Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #88


It's exciting isn't it? You've started a Network Marketing business and embarked on the journey and career of a lifetime. A career that can be a game changer for you in so many ways.


So, how to you ensure that you become one of the 3% - one who goes on to build a professional Network Marketing organization, income and career?


Welcome to the show! 


Now I don't have any solid stats on this but based on many conversations over the past 20 years, I have determined that about 80-90% of people who start a network marketing business have a dream of building a full time income! career! and leaving behind a job and truly having and living the life of their dreams.


Does that describe you? What are you seeking from your network marketing business?



We’ll cover some solid concepts on becoming a network marketing professional today, and if you want even more coaching on mindset, the success principles of how to grow a network marketing business to a professional level and even how to attract leads with Social Media, I invite you to the inside of my Inner Circle Coaching program.


Surround yourself with the training and a community that can full out support you in what you want to achieve!



Show notes



How To Become a Professional Network Marketing Professional



First, you decide.


Then, you make the commitment to develop the basic business skills needed to achieve this goal. By basic, I do mean basic. There is nothing hard or complicated about it. There are no secrets and there are no shortcuts.


Finally, you share what you've learned and what you do with everyone you encounter. You share with them that there is a simple way to get everything they want from life and business. Simple, but not easy.


Easy to do, easy not to do. It's as simple as that. Play on words intended. 


Think about a surgeon, a pilot or an attorney. Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon who hadn't gone to med school, but is excited about this career choice and has watched a number of YouTube videos? Or, would you strap in the airplane of a pilot who makes paper airplanes, builds and flies toy airplanes and has watched YouTube videos? Or, an attorney who watches judge Judy on TV and cops?


No! Of course not. So why would network marketing be any different?



Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers and 10,000 hours . 4 hours a day for 7 years - you can make great money along the way.


Posers, players, pros - ignorance on fire


Your education doesn't cost a lot of money. Unlike surgeon, pilot or attorney.


Success is completely non biased - age, gender,  background and education, demographics 


 Simple, non complicated.


Professionals avoid blame. They look in the mirror. Understand this one thing - success or failure begins and ends with you. Everything will change the day you take full responsibility for your network marketing career.





Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -


 Decide what skills you need to develop and then go develop them; one day at a time and one step at a time.


What qualities do you need to have so people want to join you? Do you have those?

What does your daily action plan look like right now? Will that take you where you want to go?


Realize that you are not better or worse in this business journey, you are just along a different phase in the timeline. What's the next step you need to take to get you to that next level on the journey?


iTunes reviews shout out!



Clinton Reid Brown - I had the privilege of meeting Jackie in person a couple of years ago and since then have followed her trainings online. If you could adopt a mom to help you succeed in direct sales and network marketing, jackie would be the choice. There are 2 things I really appreciate - 1) she isn’t an act; she is as nice in person as she is online. 2) she has actually made money doing what she says. THAT is actually quite rare among trainers. Thanks for doing the podcast!




Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes


I really do want to hear from you. This world and business needs more connection! Do you have a question or comment for me? Feedback for the show?


Tweet me - @jackieulmer let me know what's on your mind. I'll respond! 


and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!

Direct download: 88_SSW088BecomeANetworkMarketingPro.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #87.



Back in the late 90s, the network marketing profession lost a dynamic leader when John Kalench passed away very prematurely from cancer.  It served as a somber reminder that we don’t always have as much time as we think on this earth, in this life, and the ability to create a lasting dynasty for ourselves and our family’s is something we want to act on NOW.


Recently, the sudden and tragic death and suicide of Actor Robin Williams also serves to remind us that life is short, and while money can’t heal all wounds, what Network Marketing can provide in terms of freedom and choices can be priceless in getting many people out of situations they despise.


That is where true leadership comes in to play, so let’s talk about leadership development on today’s call…



Welcome to the show! 


Remember that nothing is built overnight, and your business and the leadership needed to go along with it won’t happen either. It’s an ongoing learning process.


We’ll cover some solid concepts on leadership today, and if you want even more coaching on mindset, the success principles of network marketing, and even how to attract leads with Social Media, I invite you to the inside of my Inner Circle Coaching program.


Surround yourself with the training and a community that can full out support you in what you want to achieve!


