Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 132


In today’s show, I’m going to share with you how to create a powerful benefit statement that encourages your network marketing and Direct Sales prospects to choose you as their sponsor.


We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at



How to Make Your Prospects Excited About Choosing YOU as Their Sponsor.


In the last show, we covered - What’s Your Hook - at - listen to review.



Over the last few weeks, I have had a lot of people come to me, now that they know I have launched a new business, and said -


I wish I had known you were looking…or on the market…


Then, they have gone on the “over sell” why their company would be great for me.


And, I am honored, make no mistake, but I really was not looking, at least consciously. I wasn’t on the market, so to speak.


Now, a quick point - when I did start researching for a business that would fit for my daughter and I, I went straight to the internet to research companies, and sponsor’s.


Yes, I sponsor shopped and selected my sponsor, and my upline after stalking them online. I had a specific criteria list for a company fit, and a sponsor criteria list.


Learn more about the Company Criteria in my show at


So, question for you - are you out there so that others can FIND you online, if they go looking for YOUR company and YOU as a sponsor, even if they don’t know you exist?


And, how do you measure up? Do you represent the type of image and partnership that someone would be looking for?


How are your social media profiles? Your status updates? Are you set to attract your ideal prospect?


Good thing to keep in mind and clean up, if needed.


Now, here are some tips to engage with others on if you find they have changed companies -


What made you start looking for a new company?


What was your criteria list in a company?


A Sponsor?


Now, another tip is this - if you have changed companies with some frequency, and I get that you most often have to join a company to figure out if it will be a fit for you, don’t be in a hurry to blast things all over social media. Make sure you are REALLY sure and REALLY solid before you make any public announcements.


This protects YOUR integrity should you find a few months down the road that it’s not a fit.


So, let’s develop that benefit statement for why people would want to join with you.


Ask - would you like to know what happens next, when you decide to join?


Sign up.


Schedule Game Plan Interview Call, and share what will be covered.


I’ll assist you in developing a daily/weekly action plan and strategy.


We’ll talk about a business launch event.


We’ll cover the basic tools and training on how to use Social Media effectively in your business to create interest.







Take a personal inventory of yourself.


Share what people can expect when they join with you.


Develop your game plan interview training. - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.


If you've found the show helpful, I would so appreciate a review!



Go to or leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes




I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!



Direct download: SSW132WhyPickYouAsSponsor.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 131


In today’s show, I’m going to share some ideas on how to set yourself apart from the "crowd" of network marketers, people in your company and others in home  business. Why would someone want to join with you? What makes you unique?

Everyone needs a business "Hook" to engage prospects.



We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at


Are you looking for a business to settle in? Find out more about what I'm doing -


What's Your Network Marketing Business Hook


The concept of setting yourself apart from others in your company, the profession of network marketing and home business is important so you don't begin to sound like a broken record -


"Join me, our products are the BEST!"


"Take THESE, we have these patents pending!"


"Guess who uses our products and endorses them? The US National Reality TV Watching Marathon Team!"


Guess what? No one cares about that. It sounds like a sales pitch!


Tell people what you DO -


I help women look and feel their best by....


I help those who have problems with low energy in the afternoon overcome that...


Whatever fits for your products.


So, look at your product line and pick one product from your line that you can FOCUS on. You can always back end the OTHER products.


But find one that is easy to develop a hook around.


Then, figure out your hook as a business partner. Sell the benefits for working with you!


I teach others how to develop a solid business offline and online. I built a team of over 10,000 offline, and have personally enrolled over 1800 people who came to me through social media. I share how to do this with my team, including the exact steps I have taken.


I love working with moms and teaching them how to build an amazing business, from home, with their children by their side, using social media and other tools! - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.


Enjoying the show? I would SO appreciate a review!





Go to or leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes




I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!



Direct download: SSW131WhatsYourBusinessHook.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:02am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 130


In today’s show, I’m going to share with you an important step in achieving the success you want and that is how to manage your mindset as you launch or re-launch a Direct Sales business. Everything from getting started, to hearing no, to having success, how you manage your mindset is critical!


