Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by

Haters Shamers and Trolls - bullies, in other words. They’ve always been there, we’ve all had them, and Social Media just gave them enough space to hide, and a space to be loud and proud, and a coward.

My mom used to say - be worried when people aren’t talking about you. I try to fall back ion that during those times I am feeling a bit of comparanoia or self doubt about putting myself on Social Media.

Is my hair ok? Is that a new wrinkle? Are those bags under my eyes? Does this shirt make me look washed out?

I also remind myself that if you ran into me in the store, this is how I would look.

You’ll attract your tribe with your vibe, and they do not want you to be perfect. In fact, far from it. They want to be reminded that you are just like them. And, this means they can do it too.

Remember this - the critics are never the ones doing more than you. They are doing less. Far less. They just have a big mouth, and thoughtless fingers!

Do you have a question for me? DM me on Instagram @jackieulmer

I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

Direct download: MMM27HatersShamersTrolls.mp3
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