Mon, 29 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 97
One of the biggest areas of struggle for some people is knowing what to say when they first start a network marketing business. From starting with that warm market list, to talking to strangers we meet while out and about - knowing what to say will give you the confidence to crack open that door and have much more success in your business.
We’ll be covering some ice breakers and how to get the conversation started on today’s show.
Welcome to the show!
Is this your first time listening, or have you listened for a while? Currently, the show goes live twice a week, Monday’s and Thursday’s, with tips, tricks, solid concepts and interview from top income earners.
Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and let me know where you are when you listen and what your big takeaway is from the show!
We’ll cover how to get the conversation started with people you know, and people you don’t know today, and most specifically how to do it in a way that creates interest and puts everyone at ease.
You can find more in my training program -
IF you want even more coaching and insights on how to become a true Network Marketing professional, earning that gangster income, consider joining my coaching community! We cover everything A-Z on Network Marketing and A-Z on Social Media, and how to set up an online marketing system so YOU become the hunted and not the hunter! In other words, people come to YOU, pre-sold on network marketing and pre-sold on a business. Learn more -
Ice Breakers for Talking to Others About Network Marketing
Making your list. What to say to warm market and life styling! Building rapport Asking for Referrals
Here is my mantra about it - Relax, Have Fun, Detach from the outcome! Your JOB is to notify and stay in touch. That's it. The more people you notify and keep in touch with, the faster your business will grow.
I know, I hear this all of the time - ”My family and friends are different; people are different where I live; I'm going to recruit cold market first and then I'll let my warm market know.” Sound familiar? Don't make this mistake.
Just know how to contact as a professional and watch your business soar.
Warm Market
Get started with your list. Get it out of your head and onto paper.
Develop your success language “script!”
What was it that made you get out your credit card and sign up? Think about that and develop 2 or 3 sentences that flow easily for you when speaking to someone.
Think about your reasons; which could be: Downsized and looking for the right job. Disability that is forcing you to develop a career from home. Want to be home with children. Need to diversity income, due to economy. Retired, looking for something fun to create income. Entrepreneur, and excited about what this company offers.
Why did you join? What are you expecting to get out of it? Why are you contacting them?
I’ve launched a new business and I am looking for some feedback. I have wanted to get out of corporate America and home with the kids for a long time, and believe I have found something that is going to allow me to do that. I am calling you because….
You have strong business skills. I admire your professionalism. You know a lot of people and probably have some great ideas.
Make it a legitimate compliment.
The power in “Because.”
I’m working on a business project. I’m in a hurry, and have a quick question for you….
This sentence will work whether you are asking them to look at the product; inviting them to take a look at the opportunity; inviting them to a hotel meeting, etc.
"I don't know if you would be open to this but..." The word "open" is more effective than “interested” because everyone likes to think they are at least " open" to things!
Now, you add in what fits for YOU based on what you are sharing.
Build Rapport
If you are specifically calling about the business, get that on the table and also build rapport - “Hey Suzy, I’m calling today with a business question to ask you and would also love to catch up, is now a good time?”
Now it’s okay to ask some simple questions that you both relate to, such as about the family and such, before diving in. Spend a few minutes and then YOU be the one to move the conversation to business.
The reason I called today Suzy, is that I have been working on a new business project for the last few months. I work with a lot of women who have left corporate America to work with this company and I know you have mentioned for a long time that you would love to leave your job. Would you have about 15-20 minutes some time soon that I could share some details with you? I think it could be a fit for you, but that’s something only you can decide.
Don’t be afraid to say the name of your company -
What do you know about a company called XYZ?
They will either say - nothing, what is it? Or, they will say - I’ve heard of it.
Either way is good, have your plan ready for what to say next.
If I, would you…
Don’t blow it and try to explain it yourself. Know your tools and know your system that you will take them through. Don’t get bogged down with system. It typically consists of some format of the following -
Contact and invitation. Tool you will use to expose - DVD, Webinar, Website Video, one on one, home meeting, hotel meeting.
Caution on Hotel meetings and events - this work BEST as a second look.
Ask for decision. Scale of 1 - 10? What would it take to get you to a ten? What do you need to know? Listen…
Schedule next exposure/follow up. Never leave one exposure without a next appointment schedule, and be consistent in your follow up.
What happens when it drags on? Give the “Ball in your court” message, conversation.
