Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 158


And on today’s show, we are going to talk about how to handle it when someone talks down to us, and how we allow it to derail our efforts!



Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.




Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at


Also, my Done For You Content Program is open - learn more!




When other people speak or act negatively about your Network Marketing business, do you let it slow you down or bring you to a stop?


Question from a listener -



I noticed the times I get off track of my consistency, it is due to a type of conversation that does not go well.  And sometimes it will take me days or a week until I get back on the saddle.  In this case, I felt I was belittled because it sounded like the prospect raised her voice at me in response to what my answer was to her question.  It took me off guard even though I had a helpful voice and offered to get more answers for her after we get off the phone.  What I do is I tend to research in between so that this does not happen again.  Sometimes it will take me some time until I go back to my calls. What do you suggest?  


My answer -


First, how is it serving you to stay in inaction for long periods because of your "perceived" opinion of someone else?


Who controls your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions? 


Remember Eleanor Roosevelt - no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.


Don't allow these types of situations to give you permission to procrastinate out of fear.


And, always make sure you have a viable prospect before you spend too much time on it!



Pay attention to who you give permission to in your life! - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

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Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

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Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!





Direct download: SSW158WhatOthersSayAboutYourDirectSalesBusiness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:27pm PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 157


And on today’s show, we are going to talk about how to network with and recruit professionals into your business. There is a big benefit in working with this type of individual as they already have many of the character traits that we know are great for a networking business.



Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.



Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at



Sponsor Professionals into Your Direct Sales Business


Recruiting Professionals



Qualities you are looking for:



Upwardly mobile

Enjoy being paid on their own efforts

Take on responsibility

Self motivated

Large network of friends

Are risk tolerant



Spending too much time targeting the wrong people will be a frustrating waste of time.


Bottom line - you are looking for highly motivated, self starters who are serious about taking action to achieve more.



Typical approach to the business -


Make a list

Ask for Referrals

Buy Leads



What’s missing


Degree of dis-satisfaction with current situation


Define what YOU are looking for in a business partner and share that



Let’s make your list. Who are the top 20 influencers you know? Who are the movers and shakers and the people who are successful and get things done. Not the people who you THINK might be interested but the people who have certain qualities we are looking for.


A great way to expand this list is through Networking events. These are typically business motivated people and they key to success with this is like anything. Build the relationship first. Then, schedule coffee after the meeting, one to two people a week, so you can share a little of your business and what you are looking for.


Find the sizzle to share. Really work to fine tune what you share. Short, succinct and with impact. Paint a vision and leave the hype at home!


A good referral for me is - anyone who is tired of the corporate grind, and yet still wants to move in professional markets, no glass ceilings, work with people. Also, we are expanding into Mexico this year so I’m looking for professional contacts in the area who have contacts also in Mexico.


People will do what you do and not just what you tell them to do. Focus on talent. People who have a high tolerance for risk are who we are looking for.


3 common factors


Money motivated and enjoy working on commission

Moderate to high tolerance for risk

Career that involves calling on people or managing people





Real Estate Pros

Mortgage Brokers or Loan Officers

Financial Planners and Stock Brokers

Sales People - pharmaceutical, auto, media,

Insurance agents

Managers and Directors

Retail Sales and Customer Service Reps - a little lower on the scale

Current Network Marketers


Change how you think about who you prospect and how you do it. Don’t limit your thinking. Clearly understand and know that only a smaller percentage of the people who you talk to are going to be capable of taking this on. Plan to work large numbers.


Make up in numbers what you lack in skill. Once you get the vibe and flow, it is still working the numbers.


For every 20 you present to, you’ll enroll 1. Over time, that may change to 1 in 10.


For this to work for you, you have to get the mindset and the posture needed.


Don’t be perfect, be good, working toward great!


You are a very successful, confident and busy person who has something of incredible value to offer the market place.




Do you at all keep your options open in terms of making money outside of what you are currently doing in the ___ profession?



Why go after real estate agents vs burger flippers?


