Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

Hi, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 34  in the Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast


Show notes can be found at


Today’s question is -  What does your daily calendar look like and how to you gauge your success on a daily and weekly basis?


Today’s show is brought to you by -  


And if you are ready to take your business online, and use the amazing tools of social media sites like Facebook, LI, Twitter, GPlus, Pinterest and more to attract people to you who are already pre sold and looking for a home business, join my inner circle coaching program and learn what works and how to build a freedom business of your dreams.  -  


Today’s question is….


Asked by Miriam Dady and thanks so much Miriam, here’s the question -


What does your daily calendar look like and how to you gauge your success on a daily and weekly basis?




I’m going to break this into 2 parts, first the calendar and then gauging success.




Income producing activities

Active Prospecting vs Passive Marketing


Follow Up


Team contacts


Content Creation


Blog 5 days a week - my podcast, videos


My Inner Circle Coaching Program - creating new content, answering questions from the members




Social Media



Now, about Gauging your success -


I set daily intentions. It’s all I can control.


I have a daily and weekly to do list


Every night I reflect on what I did and make note. I improve where I need to and acknowledge myself where I am strong.


Consistency breeds success,


Too many people get confused by thinking about their business vs working on it, and working in it. Working on it is studying, conference calls and emails, training and so on.


Working in it is being in the trenches and engaging in income producing activities.


Set a goal for the next month - do a daily check in at the end of the day on your income producing activities.


Measure your own success based around that and make changes as needed!


Show notes -


Good luck in your business


Do you have a question? Ask it at


Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at 


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: QA034WhatDoesYourDailyCalendarLookLike.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:30am PDT