We all meet people all of the time, as we are out living our day to day lives!
Think about - Waiters, service staff, sales clerks at retail outlets, cleaners, grocery, nail tech, hairdresser, post office, etc.
Be prepared with a business card, a compliment and a question -
“Hey, you did a great job serving me today and I appreciate it. Have you ever heard of XYZ company? (It doesn’t matter if it’s yes or no.) Great, we are expanding in this area and are looking for people who are fun, motivated, outgoing.,, people just like you. I know you are busy at work now, but would you be interested in learning a little more at a later time? Great, do you have a card or can you jot down a good number and time for me to call and give you some details?”
We also meet people at other events such as -
Kids sporting and activities Church Social Events and Parties
Set a goal to meet people and LISTEN for FORM.
You meet someone; they are a stranger, you strike up a conversation with general questions – how about this weather we are having; what do you do? Etc.
Referrals Always use a no or any type of hesitancy to ask for referrals. Are you open to looking? "No"
Reply: "That's great, thank you for your honesty. Who are three people you know who would be interested in making money on the side?"
Always ask for referrals! Word it just like that for maximum power.
We cover much, much more on ice breakers for starting the conversation; how to share the success stories of other’s in a similar profession to create interest; what to do when you’ve been in more than one company in the past and contacted them; how to move from the product to the business; and more in
Objections, included as well.
Know your “system.”
Make your list - have you done that?
Develop your “pitch!”
Start calling and have fun!
Go out to dinner, shopping and out and about and start practicing talking to people about your business!
iTunes reviews shout out!
Mobile Jazzman - Outstanding. Jackie, I want to do business with you. This podcast is informative and practical. Jackie, you are a gifted teacher and coach, what a great use of this podcast.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
My one on one coaching is about to re-open, so stay tuned for those details! I’m super excited to get back into the trenches with you!
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 97_SSW097IceBreakersForNetworkMarketing.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT |
Thu, 25 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 96
In the last show, we talked about the 7 skills you must master to become a network marketing professional. You’ll find it at
In Today’s show, I want to cover the difference between Posers Players and Professionals In Network Marketing, and then you can decide - which one are you NOW; and is that the one you want to be?
Well, here is an area most don’t want to really think about, because very often, when we first hear this, we don’t like to think where we fall.
Are you a poser, player or professional in your network marketing business? Most people start as the first one - a poser; and a percentage move quickly into the second one. that of player.
It’s only a very small percentage that take it seriously enough to become a true Network Marketing Professional.
We’ll cover each of the three today, and most specifically we’ll cover how to become the professional in Network Marketing that you want to be.
IF you want even more coaching and insights on how to deal with these types of issues, consider joining my coaching community! We cover everything A-Z on Network Marketing and A-Z on Social Media, and how to set up an online marketing system so YOU become the hunted and not the hunter! In other words, people come to YOU, pre-sold on network marketing and pre-sold on a business. Learn more -
Posers, Players and Professionals in Network Marketing
Let me start by saying I have been all three and am highly qualified to educate and share on this topic. And, I have gone back and forth between the first two, several times, and even the second and third a time or two!
You may find yourself in these descriptions. You are in great company. Many, many of us start here.
Have about 3-8 people in mind for the business and are hoping and praying they will join, be superstars and make everyone rich!
They have a conversation with a prospect or two; or team partner, and they complain about everything. This is a poser.
Another example of a poser is those who Missing In Action. They say they will do something, and then they drop off the face of the earth. They don’t return calls, or email. Seriously? Yikes, come on. At least act like a professional when it comes to bowing out gracefully.
Don't attend events or conference calls, and have an excuse for everything.
Mental vs written list - think it’s a waste of time and don’t really intend to call any of them any way.
Get involved in busy work. Flyers, websites, conference calls, Facebook groups and so on.
Give it a try.
Small written list.
Already know what to say and "their friends are different" so they don't need 3rd party tools.
Look for outside motivators.
Start and stop constantly.
Look for bright shiny objects and shortcuts.
May go to an event or two, but don’t really take it seriously.
They might have an ah ha moment at an event though,
Players are recoverable, and they teeter. You must be in good communication and see what you can do to keep them in the game and shift to a professional.
They take it seriously.
They don’t know everything or pretend to, but say - teach me.
They make their written list and begin contacting.
They have fears, but their why is much stronger than any fear.
They attend events.
They call you.