We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at


In the last show, we covered Success Language - and how to develop scripting that fits for you and your prospect. Listen in at




How to Manage Your Mindset In Your Direct Sales Business Launch



Ask any successful person what the secret is to their success and somewhere in there, they will share - stating focused and managing the disappointments and setbacks.


And, it’s equally as important to manage your mindset around your calendar and your successes.


Get clear on -


Why you joined?


Determine Your Why and Write it Down


This sounds simple and yet very few people ever take the time to do this very important step in the business. So, let me ask you – have you taken this step? If not, do so now in the handout that accompanies this training series. Get crystal clear on this; write it down in several places, including your day times, above your computer, your bathroom mirror, etc.


Now, take a look at it and ask yourself – is this truly compelling enough for me to take action in my business. After reading this, am I willing to turn off the TV, make my list and begin really working my business.


There is a saying that your why should make you cry, and it is so true. When you care more about what you are working toward than what others might say or think about your decision, you are on the right track.


For me, my why was my children, as I mentioned and not having them in day care. That was compelling to me and something that I was highly committed to. It is what kept me in the game; what kept me from quitting when someone said no; or laughed at me; or quit my business when I was just sure they were going to be "the ONE" to take me to the top.


Make sure your why creates this kind of feeling and emotion for you. You want to be emotionally connected to your why. When you think about it, you do want it to bring up emotional feelings for you.



As you are determining what your reason why, also spend some time writing out what you perfect day would be in your life, once you are well on your way toward your goals. I say well on your way because it really never ends. You never quite get it all the way done, there is always something more to be working toward.



What your expectations are.


Setting Your Expectations, Handling Shutdowns


It is so important to set realistic expectations for yourself and your business. One of the biggest mistakes one can make is to set some super high goals that are so far outside of the ballpark that there is just no way to really achieve them. We get excited, and we think we are going to totally clear our calendar and do nothing but our business. Often, we do this at a Super Saturday, or initial training and then we get back home and the real world and real life sets in. The kids need driven for car pool, the real job may still be there, etc.


So, set some realistic goals and plans for yourself. We'll talk more about this when we get to the module on Scheduling your calendar and business time, and developing your plan.


Having your goals in writing will help you and your team with what can be known as "buyer's remorse." This often comes up when a new rep gets started, talks to a few people and experience a "shut down" and then wonder if they made the right decision.  It's easy to get bogged down in other people's opinions that can be offered to us by someone who is not really familiar with what we are doing.



Listen to my Mean Janeen story!


Handling the NOs



First, not everyone is going to tell you yes, and you may hear a few no's before you get to some yeses. If you know this going in, and are prepared for it, then you will be expecting to hear no from some who you are hoping will join you.


Can you prepare for that now? Can you handle it if and when they say no?


Here is one thing I assure you – if you will stick with your business; develop your business skills and keep following up with those who you have talked to previously, many of those will come back and say YES at a later time. That is my story. I said no WAY before I said yes. Nothing had changed in the business, products, compensation plan, etc, when I decided to say yes. What had changed was ME. I was now ready.


Remember, other people can only affect you if YOU allow them to. Their opinion does not reflect on you, your company and products, or your decision, It's simply a reflection of them, and where they are in their life right now. And, if someone happens to be mean or nasty about it, then that speaks a bit to character and their own insecurities, in my opinion. has some great come backs when people get arrogant with you!




Manage Your Mindset Around Your Calendar



Slight Edge,  easy to do, easy not to do.


Listen in and hear my story with the Bagel Moms. It’s about giving up something today so you can do whatever you want whenever you want tomorrow and forever.



Manage Your Successes


Develop your leadership skills.


Reach out to people but don’t babysit. Point to tools to educate.


Be a servant leader. Ask how you might assist.


Don’t be afraid of objections and challenges.



