Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer

Hi, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 50 in the Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast


Show notes can be found at



I remember when I first started my Network Marketing business. I was consumed with knowing the exact right script to say to people; how to follow up; what sizzle call to take them on and all of these “things” about the business that I thought were important. Really, what success comes down to is the A B C D ’s and I’m going to cover those in today’s show.



Today’s show is brought to you by -  


My inner circle coaching program has launched and in it you will find all of the tools, training and resources you need to build a successful network marketing business online and offline.


Success scripts, how to contact, invite, train and duplicate, along with how to attract an unlimited amount of leads online, who are pre sold on a business and looking.


Go to  for details.





What does it take to be successful in Network Marketing? What are those things I should focus on daily?





A B C D  - these are what makes or breaks you.


A - attitude

B - belief

C - culture

D - DMO  daily method of operation



Attitude - are you confident, or just wishing and hoping? What are you sharing with your prospects through your body language and conversation? You can say one thing, and easily feel another.



Belief - in you and your ability.


Culture this starts with YOU in action, following a system and sharing this concept every time you can with those on the team. It doesn’t matter how they find people - online, offline, ads, biz opp leads - the key is inviting 2 a day. So, you create the culture by always asking - did i work my business to the best of my ability today?



DMO - Daily method of operation. Where the rubber meets the road. Income producing activities; contact, invite, present with tools, follow up, track, be organized, be consistent, take time off when you need it and yet get back in the saddle; don’t complain; reframe how you see things.



Success is about simply doing a few simple things, over and over again. It’s blocking out the negativity that we can allow to creep in; the doubts, the fears and the lack of belief. That small voice that can smack us if we aren’t careful.


Everyone goes through it. You think Bill Gates didn’t? Steve Jobs? Donald Trump?


All successful people go through the challenges; the near failures and so on. They just don’t let it define the vision and future they want.



Show notes -



Good luck in your business


Do you have a question? Ask it at


Hey, if you’re looking for 8 easy steps to create and build your network marketing business online then Grab the free guide over at 


Until next time - remember this - Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!



Direct download: QA050ABCDOfNetworkMarketingSuccess.mp3
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