They stay optimistic. They understand how to handle shutdowns and set realistic expectations for the business.
They will role play with their sponsor and take the time to write out their contacting success language. They learn the tools and how to use them.
They work their calendar.
They study the business skills needed and practice, drill and rehearse.
Anyone can become a professional at any time. It involves life long learner mode and then teaching what is learned.
IT’s being coachable.
It’s realizing that it’s not a lottery ticket; that it takes work, like any other successful endeavor does.
Pretty soon, everyone wants to know how you “did it” and the truth is, there is no secret, just sticking to it.
So, which are you now, and where do you want to be?
Determine who you are and where you want to be.
Make your list - have you done that?
Have a business action plan, every day, even if NOTHING is on it.
Hold yourself accountable and ask your sponsor to as well.
What is your weakness and how can you improve it?
What event is on your calendar?
iTunes reviews shout out!
Stagmeister - Jackie has a unique way of conveying truth and sincerity. Emphasizing YOU and what you like as your brand. Avoiding the guru culture. She is genuine and a great listener. Worlds of knowledge and experience.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event - I have discounted tickets available - save over $150 off regular price
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check! Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 96_SSW096PosersPlayersand_ProfessionalsinNetworkMarketing.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT |
Mon, 22 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 95
Many people start out in network marketing with just the hope of being successful, while still others take it on as a serious career path, and want to become a network marketing professional.
In today’s show, we will cover the 7 Skills you need to become a network marketing professional.
Welcome to the show!
If you are really serious about becoming a network marketing professional and earning a career income within the profession, then there are 7 key skills you will want to study, learn, perfect and master to reach the level you want.
There are no shortcuts.
We’ll cover those today, and
IF you want even more coaching and insights on how to deal with these types of issues, consider joining my coaching community! We cover everything A-Z on Network Marketing and A-Z on Social Media, and how to set up an online marketing system so YOU become the hunted and not the hunter! In other words, people come to YOU, pre-sold on network marketing and pre-sold on a business. Learn more -
7 Skills of the Master Networker
Developing and growing Your candidate list and prospects to talk to The Invitation The Business Presentation The Follow up The Close - or helping with the decision Launching your new team partner Creating culture
Developing and growing Your candidate list
Prospects are everywhere. Don't ever make the lame excuse that there is no one to talk to.
I often hear people say - my warm market won't be interested. People are different where I live. And, people say that from all over the globe.
About 80% of people who join network marketing come in as just “hopers”, with a mental list of 3-8 people they hope will join and make them rich. This is why the failure rate is so high. Real Estate is no different. The busy work of getting the license and setting up shop is one thing....and anyone can do it. The real work and hustle of drumming up clients is something totally different.
Fully write your list, even the chicken list. Empty your mind and provide room for growth Study your list and think of who they know. Add two new people to your list daily. Write them down. People you meet Social media Business contacts
Don't pitch people. Develop a connection and professionally network. Harvey McKay - begin making a contact list now and figure out a creative way to stay in touch with them 3-4 times a year.
Network on purpose. Get out and meet people. Develop that skill. Know how to say what you do. " my full time job is....but what I'm really excited about is a business I am growing on the side!"
Jim Rohn quote - I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune.
The Art of the Invitation
Possibly most critical skill and one most spend the least time developing. Practice, drill and rehearse what to say.
The Business Presentation
Use third party tools - always. Creates duplication and the sense that “I can do this, too!”
Get over ME!
Learn to tell your story, short, brief and powerful and then move over for the tool to share the business. What wasn’t working and how network marketing is changing that is an important part of your story.
Be the messenger, not the message itself.
Be passionate and excited and once the tool is over, ask - what did you like best?
The Follow up
Pros follow up, hopers or posers wait for their prospect to make the move. And they wait and wait and wait.
Follow up statistics don’t lie. Increase your sponsoring by 80%.
Let people know you are going to follow up and then do it, Never end a meeting without setting the next meeting.
What happens if they haven’t watched or gone through the presentation? When do you think you can do it for sure? Set the next appointment.
On average, it takes 4-6 exposures. IT’s not going to change for you! Some will join on the first, others will join on the 10th. This is an average.
Be prepared for questions and objections -
The Close - or helping with the decision
Simply ask them to join! Try it. I would really love to work together on this project. Will you join the team and let’s get started?
On a scale of 1 - 10…
What is standing in your way of joining the team today?