Timeline of Success


Understand the timeline of success. In the beginning, it feels like you are doing a LOT of work for little to no pay. And, you are! It’s like a scale that is weighted at one end. Over time, as you stay consistent, it begins to balance with time and pay, and pretty soon, it tips to the side where you are working the same of less time, and making a WHOLE lot of pay. Remember, you are building ongoing income and like compound interest, in the beginning, it seems so slow.

Also, understand the timeline of others. Some will come in right away, some will over time, some never will. Some will work their business right away, some will over time, and some never will.


How fast or slow did you start? Give others the latitude to start on their own timeline. You can’t control it anyway.


Avoid the tendency to sponsor and then sit back and wait.


As YOU stay consistent, you will create that tipping scale that leans in your favor!

Set realistic goals and expectations and avoid “buyers remorse.”

2-5 year plan and your first 90 days are critical.







Get Clear on your why.


Set realistic expectations.


How will you handle the nos?


How will you manage your calendar?


Understand the timeline of success and don’t wait on anyone. - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.



Podcast  reviews shout out!


Kim Fulks - Jackie’s content is always practical, useful and provided with enthusiasm and an abundance of hands-on experience. Listening to Jackie’s material is always time well spent, & you’ll get incredibly useful tips and tools.


Go to or leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes




I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!




Direct download: SSW130ManagingYourMindsetForDirectSalesLaunch.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 129



We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at



Success Language for Contacting Your Prospects


Contacting and Inviting is the gateway skill you must learn and master to be successful, it’s an art and a skill.


Once I learned it, everything changed. I went from being in sales mode to solutions provider and I learned how to handle every network marketing prospecting situation that came up.


I cover this in


Most people aren’t trained on this topic. They sign up in their Direct Sales company, given a basic training and an idea of what to say and sent out to make that list and start contacting people.


We get into sales mode when we talk too much about the ingredients in the products, the celebrity endorsements and a lot of fancy words and concepts tossed around that we think is going to bring in our prospect.


But, that is not what “sells.”


What was it that brought you into the business? What caused you to get out your credit card and hit submit?


Did you have a product experience?


Or, maybe you just caught the vision of what was possible with your network marketing business.


Whatever it was, this is likely what you will want to share


Review show 127 for ideas on building your active candidate list and how to edit it properly.


You will contact them in different ways.


Spend some time developing some ideas of what you will say to  your


Hot Market

Friends and Family

People you’ve been in network marketing before

Those already in a Direct Sales business


and so on.


A big mistake many network marketers make is getting signed up and blasting some advertising pitch on their Facebook page.


Beware - Facebook is REALLY cracking down and shutting down Facebook advertising accounts, so make sure you know what you are doing. 


That’s ok - I have sponsored many people from Facebook just by reaching out and building relationships.


I sponsored 5 people just this past week through my Facebook Prospecting methods.


Learn more in Facebook For Direct Sales Profits.


People don’t come to Facebook to get advertised and sold to; they are there for social and fun. That doesn’t mean they aren’t open, you just have to be specific in how you do it.


You also don’t want to blast out anything big to your email list, either. You give away your ability to generate leads and interest and have no idea who to follow up with.


So, again, go back and start with your reasons why for building a business.


Contacting those who have been involved in a Direct Sales business before is an important piece. Why? Because they have been open in the past and may be again, BUT, you want to contact them carefully so as not to appear that you want to draw them away from what they are doing now.






Write That List.


Sort That List.


Write out what you will see in different situations, to build rapport, create curiosity, ask permission.


Remember the third party approach. - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.






Go to or leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes




I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!



Direct download: SSW129SuccessLanguageForContacting.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:33am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 128



An important step to take before you launch your business is take some time to really determine who your target audience is.


Here’s a hint - it’s NOT the whole world.


Today, we will cover how to narrow that down based on products and opportunity and you’ll find a download guide to walk you through this in the show notes -



We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at


The first two weeks have been awesome of the new business launch. I have sponsored personally and my second level is started as well.