Sells for a living vs flip burgers

calls on people - people come to you - non social

works independently - punches in and out

works for commissions - makes minimum wage

Risk taker - no risk - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

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Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

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Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: SSW157NetworkingWithAndRecruitingProfessionals.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You're listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show number 156!


On today’s show, I’m going to answer a question that Chanae asked me and cover a common challenge that can happen with well meaning sponsors - how to be a sponsor and not a boss to your team. Sometimes, in our own quest for recognition and achievement, we can trounce all over our team. Let’s avoid that!


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at

Are you Being a Sponsor or a Boss


Here is Chanae’s question to me -


Help! I am being overwhelmed by my sponsor and it’s frustrating me. I’m not sure how to handle it because we are friends, and I believe she means well, but I feel she is pushing me and it’s making me feel bad.


GREAT question Chanae and one I am sure many people have. When I dug i a little deeper, I found out from Chanae that part of what is happening is a constant conversation about when she is going to reach the next promotion level in the company. OF course, we often know that this means the sponsor also gets promoted or recognition and so on.


So, what is the role of the sponsor, really? And, what things should be avoided?


1. Get the new person started and trained. Find out goals, time available, launch plan and COMMUNICATE about how to best work together. Ask - how can I best support you? What encourages you? How do you want to hear from me? And so on. Communication is KEY!


2. Be there, especially in the beginning to answer questions and assist in helping new person find where to seek answers. Don’t do it all for them.


3. Be a cheerleader and encourager.


And, really, that’s about it. Being a boss to your team is no where in the description.


What are those things that should be avoided?


1. Asking them what actions they are taking, unless they have specifically asked for coaching.


2. Telling them what to do.


3. Asking constantly about promotions. Good language can help with this and again, it’s in the communication of it - do you have a goal for the next promotion you want to achieve? How might I best support you with this?


4. Pushing, in any way. You can sell someone into the business, but you can never sell them on working the business. Make opportunities available to work together.


I do this with my team with local meetings, and opportunities to get together and network and build - events, networking, expos, coffee shop hangouts and so on.


As the sponsor, be in action yourself and that is the best way to inspire a team. You can’t motivate another person. But you sure can de-motivate them by constantly hanging that next promotion over their head.


Trust me - THEY know what needs to be done, they want it worse than you do, and you aren’t helping by constantly talking about it as if it’s something they control. The first few promotions, they can control. But most after that are about a team and volume.


Unless you are promoting front loading and buy ins, and I hope not, step back. Go easy.


Be a friend and someone to be counted on, not a fire breathing boss. This is an independent business. Never forget that. - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

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Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

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Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: SSW156SponsorOrBossInDirectSales.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

You're listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast Show 155


It can be very tempting to go after what I call - Low Hanging Fruit - in Direct Sales and Network Marketing. It seems like it will be the easy route. On today’s show, I’m going to cover what that is, and why it is not the best strategy for your business.


Spoiler Alert - I’m gonna get real, raw and down in the trenches about a recent experience I had and why it shines such a negative light on our profession.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at

Stop Picking From the Low Hanging Fruit in Direct Sales


What the heck is low hanging fruit? And particularly in Direct Sales?


Urban dictionary defines it as - Targets or goals which are easily achievable and which do not require a lot of effort.


I’m going to talk about two types of low hanging fruit in Network Marketing -


Those already involved in Direct Sales.


Those on our list who are easier to talk to because we see them in a slightly lesser light, of some kind.



Starting with those already in Direct Sales.


I got an interesting phone call last Sunday from a VERY excited distributor with another company who had just returned from her company convention.


She barely knows me. A few fleeting hellos at two networking/ lead events locally. I know nothing about her of a personal nature, nor does she of me. But she does know that I am already in a direct sales company.


Her phone message was her going on and on about how excited she was about the news coming from convention and why she needed to get this information in front of me. 


We have never had a conversation about my experience in Direct Sales, if I’m open and looking or anything, and quite frankly, I found the message annoying and an intrusion.