Show notes


How Do You Create Leaders in Network Marketing


Profits are better than wages. Jim Rohn


Leaders are:


  • Strong, but not impolite
  • Kind, but not weak
  • Bold, but not a bully
  • Humble, but not timid
  • Proud, but not arrogant
  • Humor, without folly


A great leader is an average individual who is extremely well-prepared when an incredible event occurs. General Schwartzkopf


L - Love - fall in love with what you do


E - Enthusiastic - be enthusiastic about things


A - Attitude - have the right attitude


D - Desire - have a burning desire to learn all you can about your profession


E - Emulate - emulate others who have what you want, and leaders who are greater than you are


R - Respect - earn the respect of your followers through your integrity


S - Success - Enjoy is, share it, appreciate it


H - Humble - always remain humble about your success and recognize those who helped get you there


I - Imagination - imagination is the spark of genius and the beginning of all great creations


P - Passion - have a passion and zest for life, and what you do



Strong leadership must start with personal motivation. It’s easy to be motivated at the beginning.


Always stay busy giving recognition.


Leaders build relationships.


Listen and empower, as a leader.


Page 39


Begin with being a good follower.


Leaders Just Do It!




Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -


1.  Write down three leaders who you identify with and want to model.

2. Write down the core strengths they have that you want to emulate.

3. Be bold and reach out to them and tell them why you admire them, and ask if they have a tip for you for success.

4. Write down your core strengths. Write down your weaknesses.

5. Write out your vision for how your leadership will flow.



iTunes reviews shout out!


Super Dave Smith - I have had the pleasure of participating in trainings with Jackie several times and I am real excited that she has a podcast show. Now, I can take her honesty and knowledge about our profession with me on the run.

Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes


Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!


Good luck in your business!



Direct download: 87_SSW087DevelopingLeadershipInNetworkMarketing.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #86.



Do you have some people on your Network Marketing Chicken List? Some people who may already be business owners, and so you think  - gee, they wouldn’t be interested, they already “own their life.” Or, you are slightly intimidated because they have a higher “professional status” than maybe you perceive you have?


Listen in because you will love today’s interview with someone who owned a successful business, and had the “freedom” that goes along with not having a boss. But, she was still chained to a job that she created….



Welcome to the show! 


I love doing this show because I always learn so much from the guests I interview and today’s guest is no exception.


As she shares, success in any business involves ongoing education and if you are looking for a one stop resource for taking your business online, and to the next level…everything from how to contact people, share your business, how/when to follow up effectively, and even how to take your business online and attract some of those 3 million plus people who go online daily looking for a business, or rather a solution to their financial and time woes, then take a look at my inner circle coaching program!



Surround yourself with the training and a community that can full out support you in what you want to achieve!



Show notes



My guest today is Marie Benoit, originally from Louisiana, and was once a tenured college professor before she turned entrepreneur. She’s lived in Virginia since 1987, where she owned and ran a successful seminar company and a management training company.


As you’ll hear in today’s interview, she managed her money well, retired early, and then went searching for OTHER solutions and happened upon Network Marketing.


Unlike most people, Marie did not choose Network Marketing as a career choice to leave behind a job or boss she didn’t like; or for the money.


She’s mostly in it for the thrill of the chase. To do something most people do not. To succeed where most people do not!


Here’s Marie



We cover:


  • Marie’s background
  • How she found Network Marketing
  • Why Small business owners are perfect for Network Marketing
  • How to approach other professionals
  • Why continuous learning is important
  • Learn more about Marie -







Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -


1.  Get out your list and write down some of the names you’ve been avoiding out of fear

2. Practice what you will say using good success language and even the third party approach

3. Get the next event you will attend scheduled on your calendar.

4. Take a look at your activity level and make sure you are treating your business like a business.



iTunes reviews shout out!


Mary Swarts - Jackie always provides valuable content that can help anyone with their business. She gives of her time and skills so as to lift others and takes great satisfaction in helping them succeed. She is a top notch business person, she’s personable and easy to listen to. Thanks for all you do, Jackie.


Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.



Show notes


Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!


Good luck in your business!



Direct download: 86_SSW086MarieBenoitProfessionalsInNetworkMarketingInterview.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #85.



“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” 

Steve Maraboli


On today’s show, we are going to talk about the 5 mindset characteristics you must have to be successful in your network marketing and home business.


Welcome to the show! 