I have reached out to large audience and have 2 showcases booked by friends. More on that in another show.


I have 2 more people committed to joining this week, and many in the deciding stages.


I did this doing EXACTLY what I have been sharing with you in the last few podcast shows.


In the next show, we will cover what to SAY as you begin contact people but first, let’s determine -


Who is Your Target Audience



Key Points -


It’s not everyone.


This is important as you work through your list, and also as you get out on social media, into groups, forums and begin interacting with people.



Sort this into two areas -


Your Products


Your Opportunity


And, even if your products will only work for a specific group, don’t forget your list of potential referral partners.


Start with your product line, and this is where it is important to KNOW your products. What’s your Direct Sales Company’s Flagship product? What are some other products?


Who would be right for your products?


Develop a paragraph around this concept -


You know how people (insert challenge here)? I market a product that helps people (insert solution here.) Do you know anyone who might be interested in a product like that?


Now, you aren’t selling, you are problem solving. Big difference.


Once you’ve developed that paragraph, go through your list and pick out who fits that MOST appropriately. And, then also think of your referral partners.


Now, let’s think of your opportunity.


Tendency to think of people who NEED money. Don’t write them off the list but don’t necessarily start there.


Start with movers and shakers. In this case, you’ll be leading with the opportunity.


Again, a paragraph -


“You know how people have been really challenged in this economic environment? I started a business on the side that has created extra income for me, without getting a second job and leaving my family. In fact, I do most of it from home, in the evenings after the kids are in bed. Do you know anyone who might be looking for something like that?”


So, again, ask yourself -


Who is my target audience?


What is my target audience's demographics? (age, gender, background, income level, etc.)




What are their dreams, goals and desires?




What are the challenges, fears and concerns they face?




Why did I choose this audience?




Why did I choose my company and products? (Get VERY specific)



What experiences, skills and/or personal attributes do I have that will connect  with this audience?



What solutions do I provide?



Based on my answers and my target audience, how will I differentiate myself from my competition?

Where does my audience "hang out" online?



So, here are some ACTION STEPS for you -


Download the handout - 128


Develop your paragraph for your product and opportunity.


Get very clear on the solution you provide. This gives you confidence.


Begin to develop what you will say with each different person. It will vary and that’s okay. There is no cut and dried “script” that fits everyone.


The more you talk to people, the easier it will become to know what to say in each situation. Today, nothing takes me out of my game and I know what to say EVERY time. I mean EVERY time. And, I didn’t start that way. It’s only because I have done it so many times.



RESOURCE LINKS - Details on my new business launch with my daughter.




Podcast  reviews shout out!


JerryW1211 - Everything I have heard Jackie put out has been outstanding and will make you think about the true way to accomplish your goals. Thanks Jackie, job well done.



Go to or leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes


I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!



Direct download: SSW128WhoIsYourTargetAudience.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 127



No matter what company or product line you choose to promote in your Direct Sales business, one of the first things you will be coached to do….and will want to do if you want to have success (I’m avoiding the word should. Do it because you understand WHY!)….is begin to build a list of potential prospects for your business and your products.


Let’s talk about how to make a success list; where to find those names and how to keep adding to that list.




If you’ve followed this show from January 1st, 2015, you’ll know that I am sharing the exact details of how my daughter and I have launched a new Direct Sales business so that you can see exactly what needs to be done, and what you can expect.


Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.


I’m thrilled you are here, either way and enjoy spending this time with you. My goal is to empower you and inspire you to know that YOU, can do this, too.



If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at


Show notes -



How to Build a List of Prospects For Your Direct Sales Business




First, please don’t miss this point - Write out your list, on paper. Get it out of your head.


And, here is where you have a choice.


Some people say - 


No one I know will be interested. (Really, you are a mind reader?)


I don’t have any warm market. (Really, you don’t know ANYONE?)


I don’t want to talk to anyone I know until I am successful.



These are 3 common objections to making that list.