That was followed up by a text message on Tuesday with an invitation to her home for a business overview of the company and updates. Closing message - Can I count on you to come? Leave your wallet at home, and bring a friend. Her website and name.


Ugh - bad news for our profession and no wonder some people think badly about us.


I waited 24 hours, so I didn’t fire back and wish I had been nicer, and said - you know I am with XYZ company, right?


And she said - Yes, I know, but I have some explosive info. I know that you would be interested.


Really? You KNOW that about me? We’ve said hello and shared a few cordial comments and yet YOU know me better than I know me?


And, what’s with the word explosive? If your home is exploding, I don’t want to be there.


Now, I know we teach people to contact EVERYONE we know.


And, if you’ve listened to me at all, you know that I am ALL about Success Language, respecting your prospect and respecting the profession.


She DOES not know me. She clearly does not know that I have already had a product experience with her company that was not positive. That doesn’t mean the product is bad, but it had a bad reaction for me. And, she clearly does not know my criteria list for choosing a company; or what 2014 involved for me and my own company change.


Had she taken the time to get to know me first, I could saved her time, and yet possibly been a referral partner for her.


Now, I just feel like she represents our profession badly.


Here’s the thing - I can’t really see the All State Insurance agent calling a happily employed State Farm Agent and saying - You’ve GOT to come over to us. We are better and I KNOW you will like it here better.


I don’t know, maybe that happens. It does in sports, and maybe I am just not being a smart business person.


BUT - there is a right way and a wrong way to network your opportunity and products with others in direct sales. I have LOTS of customers for my products who are building other businesses, and I don’t try to bring them on board.


Instead, I maintain a solid relationship with them; I appreciate their referrals and their business and who knows where that path may lead.


I have had several encounters lately with women in companies where they are struggling to determine if they are with the right company. Both of them have seen the success I am having and they know I’m here local and could be a great sponsor. I could take advantage of that, and use seductive language to try to move them over to me. But I won’t.


I’m here, they are working through it. The best thing for me to do is be a friend, a support system and leave them to work through the tough questions. If they decide a change is in order, I feel confident they will at least evaluate me and my company, since they are both customers of mine.


And, should they decide to partner with me, it will be a win win and I won’t feel sleazy and unethical. It will be totally their decision!


So, why is this low hanging fruit?


In terms of the person who called me, without knowing me, really, she called me because I am already involved in Network Marketing and she knew she would not have to overcome that objection. My guess is, she is stuck in a comfort zone and struggles a bit with talking to people. So, she reached out to the EASY list, and she did so by text. I will give her credit for first making the phone call…on a Sunday. Which annoyed me a bit too, and made me re-think calling people, especially those who you don’t have a close relationship with on a Sunday.


I would love your thoughts and feedback.


So, the deal on low hanging fruit of this type is that it is not a solid strategy for long term success.


It’s the easy route, and I think you can see why. No risk.


And, it doesn’t bode well for our profession. Or, your company because it can leave a very bad taste in the mouth of others for both you and your company.


Don’t build your strategy around cross recruiting. Yes, people change companies all of the time, and very often for their own reasons. Build a good relationship ahead of time and they may choose you!


Now, here is low hanging fruit scenario #2 - Those on our list who are easier to talk to because we see them in a slightly lesser light, of some kind.


I don’t mean they are lesser people. Please hear that loud and clear.


Maybe they struggle financially and so we think they NEED it. These people can be easier to talk to.


They company hop - not a good long term strategy either. They’ll hop right away from you, too, so don’t kid yourself.


Here’s the bottom line - we want more than people who can just fog a mirror. We want players, do-ers, dreamers, and not just talkers or people who will pull out their credit card. Although we don’t want people who can pull out their credit card.


Reach for the fruit at the top of the trees and elevate yourself to the top! - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

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Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

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Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Direct download: SSW155LowHangingFruitInDirectSales.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT


Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 154!



We all have a comfort zone - that place where we go just to the edge of, and then shrink back because we fear that it will be painful to move beyond the borders; to stretch and to grow. Why not just stay where it is warm and comfy, right? Well, here is the thing, everything fabulous is right beyond those self imposed limitations! On today's show, I'm going to share some of my own self imposed limitations; how I was staying stuck in my own comfort zone and what happened when I pushed beyond it!