We’ll cover a lot today, and if you want even more coaching on mindset, the success principles of network marketing, and even how to attract leads with Social Media, I invite you to the inside of my Inner Circle Coaching program.


Surround yourself with the training and a community that can full out support you in what you want to achieve!



Show notes



So, what are the mindset traits or characteristics you must master to be a success?




  • Bellief
  • Fear
  • Assumptions
  • Faith
  • Criticism



Let’s cover each one in depth -




  • 3 Types - Your Company/Products; Network Marketing; Yourself
  • The system
  • The timeline of success
  • Of others
  • That there IS a better way
  • That if ANYONE has done it, you can, too!



Develop belief mantras, quotes and I AM statements to get you to that strong belief level!




  • Fear shows up in all kinds of ways - procrastination, busy work, excuses
  • Fear of what others will think
  • Fear that the company won’t succeed, or “Where is the security?”
  • Fear of success



Success is not about becoming fear-less; it’s about being more committed to a different set of fears - what you will miss if you DON’T do it - than any other fears.






  • You know what they say about assuming - it makes a donkey’s behind out of me and you!
  • Like fears, we make up all kinds of assumptions - if he was interested, he would call; she must NOT be interested since I have not heard; my business will build itself; people will show up when they say they will; people will remember I have a business when the time is right
  • NEVER let assumptions run your business.
  • ALWAYS assume to the positive - I haven’t heard from them, so they are just busy and waiting to hear from me; if they haven’t said no, then it’s a maybe


“If others tell us something we make assumptions, and if they don't tell us something we make assumptions to fulfill our need to know and to replace the need to communicate. Even if we hear something and we don't understand we make assumptions about what it means and then believe the assumptions. We make all sorts of assumptions because we don't have the courage to ask questions.” 

Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom





  • Sometimes, you just gotta draw on your inner faith and KNOW that the outcome you desire is coming.
  • You trust the sun will come up, right? WHY?
  • If this business has worked for anyone, and they share what they are doing and how they have done it, why not you? Why would your circumstances be different if you follow the same path.
  • “Faith is walking face-first and full-speed into the dark. If we truly knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of God and the destiny of our souls, our belief would not be a leap of faith and it would not be a courageous act of humanity; it would just be... a prudent insurance policy.”  Elizabeth gilbert
  • What I know is this - once I got clear that success would be mine as long as I stayed committed and consistent and took action daily, I powered through even the dark times, and the sun always came out - people showed up at the most interesting times to join me in my business.
  • Faith is believing in what we can’t see…..and it is magical!




“Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.”  Mitch Albom, Have a little Faith 





  • There are many types of criticism. Think about the many critical thoughts you may have each day!
  • Your company
  • Management
  • Products
  • Upline
  • Crossline
  • Downline
  • Prospects
  • The criticism you feel from others - “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Winston Churchill
  • Self - apples and oranges; life situations; history in business and life; and so on


Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. Comparing is the same as criticism.



Bob Dylan - “Don't criticize what you can't understand.”







Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -


1.  Keep a journal of when your thought turns critical.

2. Dig a little deeper as to what might be provoking this, besides what you THINK the criticism is.

3. When you find your thoughts turning critical, reframe it - speak it out loud with a positive twist.

4. Pay special attention to self criticism.

5. Like assumptions, criticism is often about things we do not understand, or know what we think we do about it!


iTunes reviews shout out!


Michele Reynolds - I have looked up to Jackie as a mentor for a year and a half as a top network marketer, a great person and someone that is building a business right. What I love about Jackie is she is a talented business woman, a great educator and she knows how to get results and she is one of the most personable people I have ever met. She is well rounded both in her personal and professional life. I love that she learned the industry from the ground up and is willing to help others. Remarkable woman!



Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.




Show notes


Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #AskJackie


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Good luck in your business!

Direct download: 85_SSW085MindsetForSuccess5Traits.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #84.



Zig Ziglar says - you were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win…..


And, if I might add - you must take ACTION to win, so today’s let’s lay out a blueprint to to just that!



Welcome to the show! 


Are you a big dreamer with a big vision? Great, that is so important to any kind of personal success and network marketing is included in that!


Have you really taken the time to sit down and define your clear and unwavering WHY for building your business? Most people never do, and many people who reach the top will tell you they floundered for a few years with dismal success until they took the time to actually sit down and DO this!