Here is the thing, though - 


Every business needs customers. Direct Sales consists of customers and business builders, who are also customers.


How do you intend to find customers to take your business into profit?


I understand Fear, so I want to acknowledge that. We all have them. And, those who are successful learn to push THROUGH them. It doesn’t mean the fear goes away. I had this discussion with my daughter as we were working on her list.


I explained what NO means from a prospect. It’s not rejection, or any kind of indicator that what you are doing, or your company/product is bad.


If you don’t want to start with those you know, then you MUST find alternative ways to find people to talk to.


This can be - life styling, offline networking events, running ads, buying leads, or social media. Those methods have been and will be covered in future shows, so stay tuned. In the meantime, still pay attention here, because either way, you’ll want to know how to work with your list.


And, as you go throughout your direct sales career, you’ll always want to be adding to that list.


So, let’s build a list, shall we?


Get out a notebook. Yes, we are going to WRITE it down. There is power in the act of writing vs typing.


Start with your hot market - these are those people closest to you, who you are simply going to contact, share what you are doing and ask if they will just try your product and give you a customer testimonial if they like it.


Who will do this for you, because of your relationship? Family, very close friends, inlaws and so on. You aren’t going to try to “sell” them on the business.


Next, let’s think more about warm market. Those would be people you know and have a good relationship with, but won’t immediately say yes to trying your product.


Business oriented market - who do you do business with?


Networking contacts


Previous Business Contacts








Other Social Media sites


Forums online


Network Marketing leaders you may know - just to advise and promote product


My story with men and the women they know.


Mobile Phone


Holiday card list


Potential referral partners




Sort your list - how do you know these people?



This is important because then you want to pull out your pre-launch list. You’ll approach them a little differently, with a different “Hook.”


A hook is just a form of enticement; some bait, so to speak, and not in a bad way. You want to chum the waters; salt the oats to lead them to water.


Have a goal you are working toward with prelaunch group.


Incentive trip.


Regional Training Event.





Promote the heck out of your incentive, Build excitement toward it.


Incorporate it into your contacting language.



Now, here is some advice you have heard over and over again but don’t pre-judge and don’t edit your list. Put every name down that you think if, even if you come back to them later. My daughter and I also worked on this, as she didn’t fully get it.


There will be some you contact for -




Referral Partners



So, here are some ACTION STEPS for you -


Write the list down. Don’t leave it in your head.


Sort your list by the 3 categories.


Don’t edit your list.


Have a hook or goal you are working toward with your contacts.


Be fearless with your list. You’re just asking a simple question.



RESOURCE LINKS - Details on my new business launch with my daughter. - my e-book on Success Language for your business. - MLM Business Mastery - all things about how to build a successful business



Podcast  reviews shout out!


OGTA - on Stitcher


Thank you Jackie for great article how to work things out with unsupportive spouse! It really helps! - Here's that show!



Go to or leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.


Show notes



I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!

Direct download: SSW127HowToBuildAListOfDirectSalesProspects.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:37am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 126


How’s your new year going? Are you prepared to launch? Whether you are just starting a business, looking for a business or re-launching your current business into the new year, today’s show is going to help you with getting prepared.


Not the “I’m fixing to” stigma, or you know the kind - someone who is always getting everything just right to do a business?


I’m going to explain the difference between joining a business and launching a business.


I mean how to really spend a little time and get prepared! That’s what we will cover in today’s show…


As I have shared in the last two shows, my daughter and I have launched a new business and I thought it would be cool to pull back the curtain and show you how to start from scratch and build it.


In the last show, we talked about some specifics we used to choose the right company for us, and you can get an idea of a check list of  criteria at


Today, I’m covering how to prepare to launch and you’ll find show notes at so you can come back and write down some of the steps I am covering.


If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at



How to Prepare For Your Direct Sales Business Launch


Ignorance on Fire and the Fallacy there.


Joining vs Launching.


Know your products.


Order and use your products.


Start working on your own customer testimonial. No hype!!!