Be prepared for them to say yes!
Launching your new team partner
Critical to success! Set up a 48 hour game plan interview and cover some critical things -
Congratulate them and let them know they have made a good decision.
Set their expectations - handling shutdowns.
Getting started checklist - do they know what to do first? What will they do first. Products, tools, list, success language, three way calls
Launch plan - how will they get first customers and distributors? Who is on their top ten list?
First action steps.
How to handle it if they go MIA
Creating culture
Get them plugged onto team events.
Introduce to upline.
Share when the next event is and get them committed to it.
Make a plan, do the plan, review the plan, tweak the plan, repeat!
Determine what skills you need to improve.
Make your list
Know the tools and the process
Go through a getting started checklist and make sure you know what to do, and how to train someone new.
What event is on your calendar?
iTunes reviews shout out!
GolfBALLROGER - Jackie provides great content which can help anyone build their business. Truly enjoy the show whew does and can’t wait for more. Thanks for all you do.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event -I have discounted tickets available - save over $150 off regular price
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 95_SSW095The7SkillsOfAProNetworkMarketer.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT |
Thu, 18 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 94
It’s so exciting to think of becoming the hunted in your network marketing business, right? So, we hop out on Facebook, or Twitter or any Social Media platform and just begin to talk, talk, talk, talk about how excited we are and how fabulous the products are and that they cure everything known to man, and give so much energy and shoot to the moon like a star fleet commander.
Oh, and the money…let’s talk about the money….
Let’s talk about Social Media Mistakes to avoid, first…okay?
Welcome to the show!
IF you want even more coaching and insights on how to deal with these types of issues, consider joining my coaching community! We cover everything A-Z on Network Marketing and A-Z on Social Media, and how to set up an online marketing system so YOU become the hunted and not the hunter! In other words, people come to YOU, pre-sold on network marketing and pre-sold on a business. Learn more -
Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in Your Network Marketing Business Journey
Instead of going with just the negative, I’m going to state these in positive terms and you can take a look and see what you are doing and not doing! Before we even dive in, remember that unless you are running a paid ad, these are not advertising sites. Don’t be a blatant advertiser on your wall and in your stream all the time. It’s viewed as spam.
First, have a strategy.
Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. What do they struggle with? What message can you deliver that will create curiosity for them?
Don’t get busy on all platforms. Pick one, maybe two and really dig in, learn and create a presence! Where is your target audience, and what platform do you love and resonate with?
Get out of the newsfeed and into communities.
Be consistent across all platforms with your photo, your brand and your overall message. Be authentic, in other words.
Images - Visual Marketing is the name of the game these days, well over 50% of conversation happens via image posts and status updates.
Hashtags - this is a great way to use the search feature, on Twitter for instance and find new conversations, TweetChats and people who you might really want to connect with.
Engage - schedule time in your day to be out there, without your agenda. Talking and sharing, conversing.
Be consistent. Showing up once and a while leaves you unmemorable.
Track your actions. How many times are you posting on Twitter? Times? Feedback and engagement?
Weekend Posting - many people do nothing on the weekends and weekend posts often get the most engagement!
Never be inappropriate - save that for conversations with good, close friends.
Network - mention, tag, respond, encourage.
Mix up your message so it’s not the same ole same ole all of the time. What tips can you share? What books are you reading? What events have you attended? This is all great stuff for blog posts you can then promote regularly.
Share the content of others - be generous and attract a crowd! Schedule time for this and another reason not to spread yourself too thin!
Always focus on quality and not quantity. With content, sharing, and fans/followers.
Pick your first platform on Social Media and build a very solid profile. Make it exciting, compelling and take them to your blog, where you are an authority expert and they will be impressed and feel confident!
Determine what your audience really wants to hear. Remember you are a solutions provider, and your goal is to offer up a solution that your prospect really needs before they even ask!
Schedule time each day to get on your social platforms and have conversation with people. Reply, respond, comment and encourage.
Develop your daily and weekly strategy.
Use hashtags!
iTunes reviews shout out!
MoeJoez69 - I have learned so much from these podcasts. Jackie is a great leader of our industry.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event -I have discounted tickets available - save over $150 off regular price
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Mon, 15 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 93
Have you ever felt like - oh no, I’ve joined this fabulous network marketing or direct sales company, but it’s saturated….everyone already is using the products, heard of it or building the business. uhhh. nooooo, let’s chat about this a bit….
Welcome to the show!
I am often asked about the issue of saturation, both about a company, its products and on Social Media. And, a real key to this is the Social Media piece. I am going to share some thoughts on this topic and always love answering your questions.
IF you want even more coaching and insights on how to deal with these types of issues, consider joining my coaching community! We cover everything A-Z on Network Marketing and A-Z on Social Media, and how to set up an online marketing system so YOU become the hunted and not the hunter! In other words, people come to YOU, pre-sold on network marketing and pre-sold on a business. Learn more -
Is Saturation a problem in Network Marketing and Social Media?
To answer this, I'm going to share a few stories and analogies.
The whole issue of saturation is a complete myth. It just is non existent.
Think of household brand names you know right now. And, think of more household name network marketing and direct sales companies and products you know of. Look around your home.
How many products from any companies that come to mind do you see?
When I shop at my local Target; Barnes and Noble; Pier 1 shopping center, there are 4 Starbucks within that oneintersection. There is one in the Target store; one in Barnes and Noble; a stand alone in the food court area of the shopping center, and across the street, where the Marshall's and JoAnn's stores are, there is another stand alone Starbucks store. It's located in Redlands, California, with a population of under 75,000 people.
A few years back, that well known household name, Starbucks closed quite a few stores that weren't doing so well, and yet all 4 of these stores in my small intersection of the world remain open. And, each one hits a different demographic and "timing" for its customers. Fresno, California, with a population of around 500,000 had 7 top earning representatives from my first company, back in the 90s. Now, compare that to the Internet. We know that over 1.5 billion people are on Facebook. There are nearly 2 billion internet users worldwide. Remember that success in sponsoring into your business is based on a few key components: Timing of the prospect. I could not have been less interested in Network Marketing when it was first presented to me. Fast forward 15 months; home with a new baby and I want to make sure I never have to go back to work outside of my home. My timing was perfect at that moment and I joined. You and the relationship you have with the prospect. People join people. Far too few people remember that online. They think that Social Media is about "spamming" everyone with their opportunity; throwing mud against the wall to see what sticks. The opportunity you offer – make sure you have something solid, both in products and compensation plan; support and training, etc. There are some other factors sometimes, but these sum up the bulk of what's important. There are many ways to build a solid business and the internet is just one tool in your tool box. Everyone should start with at least letting their warm market know about what they are doing. You don't have to ask them to join or buy, just let them know and ask them to keep you in mind. From there, be aware of people and situation as you are out and about and if the timing is right, have an idea of what you will say and give to someone you meet so you can contact them later and see if they might be a viable candidate. Offline networking groups and meet-ups can be a great place to connect with people; develop a relationship and then see, over time, if there might be a business fit together. Now, we move to the internet and Social Media. Again, a great tool and a MASSIVE ocean of potential prospects. The power in Social Media is that you have the ability to leverage your time and efforts in a way that "stays" out there. What I mean is this: if you attend the Tuesday business meeting and invite a few guests and no one comes, that time is lost to you forever in terms of showing your business to someone or making a connection. However, if you write a valuable article about the skills needed for network marketing; or how to give an effective business overview; that content is viewable online from the time it is posted until removed. A viable candidate for your business can find it at any time; become interested in you and click to learn more about your business. This prospect may not have been looking for a business 6 months ago, but time and circumstances have changed and now it's a different ball game. The secret to success in sponsoring online is in developing your "brand or message"; building relationships with others where your brand becomes obvious; and seeing where those relationships take you over time. It involves consistency and commitment to showing up and interacting with your target audience. Join groups and forums where you can associate with like-minded people. "Attend" regularly, just like you would you local Chamber of Commerce meeting. Always be asking "what can I contribute here?" Get to know people and be genuinely interested. Over time, you'll begin to attract your right audience and sponsor some into your business. Good luck and see you out there!
Expand your contacts on Social Media so that you are not just friends with people already in your company!
Do your own survey - ask friends and acquaintances, co-workers - have you ever heard of XYZ company? And, what do you know about them?
Develop your own way of handling this when someone says they have heard of the company - Wow, that’s fantastic, so have you experienced the products already then?
Remember that every day - new people turn 18, graduate college, become a parent, get downsized and any number of things that will take them to the point of looking for a business.
iTunes reviews shout out!
Use Your Words Kathy Kendrick - I have been listening to Jackie for about 8 months now on a regular basis. Her information is always very straightforward and relevant. I am excited that she now has regular podcasts that I can subscribe to so I font miss a thing. Her training has helped my business so much. She is very generous with her information.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event -I have discounted tickets available - nearly $100 off regular price -
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 93_SSW093SaturationInNetworkMarketingBusiness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT |
Thu, 11 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show #92
Today is September 11, and I wanted to incorporate this into today’s show, because it was such a defining moment for so many of us. AS I look around at things today, it can be easy to feel like we’ve learned nothing from mistakes of the past, and that the world is crazy as ever.
And, it is also a time to reflect on the gratitude and abundance I feel in my own life, and for the choices I’ve made and the work that I do in Network Marketing and Direct Sales, and how it can affect others.
Welcome to the show!
We cover a lot of good stuff on these shows, and it’s one way I give back for all that this profession has given me. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, and want even more coaching, tips and tricks, join me and a group of other focused business builders in my inner circle coaching program -
So, where were you on September 11, 2001?
Kind of like the day the first man landed on the moon, for some, and the day JFK was assassinated, today, Sept 11 is right there with it.
I’m married to an American Airlines pilot. He was in the air, headed home, when it happened. He had no clue what was going on.
I had a running joke with my husband, as I had given up news and TV back in January, 1997. I always said - if something major happens, someone will call me. I won't miss out on the important stuff.
Sure enough, my phone blew up with calls shortly after 6am pacific time.
There were so many things that ran through my mind during that next 4 days, and beyond -
My children.
The empty skies, for 4 days. It was dreadfully silent and empty up there in the big blue yonder.
Something weird overtook me and I began to clean my house, like a crazy woman, while glued to the TV and news reports. I was obsessed. I'm talking MAJOR cleaning, like pulling out my washer and dryer and cleaning behind it, every baseboard, inside cabinets and so on - maybe I knew inside I would be moving.
Making the decision to move to California, and taking a loss - $25,000 - $30,000 on a new home we were in the process of building, but nothing compared to the loss of others, who had loved ones who would never return home. I was not walking around lower Manhattan with a photo of my husband, asking if anyone had seen him.
Paycuts and my defining moment of finally getting my business into high gear.
Gratitude. Finding the good in the ashes of September 11, 2001
Cubicles and owning one’s life.
Passionate about helping others, especially moms, finding my way in the empty nest.
Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -
Where are you unhappy in your life?
What steps can you take today to begin to change that?
What are you grateful for?
What inspires you?
iTunes reviews shout out!
Melanie Bryers - I've been waiting for this. I can't say enough good things about Jackie. I love her style of teaching and she is definitely one of the best in the industry.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
August winner is in the bag and it is - Erin From Oregon - congrats Erin and just contact me and I’ll get you on the inside!
IT’s coming!!! Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event -I have discounted tickets available - nearly $100 off regular price
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 92_SSW092ReflectionsOn9-11AndGratitude.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT |
Mon, 8 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show #91
So, you’ve got this thing called a Network Marketing and home business now - so how to you manage it, your life, the family and everything else while keeping your sanity?
We will cover that in today’s show!
Welcome to the show!
Taking on anything else in life with our crazy schedules can seem like a recipe for disaster, but remember this - almost EVERYONE who sets a goal to break free from a life they don’t own any more; to fire a boss; escape the cubicle, or just create more most often have to enter the dark abyss on the way to the sunlight.
That means, we often work more, harder and crazier in the beginning. Read the bios of anyone, - Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki - the list goes on.
Add your name in there.
We will cover a lot, and for even more coaching, tips and tricks, join me and a group of other focused business builders in my inner circle coaching program -
Eliminate the word BALANCE and substitute BLEND.
Set Goals.
Get Organized.
To Do Lists
Top 3 List
Learn to say NO
On Times and Off Times
Break up your workday
Listen to your body
Plan ahead for holidays
Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -
Get Organized
Plan your day the night before
What can you say no to
Get rid of excuses and adopt self discipline
iTunes reviews shout out!
Cyndy justice - Jackie is totally professional and gracious and always speaks the win integrity. She doesn't offer any theory but teaches skills and techniques that she has proven to be successful. It is always my privilege and pleasure to learn from Jackie.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event -I have discounted tickets available - nearly $100 off regular price
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 91_SSW091ManagingTimeLifeBusinessAndSanity.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT |
Thu, 4 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show #90
You’ve just started in network marketing and you’ve started talking to friends and family. Why is it that they don’t join you? That they don’t see what you see?
Is there something wrong with you? Your Network Marketing business?
Welcome to the show!
Have you ever found yourself struggling to talk to family and friends? Or someone on your Network Marketing team is struggling with this?
Why is this and how do we overcome this?
First, let's set your expectations overall - most won't join you - friends, networking events, ads, leads and so on.
NONE of us get everyone to join us, nor do we get the majority to join our Network Marketing team.
Let's be clear on that
Success is learned skill sets
Practice and rehearse your invitation. Develop this skill in network marketing thoroughly. Know how to contact and invite others.
Use the Third party approach!
Punished or rewarded by your past. This sounds a little harsh, so listen and see what I mean by this.
Third party tools and why this is much more effective.
Notify those you know, at very least.
Follow up - know the power and truth in these statistics.
Don't be timid - be a proud Network Marketing Pro!
Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -
Make your list
Practice drill rehearse
Detach from
Follow up
iTunes reviews shout out!
Thanks to Nina Obier who writes- I was introduced to Jackie many years ago. I have always enjoyed her training and value added content. I am so excited to hear more through her podcasts. Thanks for always being so generous and inspiring.
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching
Watch for my done for you blog setup and coaching coming end of sept or first of October, get on my list for updates -
Mastermind tickets and event -I have discounted tickets available - nearly $100 off regular price
Show notes
I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?
Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond!
and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 90_SSW090WhyFriendsAndFamilyWontJoin.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT |
Mon, 1 September 2014
Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show #89.
It’s labor day here in the US and hordes of employees have enjoyed a long weekend, and tonight, they’ll begin thinking about dragging back into work tomorrow. You may be listening on a different day - but you know what I mean. Take any holiday, and so many of us LIVE for the long weekend, or vacation or extra time off, and then get to the end and DREAD going back the next day.
On today’s show, we are going to talk about what it takes to break free and become an entrepreneur…a solopreneur, a mommy-preneur, Network Marketing preneur and so on. It’s not as challenging as you might think.
Welcome to the show!
How the lay person thinks about money - If you were given $1000 to spend on a sectional type sofa, what would you buy? Did you know that the US standard says that 90% of the country would spend $1500 on the sectional. So they would go $500 over. 9% would spend just the $1000 and break even and have the sofa.
But, the wealthiest people would figure out some way to fund it through a business. So, for instance., some would invest in some sort of vending machine. Buy a product, mark it up dramatically, save the earnings and go buy the sofa.
Now, they own the sofa, AND still an income producing asset.
This speaks a lot to mindset, ambition, delayed gratification and so on. Where do you fall in this grid? What would you do?
We’ll cover some solid concepts on becoming an entrepreneur today, and if you want even more coaching on mindset, the success principles of entrepreneurship as a network marketing pro, and even how to attract leads with Social Media, I invite you to the inside of my Inner Circle Coaching program.
Surround yourself with the training and a community that can full out support you in what you want to achieve!
Show notes
How To Become an Entrepreneur through Network Marketing
Stop waiting for permission. You’re an adult, and you don’t need it.
Network Marketing offers you some great advantages to learn entrepreneurship:
Discipline is the key to your success. It drives willpower. So, let’s build your discipline muscle:
Remember this - skills can be learned, resources are everywhere, discipline is a choice, don’t be lazy, you have permission!
You know what the action steps are that are needed to make your entrepreneurial pursuit of network marketing a success. If you don’t, go back to show 4, Launching your Network Marketing Business
Most of all - DECIDE!
Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -
1. Decide what you would do with the $1000 for the sectional sofa 2. Take a look at your mental programming and see what needs some changes. 3. Is fear standing in your way? What will you do about it? 4. Talk yourself into discipline. It’s just a decision. 5. Get rid of bad habits. Just get rid of them. 6. Affirm your decision to be an entrepreneur daily.
iTunes reviews shout out!
Rebecca Livermore - Refreshing and encouraging. Great podcast with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and helpful tip!
Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.
Show notes
Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!
Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.
Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews
And, share the link with friends and team partners!
On Stitcher -
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Good luck in your business!
Direct download: 89_SSW089LaborDayReliefThruNetworkMarketing.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:00am PDT |