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at



What is Your Comfort Zone, Are You Stuck in It, and What to Do About it?


What does that mean and how important is it?


I’ve mentioned 2014 was a year of searching, and 2015 has been a year of answers and growth so far.


Pay attention to what you resist - wisdom offered to me by one of my early mentors. Of course, I did not want to hear that at the time.


I have always had a huge resistance to in Home Business Presentations, Launches and Home parties. It stemmed from a lot of different things


In home presentations from Excel days, my first company. I had small children and it was just nerve wracking! And, I didn't even want to contact my warm market then, so how was I supposed to invite them to my home for a "meeting" of one of THOSE THINGS?!?!?!


Party Plan - I have never really worked a party plan business, although I was with a company that should have been a party plan, and in order to better train my team, I brought in a great party plan trainer; took the training myself, along with fabulous notes, but never acted on it.


I had some thoughts about “sales” and my mindset around it was not good.


But, with my new business launch, I set some serious goals, and I didn't want to just build online. I wanted to grow a local team and create the synergy that goes with that, and the faster growth!


So, I had to get real and serious. I laid out a plan. I set some intentions and affirmations.


I began seriously Networking offline, 3-5 events a week and started retailing right out of my purse.


I learned to ASK for the sale.


I reached out for Facebook parties - easy right?


I put a "Skin-it" decal on my laptop and started setting up shop at the coffee shop. Why? Well, I had to tell myself - "Get out of your home, no one who wants your products is there."


I’ve made sales!


I developed a crazy pitch - I sell mascara on Facebook. I offer crack for your lips and lashes.


I started wearing a name tag.


And, I did my first home party.


I laid it out. I relaxed. I took a deep breath. I made it fun, conversational and just shared from my heart and my passion about the products.


I sold $856 of product!!!! Me, the non party girl!!!


Following that high, I sold another $170 out and about the next day, and $30 from my website.


And, then $75 at a job and career fair the next day!


Dang, I'm unstoppable!


So, what does this mean for you?


Where are you resisting? What are your fears? What are they based on?


Are they serving you?


Who do you know who is doing what you are resisting and having success?


What areas do you want to change?


What will it take for you to step out of your comfort zone?


Are you limited by your beliefs, or your vision? A belief can be changed when the vision is big.


I have a goal - to build a VERY large local team; to dominate my area in my business; to create the bonding and synergy that happens with a local team that doesn’t quite measure up online.


To expand into Mexico when the company launches there and have a massive, fun, exciting, dynamic, rocking team!


To do that, I must get my business in front of more people locally and so the time was right and I am ready to bust through any limiting beliefs and that darn comfort zone.
 - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: SSW154MovingFromYourComfortZone.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 153


Are you spending a lot of time trying to overcome objections with prospects who aren't really interested but don't know how to tell you no? On today's show, we are going to cover this and how to do the take away, say no first, and disqualify people who are not right for your business. Stay empowered!


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at


We all have those types we run across in our business - the Bashers, the Negative Nellies, and so on. Sometimes, they are family members and good friends.



No worries - you don't need anyone person, you just need the RIGHT people and these people are NOT the right people!


Questions for you -


Is this REALLY a viable prospect or just someone who doesn't know how to say no. 


Sometimes, people think they are doing you a favor by dragging things along when really, a yes or no will be JUST fine!


Just say - Joe, I appreciate your time, is this something you are interested in and have a geniune concern about, or are you just afraid to tell me NO because you think I can't handle it. It's totally cool, I get that my business and my products are not for everyone and that is okay for me!


I don't want to drag or convince ANYONE, especially you.


Are you just trying to say no?



Is this someone you'll have to drag not only across the finish line, but also to the START line?


Yuck, who wants to do that?


You are not looking for just anyone who can fog a mirror! You are looking for people with NO excuses; who are hungry and ready.

When you hear any of these –

I don’t want to talk to anyone I know.

I don’t have any money to invest.

I don’t like Facebook or other Social Media sites.

I don’t have time….


Do the “take away” and say no first.

“Thanks for your time, NAME, and I get that this is not right for you. It’s not for everyone and that is okay. I’m looking for people who are ready to live more of LIFE and make a change. IF you run across anyone who fits this description, please do let me know!”


Sometimes, we just get a bad vibe about someone and the best thing we can do is be true to that!




Learn how to ask the question - are you trying to say no?

Develop the language you are going to use to say no first and disqualify the wrong people.

Stay empowered and move on! - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 151


On today’s show, I'm going to share some ideas on how to create effective affirmations that work for you in your business, and share why you may have struggled with this in the past, and how to overcome that!


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at



Affirmations for Direct Sales Success - how to move from what you want to actually getting it by programming your mind to commit to the daily actions needed, and back it up with getting into the feeling and emotional state needed to achieve it!




Affirmations are used to articulate and define your ideal outcome or experience in any given area you want. The goal is to re-program your subconscious mind to live in alignment with those goals and desires you want.


Many people struggle with this and start, then stop, or feel foolish, or unsure.


So, let’s talk about how to create effective affirmations.


Some people struggle because they don’t believe what they are saying. We are taught to use the present tense. This is good, but there can be a disconnect.


Here is why this is ineffective - when you say - I’m a multi million dollar income earner, or I earn a specific amount that is often way out there for is.


They are taught to be I am statements. Then say it over and over again. And, pretty soon it will happen. Have you heard this?


But, as an intelligent human being, you know you are not making multi millions and your conscious mind says - BS - liar liar pants on fire, right?


Have you ever felt that way?

Kind of like we are trying to lie our way to success. And, we feel rotten about that, right?


Let’s write and recite them in a way that aligns with reality for us.

Let’s affirm what we plan to do in a different way.


Try this. Get a pen and write this down.


Show notes - to resist and find this formula, especially if you are driving or listening while out and about.


Here is the formula -


I, NAME, am committed to ACTIVITY, FREQUENCY, so that I can GOAL/Desired Outcome/Result, by TARGET DATE.


I, Jackie Ulmer, am committed to contacting 10 new people a day about my business so that I become a triple star fleet commander by convention of 2015. This allows me to leave my job, fund my mission, live a life of freedom and peace.


I focus on setting intentions, vs goals that are outside of my control.


Then, as part of your affirmations, talk in the present tense about how that makes you feel.


As a triple start fleet commander, I feel empowered, accomplished, successful, abundant, joyful, achieving, peaceful, happy.


I am surrounded by positive people who share my goals and dreams.


I attract positive, self motivated leaders into my business. Every day, God puts the right people onto my path and I easily start a conversation and achieve my intended result of sharing my business with the key people who join me or connect me with the right people.


I’m going to share an example of my own -


Mexico launch of my company.


I joyfully expand my business locally into the hispanic market, and connect with the right people to connect me to others in Mexico. We are building a solid foundation of success, and are empowering men and women on both sides of the border to create more fun, abundance and financial security in their lives.


So, what I do is record my affirmations in an mp3 format, then download them to a CD or my phone and listen to them at night before I fall off to sleep, as I am driving, and ANY time I begin to feel doubt or fear.


So, when you practice your affirmations regularly, you will see the results you want show up. You will feel inspired to take the necessary actions. The right people will position themselves in your path.


Coach yourself when you feel doubtful - there is nothing to fear of you just take the action steps needed. The universe will align the right things that you need to achieve your goals.


What would you say to someone else if they told you they were afraid? How would you coach them? Use that same language on yourself.


Do the thing you are afraid of.


Sample Affirmations -


I am worthy and deserving of success. I am capable of achieving any level of success that I desire. I am committed to becoming the person I need and want to be.


I attract the success I desire. I attract the people who fit perfectly with my business. I am committed to my goals.


I settle for nothing but the best in my life and my business. I am worthy, I am deserving and there is plenty of abundance in the world to go around for everyone. I am included in that. 


I seek to achieve my highest good and also contribute to the good of others.


I am an inspiration to others as well as myself as I take action each day and easily achieve my goals.


Night Time Affirmations


I am pleased with my day as I took the needed actions to reach my goals. I am prepared for tomorrow and know what steps I’ll be taking in my business.


As I sleep, I know my mind is being conditioned for more success and tomorrow is lining up to beautifully meet my goals and expectations.


I sleep peacefully and awake well rested, ready to explode my day, taking my business to even higher levels of success.


Okay, so there you have some samples. You can do this for business, relationships, fitness and health, anything really.


Have fun, get it recorded in your own voice and watch what happens.


What is one of your favorite affirmations? I would love to hear it.



Share. - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: SSW152AffirmationsForDirectSalesSuccess.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 151

On today’s show, I'm going to share some amazing and fun statistics about video and how facebook has surpassed YouTube as the most popular business video upload spot!


And, it just makes sense. Why would you NOT upload video related someway to your Network Marketing business, either directly or indirectly to your Facebook Business Page?

Stay tuned for stats, tips and ideas!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at



Facebook Video Marketing


Have you noticed an increase of video showing in your Facebook Newsfeed? Some is fun, inspiring, and some is promotional and designed to sell you something.


People love to be engaged online with video and Facebook is going to take advantage of this for their own gain.




Now is the time to let go of fears and hesitations associated with shooting and sharing videos!


Here are some tips and ideas of content to share:





Share Gratitude and the good in your life

Go behind the scenes

Share new product launches adn what's going on

FAQs - people love to hear about Frequently Asked Questions!




Get over your fear

Check out your equipment

Make a list of topics

Get busy - shoot those first few videos and don't worry about perfection! - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.

I LOVE and appreciate reviews!

Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: SSW151FacebookVideoMarketing.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 150

On today’s show, I'm going to share my results after 90 days in my new Direct Sales skincare and makeup business. What a FUN time it has been!

Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.

Guess WHAT? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching.  Learn more about both at



My 90 Day New Direct Sales Business Launch Results.


You may not find these results inspiring if you are expecting me to report that I made a million bucks that first 90 days; or that I broke huge records.


I did really, well, and am proud of what I accomplished. And, more than anything, I have had a total blast sharing my excitement and enthusiasm about this new venture; what went into my decision and my criteria for selecting a company. The fun of the sizzle product and immediate retail sales.


And, the team I started - 21 personally enrolled in the US, Canada and the United Kingdom; 3 promotions and 4 on the team getting promotions; sponsoring a 12 year old who then sponsored her aunt into the business, and over $4000 in Personal Retail Sales.


Here are those results:


Sponsored 21 personally and grew in depth on the team.


Had over $4000 in Personal Retail Sales


Made 3 promotions, and helped 4 on the team also get promoted.


Expanded into not just the US, but also Canada and the United Kingdom.


Signed up a 12 year old entrepreneur as a result of NOT editing my list and reaching out to a male friend in Network Marketing just to share what I am doing in my business life.


Learned to easily retail on the spot and LOVE doing it!


And, as much as anything, I am having an absolute total blast building this new company!


What I did:


Made my list - actually wrote it down and took about 3 hours to do so. Went through my cell phone, email addresses, Christmas Card list, people from my past - airlines, cities I've lived in, Childhood friends, and then moved on to Social Media.


Started contacting and did a lot of it ny private Facebook Messaging.


Used the 3rd party approach that I coach on in my Scripts -


Shared my excitement and enthusiasn and detached from the outcome.


Then, I took things offline and found new friends and networking events to plug into and meet people and share my products and my business through the products.


Stayed very consistent and didn't worry about who did and who didn't; just kept working my business plan.


Follow up - I know the importance of this and kept at it!


And I worked the Law of Numbers which converted to Law of Averages.


Built my business skill set and focused on Success Language! - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.



I LOVE and appreciate reviews!


Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: SSW150My90DayBusinessLaunchResults.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT