Thu, 27 June 2013
From Old School to New School – Interview with 30+ Year Veterans The debate about whether the internet “really” works as a tool to build and sustain a network marketing business rages on. Actually, there are many ways to build a successful business and it does not have to be an either or. All [...]
Direct download: 22_SSW022_Old_School_New_School_Interview.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:16am PDT |
Thu, 20 June 2013
Twitter Basics for MLM Success . Baffled by Tweeting, and Tweet Chats, and how this can move your business forward and attract people to you for your products and your business? This podcast covers some Twitter basics and tips to push your content, your brand and ultimately your business and team out online. We’ll cover [...]
Thu, 13 June 2013
Prosperity Mindset for MLM Success . So often, we start at the wrong place in our business. We start with trying to learn the nuts and bolts of “how” to do the business, when we aren’t really clear on “why” to do the business. And, we often have a lot of emotional garbage and baggage [...]
Direct download: 20_SSW020_Prosperity_Mindset_for_Home_Business_Success.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:54am PDT |
Thu, 6 June 2013
. Managing Social Media Overwhelm – Taming Social Media . It sounds great, and it is by the way, marketing your business online; having people come to you instead of the reverse and so on, right? But, then you get out there and it’s Tweet this; and status updates; and video marketing, blogging and on [...]