Mon, 31 March 2014
Today’s question is….
How do I get over being worried about what other people think about Network Marketing and my decision to join a company?
Boy, can I relate to THIS question. I struggled immensely with this. And, most of it was made up stuff in my own brain and mis-information.
Sometimes, when you start a Network Marketing business, you must be willing to accept a temporary loss of Social Status with some people. Oh well!
Remember this - other people’s opinions don’t pay the bills! More on this later.
I have listened to hundreds of hours of interviews by entrepreneurs, outside of network marketing and do you know most of them have gone through the exact same thing?
When they wanted to buck the corporate system and take the entrepreneurial path, they got huge resistance from parents, family members, friends and those who wanted to “protect them” from themselves.
Think of Robert Kyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He’s “poor dad” or biological father told him to go to school, work hard, get a good education and get a good job with benefits. His rich dad, the father of a good friend was an entrepreneur and encouraged him to chart his own course.
He choose to be an entrepreneur and was met with huge resistance.
Derek Halpern, of Social Triggers shares the story of charting his own course, and starting an entertainment blog, which was not perceived as “worthy” by his parents, and others. He made $25,000 his first month and $20,000 the second month and his mom asked -
When are you going to get a real job? And, he listened and took a corporate job paying $50,000 a year. So he traded what he had made in essentially 2 months for a cubicle and the same pay for 12 months!
Yikes! Needless to say, he didn’t stick with that.
Adam Braun, a hugely successful, but more obscure entrepreneur shares the story of grabbing a steak off the plate of a junior partner in a consulting group he had just joined, when she didn’t eat it and the waiter was taking it away. It was a large corporate dinner.
Needless to say, the entire dinner group stopped and listened when she asked - DID you just take my steak?
What he learned from that lesson is - go for what you want, and show others that you are your own person, confident and self assured.
If you don’t have enemies, you haven’t stood for something.
Asking for permission is asking for denial.
Who are you asking for permission from? Often, when people ask if it’s MLM, they are just waiting for your reaction. To see how you really feel about it!
We worry about being judged by other people, but here is the deal. Even if someone passes judgement on you and your decision, it doesn’t last very long. People don’t about it every time they see you, unless you give them a reason to.
We also tend to make things up about why people don’t like Network Marketing or why they tell us no. We assume they won’t be interested and so on.
My negative blueprint stems from My first experience was as a 12-13 year old, when my Uncle joined Amway and talked to my family about it. I was not around for the conversation but what I remember is my mom, his sister and their other sister, not having a lot of positive to say about it.
What I made up in my mind is that it is bad. Don't know why, but join a Network Marketing company and your family will talk about you.
Now, interestingly, I contacted my mom a few weeks back to ask about that whole experience and why they were so negative about it. Here was her response.
"It's not that I was negative about Amway or that business model, I just know that I am afraid of sales, know that I would never be good at it and I don't like people pushing their products on me, so I could never do that."
Hmmm. That gave some perspective. First, wow, what we can make up as a kid with only pieces of the story.
Second, her perception is that she was having products pushed on her, or would have to do the same. So, either my uncle was too salesy or my mom just made up her own scenario because she wasn't interested and couldn't just say - no thanks, good luck.
Now, I do know it to be true about my mom that our business model is not a fit for her. She's not particularly coachable so even working her through it all would probably not happen.
Good lesson there - know when to let go!
Other People’s Opinions don’t pay your bills. Do you seek other people’s opinions about everything, or other things in your life?
First, not everyone is going to tell you yes, and you may hear a few no's before you get to some yeses. If you know this going in, and are prepared for it, then you will be expecting to hear no from some who you are hoping will join you.
Can you prepare for that now? Can you handle it if and when they say no?
Here is one thing I assure you – if you will stick with your network marketing business; develop your business skills and keep following up with those who you have talked to previously, many of those will come back and say YES at a later time. That is my story. I said no WAY before I said yes. Nothing had changed in the business, products, compensation plan, etc, when I decided to say yes. What had changed was ME. I was now ready.
Remember, other people can only affect you if YOU allow them to. Their opinion does not reflect on you, your company and products, or your decision, It's simply a reflection of them, and where they are in their life right now. And, if someone happens to be mean or nasty about it, then that speaks a bit to character and their own insecurities, in my opinion.
Here is something to say when someone begins to offer their opinion about what you are doing without having seen the business overview.
"You can't really have an opinion about what I am doing if you haven't even seen what it is. If you would like to look it over and then give me an educated opinion, I would love to have that conversation."
What can someone say back to that, really?
Don’t assume everyone is negative on MLM.
Leslie Zann, Donnie Walker and many other top professionals had no negative blueprint, and were fascinated with the business model. Robert Kiyosaki is a huge fan and endorses it.
Me, Margie Aliprandi, Mark Yarnell and others; we had some preconceived ideas about it. We had to overcome this in order to move forward.
So, you must decide for yourself what matters most - as Mark Yarnell said to me -
“I think the real sacrifice is you’re willing to trade impression management, which is stupid anyway and impossible to generate. You’re trading impression management for the right to provide your family with a lifestyle they deserve. It’s amazing the number of people whose lives are horrible, by their own admission, their own description, who will not do what I’m doing because they want to be able to manage the impressions that other people have of them in the community. One thing I’ve learned, the money you make the more stature you’ve got in the community. But a lot of people don’t want to do our industry just because they’re so afraid what people think of ‘em.
So, enough said there!
Good luck!
Questions for the podcast?
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Direct Sales and Social Media BackStage Pass private members coaching is open!
Direct download: QA005HowDoIOvercomeWorryAboutWhatOtherPeopleThink.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am PDT |
Fri, 28 March 2014
From running a successful family business, to finding network marketing, to troubles with the federal govt, to court, to a shocking sentence, to prison, to success again, now a speaker and trainer on a worldwide stage.
You think you have challenges in your business?
When I first met Lisa, it was March, 2013 at the Association of Network Marketing Professionals event in Dallas, where we both spoke on the Social Media Panel. Somehow, I had missed her name in the MLM profession until about a year earlier.
Listening to an interview she did with Eric Worre, I became intrigued to meet and get to know this strong, yet gentle, ambitious, yet kind, seasoned and sweet person.
Today, the opportunity to interview her and draw out a little of her story brings me huge joy and a sense of satisfaction!
In 1988, she was introduced to Network Marketing. She had the good fortune to become part of a company that in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s was a starting point for where some of the greatest network marketing professionals of today began their careers. As she worked her way up through the compensation program in that first company, she was working hand in hand with the best of the best.
Show notes -
Direct download: 61_SSW061FromPrisonToInternationalSuccessLisaGrossman.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT |
Fri, 28 March 2014
Today’s question is….
How do I talk to people without feeling like I have an agenda.
DO you have an agenda and if so, what is it? Write it down and sort through it?
This business is about planting seeds, that sprout and grow into trees that give shade to people you will never know.
Let THAT be your agenda.
What you don’t want to do is always be thinking about what you will get if they join? What YOU will make, and so on.
Think of how it can change THEIR life?
Their history…
Their family tree….for generations to come.
You are not asking for a favor, you are offering an opportunity, and believe it!
Every person who has ever made money in the network marketing profession will tell you that they are GRATEFUL to the person who introduced them. Indebted to them, even.
If you go into every conversation and remember that your prospect is asking - what’s in it for me, and you stop asking yourself the same question, you’ll see your results soar.
We don’t want anyone who can fog a mirror. We want those for whom the time is right - NOW. And, we keep in touch in case it becomes right later on.
It never feels good to have an agenda, so let go of any agenda. It’s not about you. It’s only ever about you when YOU are taking a look. When YOU decide to join.
Once that’s done, it always comes down to how you can serve the person in front of you, right now!
Let your agenda become one of - How might I serve you? Where are you in your life right now and what is best for you based on that?
Do this, and it will come back to you!
That is why blatant pitching of your opportunity doesn’t do well on Social Media - it doesn’t really attract the type of person you want long term in your business. Why? Well, do you see an agenda written in those pitches?
Most have nothing to do with - find a need and offer a solution.
Success in sales, and yes, I am sorry, but we are in sales. Not pushy aggressive sale, but rather the type of sales that is the top of the game. Sales is one of the highest paid professions in the world, and yet people run from the word.
Think of it this way - don’t you LOVE it when you are sold something you REALLY want, in a fantastic way? Do you have a good feeling then, about sales? And what you bought?
Seek to provide the same in your business!
Good luck!
Do you have a question? Ask it at
Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Direct download: QA004HowDoITalkToPeopleWithoutAnAgenda.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PDT |
Wed, 26 March 2014
Hey, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome this Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast, where I answer your burning questions and get you on your way to the Network Marketing Hall of Fame.
Did you know that Social Media Mastery BackStage Pass coaching is now open? Visit for details.
Today’s question is….
Do I lead with the product or opportunity, especially building online, with a blog.
India wants to know!
Begin with the end in mind. What is your “Most wanted response?”
Lead with the product, you get customers FIRST.
Lead with Opportunity - you attract those looking for a business.
First let’s cover that question offline and then move online.
Offline, it’s best to lead with common sense and “where you are with the prospect.”
When making your list, you take each person individually and decide how you want to lead, and again, what is your most wanted response?
Let’s take weight loss. A high demand market, for sure, but also touchy, depending on how you are approaching it.
“Hey, would you be interested in losing 15 pounds in 10 days?” You will get some interest, and you might also offend some people. Especially women. We are sensitive to that, typically!
Now, consider this though - what if you set up a booth at a bridal show - And led with the product - Be your ideal weight in time for your wedding.
You might get the bride, her attendants, mothers and more involved and interested in that one. And, then what if you took it a step further and mentioned that she might want to become a distributor and market these great products to her bridal party and other friends, and make enough to pay cash for a honeymoon?
I can’t tell you how many people I have met in network marketing and party plan who joined a company to make enough for the honeymoon. I’ve seen them at shows and networking events I have attended. They are HIGHLY motivated because they have a BIG why.
You could wear a t-shirt to the gym or anywhere and see what happens. Web decals on cars and so on.
Now, let’s talk online -
We know that over 3 million a day go online looking for a business. Can they find you?
How many go online looking for your product?I don’t know, but in certain product lines - weight loss - it is in HIGH demand and also highly competitive.
But, what if you took the same approach that I mentioned offline? What of you targeted groups, pages and areas in social media for brides? What if you created Youtube videos, and took the same approach, leading with the product and back ending with “make money for your honeymoon.”
You NEVER run out of prospects because people get engaged and married every day. LOTS of them, all around the globe!
The same is true for leading with the business, you just have to research the target areas online. Think of devout followers of Robert Kyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad - they are prime for network marketing because he nonchalantly endorses it with many other methods.
Real estate investors can be the same.
You mentioned the blog, and that’s a great place to write articles and blog posts that target keywords and then take those posts and market them on Social Media. Don’t wait for google to find you - get out there and spread the word.
And, also determine what you are best suited to communicate on, both in status updates and out on social media as well as blog posts and what you write.
That’s an ongoing question - what to lead with. Everyone has an opinion and there is not a right or wrong. I know top income earners from both sides. It’s really more about you, your passion and your tenacity!
Good luck.
Do you have a question? Ask it at
Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Direct download: QA003DoILeadWithProductOrOpportunity.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am PDT |
Sun, 23 March 2014
Today’s question is….
I really want to be successful in my business, but how do I find the time? I’m so busy.
Well, I have to say, I love this question and I hear it A LOT!
Here is the thing - EVERYONE is busy. Seriously - you are not unique there. Sorry to say!
You will never FIND the time, you must make the time! PERIOD.
We all have the same 24 hours in the day, and we all choose what our priorities are. We do that, even if we aren’t thinking about it. Just look where you spend your time - THAT’s where your priorities are. Don’t like it? Change it!
Here are some ways to make your time count.
First decide your commitment - REALLY decide. Stop fooling yourself - DECIDE, COMMIT, PRIORITIZE.
CALENDAR everything - work, play, church, housework, and business time.
If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t get done.
Sit down with your family, share your WHY and what you are working to accomplish. Avoid hype and money claims. Ask what they would like to do/have when you reach certain successes.
Small kids - Use language appropriate for their age range. Ask for their help and support.
Set up a business plan and schedule it on the calendar as best you can and stick to it. Then, you can show it as a reference point to the family and they know when you are working and when you are available.
Create a family calendar, Involve the children in your business wherever possible. Whether it's lickin' and stickin' stamps and envelopes, putting up fliers, passing out business cards to parents of playmates, or whatever else you can afterwards. Sometimes my kids would beg to help! Get them involved in age appropriate tasks
I have an entire podcast show dedicated to working the business as a mom -
Balance is a myth. You will be in balance in some areas and out of balance in others and this is an ongoing thing.
Set reasonable goals for yourself and DON'T compare yourself to others. This is dangerous. No two people have the same life situation.
Be the best that you can be and commit to those income producing activities first, and avoid email except for specific times during the day.
Don’t fall victim to all or nothing. You don’t need big blocks of 1-2 hours or more at a time to work your business.
Schedule chunks of time - 15 min morning, noon lunch hour in car, stop at starbucks on the way home for an extra 30 minutes.
Get VERY organized with meal planning - engage family for help, use your crock pot.
Look at extra curricular activities and decide what you are willing to give up for the short term, to have it all for the long term!
Use technology - Today, with the internet and all of the tools out there, keeping in touch: delivering timely information to your prospects; training to your team and even putting yourself out there so that people who are ready and looking for a business NOW can find you through the search engines. Do NOT let technology scare you. I had moderate success in MLM doing it the “old fashioned” way. I created a full time income, but not “obscene money.” Today, using the internet a lot in my business, I’m a VERY HAPPY MLM WAHM working about 30 hours a week. I’m able to work fewer hours than the “typical networker” because I let technology be my sales force and “PR People!”
Use smartphone apps to post to social media sites during blank times - in school pick up line, line at grocery store, waiting in a doctors office, at gymnastics practice or wherever you find yourself with stuck time and nothing productive to do with it.
At the same time, social media and technology can be a time sucker if you let it - FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, EMAIL - email is just someone else’s agenda for you.
YOU control the times.
Do all income producing activities as soon as you can, earliest in the day. Then, you have the important stuff covered.
Remember, we all have priorities. They are already evident by where we spend or give away our time, YOU control your calendar and your destiny. You really do.
When the why is strong enough, the rest shows up.
Good luck! |
Sun, 23 March 2014
Hey, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to the FIRST episode of this NEW edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast, where we answer your burning questions and get you on your way to the Network Marketing Hall of Fame.
This is Episode QA001.
Yes, I am now doing a short, Q and A podcast Mon-Fri, except for Thursdays, which is my regular show. I was getting so many great questions and thought it might be fun for me, and good for you to have short clips to learn from, store in your arsenal for future use, and we’ll see how it goes!
You can certainly leave me your comments over at
I hope you enjoy this addition!
Did you know that Social Media Mastery BackStage Pass coaching is now open? Visit for details.
Today’s question is….
I’m really trying in my business, but how do I deal with an unsupportive spouse?
This can be a doozy, so some questions to ask yourself -
Does my spouse support me in most areas?
What other areas does he or she not support me?
In my gut, what do I feel this lack of support is based around?
Have I tried other “things” spent other “money” and not been successful? IF so, why was I not successful? Be honest. Did I really go all in, give it everything?
Have their been multiple things?
Does my spouse understand how my business works? Understand Network Marketing? Is it just a lack of education?
Have you asked to sit down and go through it with an open mind to at least understanding it?
Kyosaki and Trump - Why We Want You to be Rich, The Business of People Helping People, The Business of the 21st Century
Create a space where he/she can see beyond the hype and propaganda some reps put on MLM.
Robert Allen, John Gray, Brian Tracy, to name a few big names.
Make a decision, and I mean a REAL decision. Decide if you are all in, and then schedule a family meeting.
Sit down, and share your goals, your reasons, your heartfelt desires and let them know what you would most like from them, how they can support you, and what you would like to do, as a family and a “team” when you start making money.
No hype, no BS, just real, raw and committed. Then, listen. Answer questions and DO NOT get defensive.
Most often, the break down is in communicating effectively. He said/she said and everyone assumes. Lots of things.
Share what you intend to do, write out a business plan that’s based around your actions and activities. That’s all you can control. But, and here is the Big BUT - be ready to commit to that plan. Don’t be a talker. Talk is cheap. Be an action taker!
I do promise you this, when you can “show them the money” - things can begin to change. Not for everyone, because with some, it’s a much deeper issue. But for most, success, in the form of monetary compensation has a way of turning the biggest of skeptics into happy believers!
Good luck
Do you have a question? Ask it at
Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at
Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
Thu, 20 March 2014
Donnie Walker, who brings over 23 years of experience in our profession to the show today, is an inspiration with his "never quit" attitude! He is a self proclaimed graduate of the MLM school of hard knocks, since 1991, and has reached the top of at least 3 companies, only to start over again when his values did not aligned with those of the company. He is strong on honesty and integrity. His quote - "I love this industry for what it can do for the person, that doesn't think they can have more in life. Network Marketing can change lives forever." Multiple times, Donnie has built groups of ten and twenty thousand, only to find himself starting over when things didn’t line up. So, I asked him - how did you start over? Did you go back to your list; your old downline, or what? He started back in the time with no cell phones, fax, internet and the per minute charge to Australia was $25 a MINUTE! He incurred thousand dollar phone bills. While nothing beats the face to face encounter, Donnie was truly an early pioneer of the internet, back in the early 90s with Compuserve, and then AOL, and met lots of people in a chat room called MLM Live. He can still name hundreds of people he is still friends with from that room. Donnie is a true Network Marketing Master Social Media - the word - didn’t exist, but he was “doing it!”
Instant Messenger was built by networkers and launched Social Media today, in Donnie’s opinion.
Direct download: 60_SSW060Donnie_Walker_Top_Income_Earner_Multiple_Times.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am PDT |
Wed, 12 March 2014
Today, we are going to cover the power in developing stories and becoming a good story teller. You’ve heard it before - Facts tell, stories sell. And, yet think how many times we are tempted to blurt out nothing but the facts and features of what we are offering. As you are building rapport with people and building on those relationships, the stories you share about your life and how they relate to your business.
You will learn how to create a solid story to share so you can handle that question - How is it working for you? Once you can handle this question, you are well on your way to what you want. You’ll learn the importance in what you say and how you say it, so you don’t come off as salesy or like a telemarketer, which can be our worst fear, right?
Show notes -
Direct download: 59_SSW059CreatingYourSuccessStoriesInNetworkMarketing.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT |
Thu, 6 March 2014
Are you afraid of picking up the phone to call prospects about your Network Marketing business? Have you ever wondered about working with leads? Today's podcast features my interview with Dialing For Dollars Gal Tracy Monteforte. Tracy was a school teacher looking for a way to be home with her newborn when her sister introduced her to Network Marketing. She has had her share of ups and downs in MLM, including having a company close down in the US and being forced to move to another company. After joining a leads company, she began to master the art of working the phones, dialing for dollars and calling leads. This show will teach you how to make friends with your phone! Show notes -
Direct download: 58_SSW058Dialing_For_Dollars_With_Tracy_Monteforte.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:30am PDT |
Fri, 28 February 2014
Today, we are going to cover the power in developing stories and becoming a good story teller. You’ve heard it before - Facts tell, stories sell. And, yet think how many times we are tempted to blurt out nothing but the facts and features of what we are offering. As you are building rapport with people and building on those relationships, the stories you share about your life and how they relate to your business.
You will learn how to create a solid story to share so you can handle that question - How is it working for you? Once you can handle this question, you are well on your way to what you want. You’ll learn the importance in what you say and how you say it, so you don’t come off as salesy or like a telemarketer, which can be our worst fear, right?
Show notes -
-- posted at: 4:55pm PDT