Write out your list, get it out of your head.


Sort your list - how do you know these people?


Hot market, warm market, business oriented market, networking contacts, Facebook and social media, previous business contacts, mobile phone; potential referral partners.


Pull out your pre-launch list.


Plan prelaunch and then 90 days. Have a goal to work toward. Ours is an incentive trip in the Caribbean.


Success language and scripting. KNOW what to say and what to say to whom.


Phone, email, text, Facebook private message contacting, autoresponders.


Short and sweet, and NEVER give your link or company details until you get permission.


Offline Networking Events. What products/Tools will you need?


Think about social media. Do you need -


Gmail account

Blog or new domains

Autoresponders for opt ins

New SM accounts - FaceBook Business Page, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube


You may or may not. Don’t let this slow you down.


I do recommend a domain re-direct though.


I’m considering a very simple WordPress blog just to share and track my daily activities and growth. This way, interested prospects can follow along. Thinking about the duplication aspect of it, though.


Get familiar with the tools. Order business cards, and anything else you will need.


Get trained by your sponsor and take notes so you know how to get someone else new started. And, even if you are seasoned, take this step so you don’t reinvent the wheel.


Develop your Daily Method of Operation.




So, here are some ACTION STEPS for you -


Know, Use and Share Your Product story.


Write your list down. EVERYONE. Don’t be fearful; when you know what to say, and you do it right, you’ll have success. 95% success right now in at least getting people to take a look!


Start contacting. Set your daily minimum.


Use good success language, avoid hype and ask for referrals.


Follow up consistently. 



Details on our business launch -



iTunes reviews shout out!



Vineyard Woman - Jackie is passionate about network marketing and helping others with their success. That passion shines in her training calls, which are both educational and entertaining. If you want to learn how to Profit in Your PJs, then Jackie’s the woman you need to know! 


And, Vineyard Woman, you won a free month of coaching!


Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching




Show notes



I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!



Direct download: SSW126HowToPrepareToLaunchYourDirectSalesBusiness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

On the last show, I mentioned the new business launch I am doing with my 19 year old daughter and shared that we would be detailing our business launch and strategy and how to do a prelaunch and 90 day launch.

So, on this show, let's talk about the first step, choosing the right company to launch.

Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth podcast, delivering everything awesome in how to start, launch and succeed in a Direct Sales and network marketing business. I have a free gift for you - Profit in Your PJs - 8 Easy steps to take your business online and sponsor via the internet. Grab it at

If you are ready to stop talking and start succeeding, consider my inner circle coaching program, go to -

Couple of quick things - I am pretty sure I am going to take the podcast back to a once a week show, on Thursdays, so this may be the final Monday show.

And, I want to add in more freedom to add special shows when I want, without being locked into 2 shows a week and on set dates.

Why? Business is booming, and the goal is to have a lifestyle business!

And, I may start another show geared around building as a busy mom. I'm just not sure, so if you have thoughts and ideas, share them with me -

@jackieulmer or on facebook

Or, on the blog -

How to Choose a Company

I'm so excited about 2015 and all that it holds in store! It's filled with exciting promise.

Have you taken time to plan your best year yet? Please do so if you haven't. See my show 123 for notes and download on how to close out the year and prepare for the new year.

Okay, so on to the business launch.

First, I must stress that I was not really looking for a business. I was looking for some answers, solutions to my future and thinking about my desire to work with my daughter and her friends and Generation Y.

They are a powerful entrepreneurial group when they set their minds to it.

So, would would fit us both?

What would interest her and also be something I could do.

So, I started exploring. Thank goodness for social media as I scoped out Facebook, and Instagram, mostly.

I asked - who is our target market?

Women, mostly. Moms, Students, recent grads, empty nesters - I wanted to tap into every demographic of women and really target my contacts who have Generation Y daughters and see if they may be interested in partnering together to build  a new story and chapter in Direct Sales - teams of mother/daughters working together.

Now, I know there are other Mother/Daughter teams out there in other companies, so I am not pretending to be the first. But, I wondered how many of my friends in Direct Sales and not in Direct Sales might have an interest in working with their daughter's like I hAVE....

And what a great "hook" if you will! Certainly a great way to contact and intro our business, right?

Here is a list of the criteria I came up with, keeping in mind Generation Y, my daughter's age and that of her friends -

A product we both use, understand and can talk about.


Sizzle Product

Simple Product

No explanation

Product Experience - immediate glamour lashes

Feel good, look good, Cover girl look

Affordable Retail price point and Priced competitively in market place

Simple to cash and carry on sales and teach one how to make money back just sharing with friends.

Broad appeal among women

Great target in Gen Y and college students, post grad and moms, as well as others.

Affordable start up cost

No risk - even if one decided not to build the business, they would get more than they spent to join in products they can use.

Consumable product.

Something used by most women

Social Media strategy and a company that embraces it and doesn't hide from it.

Exciting company story.

International growth plans

Company and Management

Solid and debt free, Darren already has success building a company, has worked with MLM companies on the inside.

Sizzle Product, simple to share, explain and sell for immediate retail profit.

Conscious of staying price competitive.

Easy, affordable start up cost - $99 - fits any budget and rep gets more value in products than cost.

Money back guarantee.

Appears to be committed to hiring professionals and not just family or from within an inner circle.

"Get" social media and those platforms, more cutting edge


Have a facebook virtual party program already in place and it is getting huge results.

Simple show and sell product. Competitive pricing.

Can do home parties, virtual parties and all methods of making the list and contacting. We re using the Go Pro 90 Day Launch Plan.

Compensation Plan

Simple, Straightforward and lucrative.

Company is currently fastest growing DS company to date and already has multiple earners in the multiple 6 and 7 figure annual range. Amazing for a 2 year old company with a lot of "green" reps.

It's a classic plan of - don't try to strategize it or understand it all.

Make your first $2,000 in retail sales in first 90 days, and share the business and products with at least 2 people a day if you want to go slowly, share with 10 people a day if you want to build a 6 figure income in under a year.

We have a simple business plan you can follow and emulate to have the success you want.

Expansion and International Growth

Already in 6 countries with more plans to expand this year. Again, the simple flagship product makes this much easier than other DS companies experience.

Most important to me was finding something that would really be a fit for us both, and that didn't slant too far to my expertise or too far to her age.

And, we found it.

You've probably heard this before but if you just ask God, ask the Universe, it will be delivered.

So, if you are exploring a business and getting started, or planning a shift for 2015, these are some things you may want to consider.

It's easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment in a business,and one has a better chance at success when we take the time to research, plan and select something that fits us well.

I'm looking forward to drawing on my previous experience as the top recruiter, team builder and income earner in a company with a simple product, simple price point and way to make money without having to recruit, as I know that scares off many people.

Now, having said that, I love teaching people how to effectively build a team, because that is always where the big money will be!

And, I'm excited about having a virtual party and overview platform t easily duplicate and share what we offer.

After all, I have used online methods for more than 15 years to enroll over 1800 people into a business and I am more passionate now than ever.

Here is to an amazing 2015!!!

If you want to know more about our business, visit -

ACTION steps

Write out your list of what's important to you in a business. Include everything. You may not get it all, but you can come dose and decide what you can and can't live without.

Begin to do your research.

Find others in the company and if you don't know anyone, don't be afraid to interview and sponsor shop.

Be open to something different. While I never totally rued out this product line, I didn't see it as a strong contender always either!

Now, I am super excited and it's funny. I have a brain full of ideas on how to share it easily on social media without really selling!

iTunes reviews shout out!

Carl Prebilski - I have always enjoyed listening to Jackie on her conference calls. She is an inspiration to me and delivers useful information about network marketing. Now that the mp3’s are all here, it will be easier to listen to any call you want. Believe me, you will never get tired of listening to Jackie Ulmer! Carl was our November inner circle coaching winner!

Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!



Direct download: SSW125HowToChooseACompanyCriteriaList.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 124

On the last show we closed out the year.

I mentioned choosing a theme word for your year and the word I chose is launch.

Now, let's get ready to launch the new year with all the right components to make your network marketing business produce what you really want.

I give your- leaders who launch!!!!

If you are ready to stop talking and start succeeding, consider my inner circle coaching program, go to -

Boy do I have a lot to share with you on today's show and in the coming weeks.

I'm so excited about 2015 and the promise it brings. I always love the start of the new year but especially this year. I operate in 5's - 5 is my lucky number and so any thing I'm multiples of 5 always work for me.

So, I have known that big things are in store for me this year and I've been planning for it.

A lot of new things launching for me and my business this year.

2014 - a year of searching, seeking, trying some things I've wanted to do for awhile, my inner circle coaching. And, working with my daughter, who will soon be 20 and helping her launch something.

I knew launch was going to be a key component for me this year but did not know how all it would transpire or the many shapes it would take. I just new I was ready for something different. Something that felt better and created more peace.

I realized at the start of last year that there was a finite amount of time left for me, for us all. No mystery but it came into sharp focus for me.

I also want to simplify my life and looking back at 2014....well let's just say it doesn't align with simple.

So I have been planning, reflecting and going through my business life with a fine tooth comb. After a lot of thought, sorting, sifting and help from a business coach,

Here is what's on tap for me -

Coaching certification -,I'll be offering some free coaching

Social media

New business launch with my daughter.

So, I decided what better way to coach you than to have you follow along with my progress as we launch and grow this business.

If you'd like to know more, because you are looking for a business home, go to

Only for those who are serious. It's not an auto responder. I will be contacting you personally.

Reasons - most specifically my desire to work with my daughter and my prime target audiences -

Women, gen y and college students and grads, wahms - I know the unique challenges, needs and wants of these groups and have a strong desire for a team around these needs and wants.

So, I am going to be sharing with you over the following weeks -

How we chose a company and what our criteria is, why we wanted a sizzle product and how we are working with it

Our 90 day plan, following Eric Worre's 90 day launch, preparations, pre launch, launch, social media and how it fits into our launch, scripting, tools, getting new team members started, duplication and tools, follow up, and most specifically, what my daily method of operation DMO is.

How I opened myself up to what I was looking for -

I asked for help and answers. Daily prayer and meditation.

While in nyc right before Christmas, I kept picking up on signs everywhere of what I was being guided to do.

Remained mindful and opened to what presented itself. In the past, I might rate or judge something based on too many personal qualifications around it. Recently though, I started taking everything at face value and seeing how it measured up.

I let go of my own limiting beliefs.

I let go of shoulding on myself.

Mlm is full of areas where we can feel guilty or be led to think we should feel guilty. Be careful of this.

I also got very clear on my mission - to inspire and empower women to create a life and career they love.

I know what my life has been like the last 20 years, what I've e perished, what I've valued and where I want to make a difference.

Corp America is broken for women. Men, don't take this as exclusion. It's something to keep in mind as you recruit women into your business.

Understand what women are looking for. Understand their core values. More on this in the next show where I cover how my daughter and I chose a company.

I want to help more women be independent, to do work they value and truly love, to feel good about themselves. To be there with their children.

ACTION steps

Write out your mission and decide if what you are doing is fulfilling it.

Decide where you want to be in 5 years. Are you on track?

Think about what brings joy and fulfillment to you. Are you living that?

Make the changes you need to be true and honor yourself.


iTunes reviews shout out!

Laura M W - Wonderful, wonderful information you are sharing with all of us Jackie! Thank you so much! You have made Network Marketing so much easier!!

Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching

Show notes

I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?

Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!

and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer

or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!

Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews

And, share the link with friends and team partners!

On Stitcher -

Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!

Good luck in your business!

Direct download: SSW124Launch2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT