questions is to be a very solid product of the product yourself - USE your products and build your product story.
You may not have all of the answers and that is okay. Don’t fake it. Simply say - I’ve never been asked that before and I do not know the answer. However, I know where to find it and I’ll get back to you with the answer.
Very simple.
Never hesitate to say - what other questions do you have?
Servicing Your Customers
It’s important to provide good customer service and this can be a big challenge for many, if you aren’t skilled in this area.
Don’t be afraid of your customers.
Here is a good system.
Call or text the next day and THANK them for their order or purchase.
Once you are fairly certain they have received it, repeat the process and ask if they have any questions.
1 week later, check in again and ask how their results are. Good time to ask for a testimonial, too.
Then, when you feel they are probably ready to order again, check in and offer to assist.
Avoid suggesting auto ships or preferred customer too quickly. This can be a real breaker.
Staying Top of Mind
By checking in and giving them the VIP treatment, you will stay top of mind.
Send birthday cards, thanksgiving cards and special event/random cards.
Create a free account for this -
Check in on Social Media, too and engage with your customers. People remember this and they will offer referrals over time.
Customers are the lifeblood of any business and can easily become your strongest team partners. Share the opportunity side of the business with them lightly at first, and then proceed if there is an interest.
If one is not expressed, revisit it a few months later, once they are a raving fan. Ask for referrals.
Who else do they know who would love the type of results they are getting?
Master this process and the rest of your business will thrive, too.
If you take a look at where you are in your business, and you are not thrilled with it; answer this question.
What is holding you back from being where you want to be? Is it mind drama? Drama around the word no; other people’s opinions? You own opinions about yourself?
We have a powerful module called “Managing Your Mindset” in the Street Smart Wealth Academy.
If you will spend a little time in these lessons s daily or weekly; you will see a huge shift in your business and your life.
What would that be worth to you? To have the success you desire show up easily and effortlessly?
Join us -
I’ll see you on the inside and remember this - “Hesitation NEVER cashed a check.”
Mon, 2 September 2019
The Drama Behind Hearing No in Network Marketing |