So, we are going to get to it TODAY - no more waiting around, killing time and losing valuable time!


We’ll cover a lot today, and if you want even more coaching on the success principles of network marketing, I invite you to the inside of my Inner Circle Coaching program.


Kick your business up a notch and create the dream lifestyle you really want!



Okay, how to create an action blueprint that will take you to the next level in your business -


  • If your dream is big enough, and I mean really big enough, the how doesn’t matter. You don’t need to force it, as it will show up!
  • Start by reflecting on goals, dreams, whys and intentions you have already written down. Do you have notebooks and scribble notes full of these? Get them out and review.
  • Compile them into where you are today; reflect on what’s worked; what hasn’t; what you will commit to today.
  • Define what success means to you, and don’t let anyone else’s definition alter yours.
  • Think about things you want to achieve - finally own your own business and life’ control your time; feel good about your finances; feel worthy and successful
  • create major change within the world,
  • Write now, pause the recording and speak out loud a goal you want to achieve and a date to achieve it by.
  • Now, let’s get into the emotion of it. Think about how it will make you feel; why you want it; what it will do for your family; how you will feel about yourself; how it will change the course of your life
  • Where attention goes - energy flows
  • Goals are written in concrete, plans are etched out in sand - this offers flexibility
  • See your goal as if it is already done - have that clear vision firmly implanted in your mind.



Now, this is where we get into the nuts and bolts and lay out that action blueprint.


You know what you need to do to make money, get promoted, help others and so on, right? I not, that is your first order of business - know what you need to do and how to explain it.


Once you know that, you begin to lay out the daily and weekly plan that will take you there.


To achieve my goal, I commit to:


  • Work daily to develop my business skills of contacting, inviting, presenting and follow up
  • I will make XX number of new contacts daily
  • I will learn to look fear in the face and move right through it, realizing that most fear is just a wasted emotion on things that likely will never happen
  • I will do XX presentations each month
  • I will promote XX number of people on my team to the position of XX each quarter
  • I will outwork everyone on my team
  • I will fill my calendar daily and put it in a place to be seen by me, and others, and share its contents to keep me on track.
  • I will attend all events in my area and inspire my team to attend as well. I will check all events of the company and look to see who I know in each location and reach out, using the referral approach.
  • I will create momentum in my business by XXX



Develop your own checklist of just a handful of things that you will complete each day. 3-5 is a strong target for this.


Here is an example of a daily 5 - I like 5 because 5 is my lucky number. Pick what works for you.


1. What are the most important actions I must complete today?


2. What 5 people on my team will I reach out to today, through a phone call, email or card?


3. What is my most important belief or mantra for today? Get in the habit of starting your day by defining a single focus mantra to repeat to yourself each day


4. What will I do to build my business today and hold myself accountable? How will I share that with the team?


5. What am I grateful for today?



Okay, so let’s cover your action items for this call -


1.  Get out your previous written intentions and goals and compile them into one.

2. Pick one specific goal and set a date - and make it something you REALLY want.

3. Create your action blueprint

4. Determine your daily 5 or whatever you want. Commit to it!



If you will just spend the next 21 days developing the habits that we’ve covered here, they will take you to the top. I say 21 days because it’s 21 days to a new habit, right, and once you get into a groove, it’s gravy baby!


Reach out to others to find the support you need on this journey. There are many who are there and want to see you succeed. Find and surround yourself with them.


Remember that success is not just measured in tangible results. Things are happening behind the scenes. Celebrate the person you are becoming along the way. Be challenged to become a great influencer of others. 



iTunes reviews shout out!



Lin-Alan - I’ve been listening to Jackie for a hill now and must say she is real. What she teaches works and I highly recommend her to everyone who wants to succeed. And, I’m not in business with her either!




Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.





Show notes


Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #AskJackie


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!


Good luck in your business!



Direct download: 84_SSW084CreateAnActionBluePrintForBusiness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #83.


Have you ever caught yourself always thinking about the future in your Network Marketing business, waiting and longing to reach a certain level or pay rank in your company. Today, let’s talk about staying present and enjoying the journey…..



Welcome to the show! 


One of the greatest challenges we suffer from when starting and growing a Network Marketing business is to always be looking to the future…when we achieve this rank….or this title….or this income level. 


We are taught to dream and visualize our future success, and that is all well and good, and important, as is truly enjoying the journey…


If you are looking for coaching to take your business up a success notch or two, visit my inner circle coaching program and learn how to get coached by me -



Okay, how to stay present and enjoy the journey -


  • Enjoy the journey - my experience at the REO concert
  • Cycles in business
  • Timeline of success
  • People come and go, things change
  • Focus on your intentions and what you can control
  • Celebrate all successes - making 2 contacts a day is as big as sponsoring 2 people a month
  • Create your future vision and start a gratitude journal for today
  • Appreciate your journey and your unfolding Network Marketing story.




1.  Start a gratitude journal so you can reflect on each day and look back at how you have grown.

2. Write your vision for your future

3. Set goals and intentions and take action

4. Determine how you will celebrate success, both large and small


iTunes reviews shout out!


Your Pal Andy writes - Jackie’s training is really terrific. She’s built a number of huge organizations in her network marketing career and her advice and training is spot on. She’s a terrific role model and mentor and, while her training is generic and not company specific to one network marketing company,  if you can’t make it work for your company, you’re probably not listening to what she is saying. I’d fly across the country to hear Jackie speak and have! So, I’m thrilled to be able to profit via iTunes in my PJs. Thank you Jackie Ulmer.


Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.


Show notes


Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #AskJackie


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!


Good luck in your business!



Direct download: 83_SSW083StayingPresentWhileBuildingYourNetworkMarketingBusiness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #82.


Are you a working mom, or rather - a mom working outside of the home, and trying to juggle all the demands from that, running a family and a household and trying to build a successful network marketing business? Then today’s show is for YOU!




Welcome to the show! 


Today, I’m interviewing Paula McKinney from Oklahoma City - full time dental hygienist so a working mom, homeschooling her 3 boys, living in the country with limited internet and building a network marketing business.


Paula and I “met” online quite a few years back and finally met live at the ANMP event in Dallas in 2013. 


She has an amazing work ethic and while she has not yet reached that point in her business where she can leave her job, she is committed to it and has some great tips to share with you on how she blends it all together and how you can too!



If you are looking for coaching to take your business up a success notch or two, visit my inner circle coaching program and learn how to get coached by me -



Let’s welcome Paula… where we cover


Paula’s background.


How she found Network Marketing.


Stay Home Dad.


Contacting Professionals!


Her experience with Online Marketing


How she blends it all.


Tips for making time for your business.



and more!



8 Things You Must Give Up


Self Doubt


Negative Thinking


Fear of Failure


Criticizing yourself and others


Negative self talk




Fear of Success


People Pleasing


Learn more about Paula McKinney! 


iTunes reviews shout out!


Thanks to Erin from Oregon who shares Jackie is so authentic in her sharing and in her work in MLM and this comes through in her coaching. No hype. Her years of experience come through loud and clear as she can anticipate the listeners fears and questions almost before they are asked



Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.





1.  Realize that we all have circumstances that we must deal with - accept yours and find the solutions that will work. Most people start part time while working.

2. Never discount busy professionals or six figure income earners, especially women - many want to be home once they start their families. People like this often have a large circle if influence and can rise to the top quickly. Wouldn’t YOU love to sponsor them?

3. Understand that the internet is a powerful tool, and it has its negatives too - overwhelming, distracting and NOT an immediate fix!

4. What are the sacrifices you will make in the beginning - social time with friends, date night and so on.

5. Sit down with your family and have a discussion and share your goals, plans and how they can be supportive.



Show notes




Questions for the podcast?


How to contact me 


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -


I truly appreciate it and you!



I'll see you on next week's podcast

Direct download: 82_SSW082PaulaMcKinneyInterview.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #81.


You’ve started a business, now what do you DO with it? Who do you share it with, and how? Let’s talk about MARKETING your business.



Welcome to the show! 


Today, I’m covering how to really market your business. Have you ever signed someone up, and had them balk at sharing their new business with anyone they know? Or, maybe you’ve felt this way?


I’m going to share the different ways you can market your business!



If you are looking for coaching to take your business up a success notch or two, visit my inner circle coaching program and learn how to get coached by me -


So many people sign up in their business, often
a network marketing  business, and then they really
don't understand the MARKETING part of it.


One of the most common comments or questions I get from those in the Street Smart Wealth community is - how do I find people to talk to?


Well, that’s crazy, there is no shortage!


3 million people a day go online looking for a financial solution!


Like any business, our business only thrives
when we have people looking at it regularly,
evaluating it and making a decision.


Think of Starbucks, or home depot. How do they make money?


Their store is OPEN. They don’t make money when the doors are closed and neither do YOU!


There are only so many ways to get your business out there -


Warm Market/Circle of Influence



Networking Events


Purchased Leads



Let’s cover each one -


Warm Market/Circle of Influence


The most logical place to start and when you know WHAT and HOW to say it, and the next steps, you will do just fine. Remember that 3 million a day who go online? How many of those might you know?





Ask people who they know who fits a certain criteria



How many times have you signed someone
up and had them balk at talking to their
warm market?



Maybe YOU have even done this, too?



When you have other options and a system in place that you can slide
someone right into, where they can begin to market
and generate leads, you will create a duplication
machine in your business.





Out and about, restaurants, servers, sales clerks in retail and so on



Networking Events


These take time and are best served when you lead with the product




Newspapers, local magazines, moms mags, billboards, radio



Purchased Leads


There is a specific way to work these effectively.


Show notes -


Two ways to work leads -


Call, Email, Mail


Direct mail WORKS!


Do you have more time, or money?


Do you want to better qualify?



Postcard marketing, combined with names

and addresses of those who are LOOKING

for a business is a sure way to create that in your




Imagine what it will feel like to have a solution to

offer someone who wants to get going, but is

reluctant with their warm market, or who has run

out of warm market.



It's nothing short of STUNNING!


Bottom line - you must be marketing to ever move your business forward.


iTunes reviews shout out!


Thanks to Lorrie Kueffer, who writes - Jackie gives step by step instructions on how to be successful. She keeps it simple, and most importantly, everyone can do what she teaches. I highly recommend her trainings.


Thanks Lorrie and congrats, you won the July drawing for iTunes reviews. You get one month of my inner circle coaching! Contact me and I’ll get you the log in details!



Go to to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.





1.  Decide what methods you will use to market your business.

2.  Make a 3 - 6 month commitment to work these methods and master the skills

3.  Have a system then that you can share and duplicate with your team.

4.  Never disregard warm market.



Show notes


Questions for the podcast?


How to contact me 


Has this been helpful? I would REALLY appreciate it if you would rate the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen.


Just go to - click to view in iTunes and you’ll see the link to reviews


And, share the link with friends and team partners!


On Stitcher -



I truly appreciate it and you!


I'll see you on next week's podcast




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Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #80.


And today’s show is a special announcement on the podcast and some changes I’ll be making to the format!





Do you need some specific training on Network Marketing business “how to’s?” Wonder about the nuts and bolts from getting your business launched; to contacting, presenting, following objections and more? And, how about blogging and getting your entire online presence set up so you can attract less online? My Inner Circle Coaching program is open - Get the details at


I have loved doing this show the past year and a half, and plan to continue. And, wanted to let you know of a few changes.


As a leader and someone still in the trenches, like you, building a network marketing team and organization, I had to take a step back and look at my time, and evaluate what is working and what is not!



Here are a few things I am working on and committed to, and thus the reason for the format change:


  • Teambuidling - I want to make a huge impact on many and it starts with my own team
  • Contests - I am developing team contests that I can then share with others who want to do the same
  • Landing and lead capture pages for my team with Postcard Marketing free report and a solid system of duplication.
  • Promotions - I want to help 1000 people fire their boss
  • My coaching program - I love this and want to continue to improve it and market it better
  • Co-host - I am entertaining adding a co host to the show


So, with that in mind, I am going to be producing the show on Monday’s and Thursday’s, with Monday’s being more of the Network Marketing nuts and bolts of building a successful business and Thursday’s being the interview format and so on.


Monday’s will still be a lot of your questions and answers, as that is what people are looking for, besides the success stories.


Network Marketing success stories are critical to show you that you can do it too, and at the same time, the how to’s are also important!


So, as always, I welcome your feedback and thoughts!



Show notes -



Has this show helped you? Tweet me - @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #AskJackie


or, ask them at and include a link to your blog for a link back!



And, if you don’t have my Profit in Your PJS report, 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at 


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!


Good luck in your business



Direct download: 80_SSW080SpecialAnnouncement.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT